Posted on Oct 16, 2019
SSG(P) Photographer/Owner
I'm currently enrolled in Southern New Hampshire University for AS-Criminal Justice. I'm seriously considering changing my major to AS-Business Administration. All my classes so far correlate to my prospective major so I'd have the same amount of credits and would graduate at the same time. I'm considering getting out of the Criminal Justice field for both work and school. Pros versus Cons? PFC (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG(P) James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" LTC Stephen F. CPL Dave Hoover SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth SSG (Join to see) Capt Dwayne Conyers CPT Jack Durish
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 8
SFC Retention Operations Nco
It's an Associates, it doesn't really matter much what you get it in. You can decide on what you want for a Bachelor and it will all transfer.
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
>1 y
I have 5 years of college and no degree. CLEP tests. Military training. NCO academy. 40 years of experience. Contracting, SAP, former Director of Logistics. I speak German, Dutch, Spanish and some French. My next one will be Hungarian
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1SG Visual Information Operations Chief
Degrees are pointless if they don't refine your current skills or add some.

If you are switching your degree to become a better NCO then a Business degree will add some tools from the managing perspective and strategic thinking.

However, you should ask yourself, do I see myself having a career in business management and am I passionate about it?

Just make sure your future degree will help you 5 to 25 yrs from now.
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LTC Stephen F.
Well, my friend SSG(P) (Join to see)
After reviewing the previous responses;
1. How long have you been in this Associate degree program and how much longer until you are slotted to graduate? If this is the first semester, then I would consider what bachelors degree you would be aiming for.
Business Degree [Bachelor of Arts Degree]
Criminal Justice [Bachelor of Science Degree]

2. Are you planning on going for a masters program degree in the next 10 years or so? If you are the Bachelors degree needs to support that program for efficiency - otherwise you would need to get another bachelors degree.
a. If your choices are Business and Criminal Justice many of the required courses would most likely be compatible.
b. Of course the BS would have more math/science course requirements.

3. Are you using your own funding [including loans] or is this a GI bill funded program? If the latter you may have a requirement to use the degree work in an assignment long enough to validate plus you might need to reenlist to make sure you don't to reimburse the government [generally two years for each year you are in the program

4. Are you planning to change your MOS? Right now you are a combat engineer. Are you interested in becoming an MP or an CID criminal investigator? If you are the Criminal Justice could well make sense assuming you intend to get a BS in Criminal Justice.
What do you think? LTC John Shaw SFC William Farrell SPC Chris Bayner-Cwik SPC Woody Bullard SMSgt Lawrence McCarter TSgt David L.PO1 Robert GeorgeSGT John Melvin
ISG John FairclothSN Donald HoffmanMAJ Richard Martin
SSG Robert Mark Odom COL Mikel J. Burroughs
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