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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Apr 6, 2016
CW3 Operations Officer
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Responses: 6
William Chu
Even as a civilian, I remember in my early to mid-20s I did not believe in professional networking. I thought it just meant pretending to like people because of what they could potentially do for you - and vice versa. What I've come to realize is that while it is important, you should still do it in the right way. Make genuine connections with people. Help others whenever you can. It will all come back to you tenfold. The genuine connection could be the difference between someone simply forwarding an email with your resume to HR and someone making it a point to talk to the hiring manager for the position and giving you a personal reference before you even get a call from HR.
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Capt Brandon Charters
Edited 9 y ago
Excellent points CW3 (Join to see). Thanks for sharing these lessons.
William Chu made a terrific observation as well. Making genuine connections throughout your career is very important. Be someone that people can go to for help at every assignment, unit, or company you work at. Invest in the people around you and expand your network when you can.
You touched on another great point: Networking is still a foreign concept for most service members. Many don't realize the doors that can open through seeking mentorship from leaders they work for and helping their peers whenever they can. Practice this early and often...you nailed it.
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CPT Jason Mitchell, MBA
Edited 9 y ago
Orin, I pray your advice reaches the ears of many servicemembers who are about to transition; especially those with enough time to build a very strong network in the career path that they wish to pursue. I'm one of the many that made the mistake of leaving the service without a plan. All you find by trying to go it alone in a town that you don't know many people is heartbreak and a lack of good prospects in the job market. I'm 4 years out and still attempting to find a long term career. Great advice!
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