Posted on Oct 12, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
VA spent $6.3 million on sculptures and fountains for their hospitals. Should they have?

RP Members what do you think? Could this money have been put to better use for veterans or decrease backlogs with additional resources?

There’s a $483,000 rock sculpture that’s layered into cubes outside the mental health center at the Department of Veterans Affairs hospital in Palo Alto, Calif., that’s meant to evoke “a sense of transformation, rebuilding and self-investigation,” according to designers. It’s part of a renovated $1.3 million courtyard.

There’s an art installation on the side of a parking garage that displays quotes by Abraham Lincoln and Eleanor Roosevelt in Morse code, at a cost of $285,000. It lights up.
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Responses: 54
SGT Jeremiah B.
Edited >1 y ago
A lot of people want to discount the value of art, but have you ever been to an austere hospital? They're terrifying. Private hospitals spend MUCH more than that for just one building. Hell, the hospital I work at spent more than that by a long shot. Why? The mental and emotional side of things is extraordinarily important.

Hospitals are stressful. You don't go to them for fun. Art makes it less scary, more interesting and a more pleasant experience. Environment has a significant impact on healing and art is an important part of the human experience, even though some like to pretend it's a froo-froo waste of time and money.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
>1 y
Agreed. The art need not be original though, to be beautiful and helpful to the patient trudging the hallways. Costs could be cut by a huge factor (1/4th? 1/10th?) by requiring the artwork must be reproductions, not originals. Some of the most beautiful and effective (palliative) hallway art for me have been high quality outdoor photography blown up to mural sizes.
MGySgt George W Iliffe Jr
MGySgt George W Iliffe Jr
9 y
If the money can't go to patients, I'd much prefer it to go to art instead of greedy administrators like those two woman who arranged their own transfers for financial gain.
SMSgt David A Asbury
SMSgt David A Asbury
9 y
I had a surgery at my VA hospital. When I talked with my doctor about the need to spend the night, reply was"Hospitals are for sick people, they are full of germs and nasty things. I really did understand what he was saying. I could of stayed the night but I was happier at home. When friends comes to visit me, I take them around town and always by the VA Hospital to show where I have gotten all my care since 1993. I want my VA hospital to look good, it helps the people who go there as well as those who work there. So the need to spend a little to make it look nice is OK with me.
PO3 Paul Lowrey
PO3 Paul Lowrey
2 y
I'm a combat veteran of the Vietnam war serving with the Brown Water Navy 100% disabled. I live in Florida and am trusting the VA to take care of me. Without going into it I could care less about decorating the exterior but more interested in the care I get.
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SrA Daniel Hunter
I think it's lovely. I could sit there and wait six months for an appointment.
SSgt Quality Assurance Evaluator
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
LMAO. I am sorry you have to wait, and praying that by the time I have to use the VA this problem is resolved. Glad you have a sense of humor about it.
SrA Daniel Hunter
SrA Daniel Hunter
>1 y
SSgt (Join to see) - Actually I haven't used the VA in years. Although when, or rather if I ever retire I may. I hope it improves as well. Humor is the cure to nearly everything.
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LTC Stephen C.
Edited >1 y ago
COL Mikel J. Burroughs, the answer is NO. I'll bet there are many excellent veteran artists that would be glad to have their art displayed for the materials and transport costs alone.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
>1 y
Yes, they can get beautiful pieces of art, and spend much less than they do today. Laziness and lack of initiative on the part of the person spending the money.
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