Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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Responses: 535
LtCol Michael Niermeier
I am really disappointed, betrayed and and angry. 20 years of Administrations had the opportunity to figure out a strategy that could adapt based on assessments of the capabilities of the government and evaluations of the police and army. After all this time, no one understands that Afghans respect strength. The Taliban wont respond to a few diplomats.
LtCol Michael Niermeier
LtCol Michael Niermeier
>1 y
Jackson Elliott sorry. Just saw this. Probably a little late.
Jackson Elliott
Jackson Elliott
>1 y
No problem, thanks for getting back to me. It's a follow-up story more than a breaking news story. I hope to have it out by Friday.
Jackson Elliott
Jackson Elliott
>1 y
Jackson Elliott - Email me anytime and I'd be glad to talk.
SPC Greg Carr
SPC Greg Carr
3 mo
Read John Perkins' book "confessions of an economic hitman" and read "The Thistle And The Drone: How Americas War on Terror Became a Global Waron Tribal Islam." Everything will make sense.
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1SG Timothy Trewin
Honestly I am not affected as much as others might. I guess it's because I made peace with the fact that I knew this would happen many years ago. It sucks because of how many lives were lost for essentially a lost cause. I just pray that others find peace through this time.
SSG John Oliver
SSG John Oliver
3 y
Well said
SPC Greg Carr
SPC Greg Carr
3 mo
Read John Perkins' book "confessions of an economic hitman" and read "The Thistle And The Drone: How Americas War on Terror Became a Global Waron Tribal Islam." Everything will make sense.
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LT Brad McInnis
It doesn't matter who was in office, it always was going to be a sh#tshow when we left. Mainly because we lack the will at the upper levels to actually defeat radical Islam. My concern and shock, though, is after all the blood sweat and tears that we have spent over there trying to build the ANA, ANP et al, how quickly they turned turtle. They didn't even really put up a fight. Makes you question why we were there for so long. My hope is this serves as a reminder (although I am sure it won't because we have had plenty of others) that when we engage our troops it needs to have a clear and concise mission with well defined goals. If you can't meet those requirements, then don't get involved or do a 30k foot campaign with a lot of bombs.
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
3 y
CSM Charles Hayden - We gave money to AFG government for the 3B's, where did it go? Oh that's right, the prez packed it into cars and a helo as he skedaddled across the border. We need, in the future, to put restrictions on foreign aid and have a method to claw it back if it isn't being used the way it is supposed to...
SSG Robert Velasco
SSG Robert Velasco
3 y
When Lindsey Graham, matt gaetz, rand Paul, Jim Jordan and friends ever get around to supporting the trooos,it will be a welcome change to get in some dialogue and ask them why they are so anti government now and against democracy that we fight earnestly for.
SSG Robert Velasco
SSG Robert Velasco
3 y
LT Brad McInnis that's what sp ops are created for
SPC Greg Carr
SPC Greg Carr
3 mo
Read John Perkins' book "confessions of an economic hitman" and read "The Thistle And The Drone: How Americas War on Terror Became a Global Waron Tribal Islam." Everything will make sense. Read the webpage Read "Six in 10 or more Muslims across seven largely Muslim countries considered Westerners to be selfish, violent, greedy, and immoral, according to a Pew Research Center survey in 2011. Only about three in 10 saw Westerners as honest, tolerant, and generous." We need to defeat the evil within ourselves.
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LTC Randy Dodds
Edited 3 y ago
Afghanistan is now and has always been ungovernable. The Brits found that out in 1842, the Russians in 1989 and now we learned that bitter lesson as well. Nation building there was something that would never have succeeded. That said, it's not that we were never going to leave Afghanistan. That had to happen at some point. It was how we went about leaving. When a Pentagon spokesman was quoted as saying only three days ago, in essence, the ANA had the means to hold the Taliban at bay and now the Afghan government has fled, the ANA has disappeared and the Taliban are roving through the Green Zone says something about how epically wrong our intelligence was concerning the Afghan will to fight. I feel especially sorry for all those who worked with us over the last 20 years for it is they who are now most at risk. Heartfelt thanks to all those who served in Afghanistan and prayers for those still there helping in the evacuation.
CPT Paul Whitmer
CPT Paul Whitmer
3 y
Spot on Randy.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
The Intelligence was there. We knew exactly what would happen. The Brass (likely influenced by the Pols) refused to listen.

Working as an Intel guy in Iraq, I literally watched Brigade Commanders re-write Intel assessments so that our assessment etc the higher-echelon and political narrative
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
RP decided to post for me, before I was done ...

Working as an Intel guy in Afghanistan, I was *at* the higher echelon. I didn't SEE the re-writing of Intel. But I saw the mis-match between what was in the reports and what the ground truth was. And I saw how the unfavorable Intel was downplayed - or died on the vine and just not reported up the chain because it "wasn't important" - and the marginally favorable Intel was crafted to sound exceptionally favorable - and then trumpeted from atop the mountain. (There was no ACTUAL favorable Intel).
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CSM Thomas Ray
The end result with the Taliban taking over was bound to happen, the exit strategy was a cluster. When I came home from Viet Nam, I was asked what did I think was going to happen and I said it would be a short time before the North took over the country, counter to what the state dept. and senior officials were saying. The situation here is the same, if they had asked the people actually on the ground they would have been told a different story. The end result is the US looks weak and the creditability has sunk to a new low. The real winners in this are China and Russia that never left their embassies and were left alone by the Taliban, having already brokered a deal before the withdrawal.
SPC Greg Carr
SPC Greg Carr
3 mo
Read John Perkins' book "confessions of an economic hitman" and read "The Thistle And The Drone: How Americas War on Terror Became a Global Waron Tribal Islam." Everything will make sense.
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SSG Robert Perrotto
I feel betrayed. Our politicians broke an accord with their Soldiers - 20 years of my buddies getting killed, losing limbs to IED's, and the mental scars most of us Infantrymen have to bear by the things we saw, and had to do, and for what? Bin Laden and Saddam have been dead for years, why the fuck were we there afterwards? why the fuck did we pour billions of dollars into those shitholes of a third world country when we ALL KNEW the enemy was going to take it all back when we left. fuck hearts and minds - kill em all and let allah sort em out.
SSG Robert Velasco
SSG Robert Velasco
3 y
SSG Robert Perrotto in the end Putin was holding all thr face cards leningrad Lindsey: queen of spades,Moscow Mitch- king of spades, Gym Jordan- jack of spades, Kevin McCarthy-10 of spades and last but not least: Wonald tRump- Ace of spades!!! Royal Flushed.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
3 y
SSG Robert Velasco - riiiggghhhttt - as Biden nixes our pipeline, asks OPEC to increase production, and approves of western europe being held hostage to russian energy sources by sanctioning the German/Russian pipeline - you gotta stop drinking the fucking kool-aid brother - this debacle is not single party specific. Obama and Biden had 8 years to formulate an exit strategy.
SSG Robert Velasco
SSG Robert Velasco
3 y
SSG Robert Perrotto when the enlisted men began crying and ranting about having a date scheduled and had to leave early, it was extremely difficult to comprehend. Especially when they aren't familiar with t-ms and took 30 minute latrine breaks! So rant all you want,everybody's listening and have their own Kleenex!
Jackson Elliott
Jackson Elliott
>1 y
Hello SSG Perrotto, I'm a reporter writing about the retreat from Afghanistan and its impact on veterans. Would you be able to talk with me? My email is [login to see]
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SSG Edward Tilton
$2 Trilion thrown hat crooks like DeVoss and her Brother and given Mercenaries. They never had one bit of support from the Pashtuns. Thousands of prisoners were murdered in our name. It left a stain on everyone it touched. Other than hunting Bin Laden, we had no business there
SSG Robert Velasco
SSG Robert Velasco
3 y
Document your proof and findings.not only will you do those before us a great service, but you yourself will find added purpose. Yes Betsy Devos and her undesirable brother did profit and exploit the country's vulnerability during that administration, but the future wants to and has to be informed of ,"Why" ?
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SSG(P) Automated Logistical Specialist
As a two time Afghanistan Veteran, I feel like we tried to make a difference over the past 20 years. It was hearts over minds even when getting shot at. We spent a lot of money, resources and lives trying to make a difference bit unfortunately it didn't work. Not because we failed but because some people are stuck in their ways. I fell sorry for those who risked their lives to help us and for those who wished us no harm. We need to strengthen our military and our borders and invest more money into ourselves for the next generations to come. When I say strengthen our borders I mean from terrorist, and those that want to do us harm.. Not from people looking to work and make a better life for their family. Just want to make that clear. It's a shame we couldn't save the good people of Afghanistan but at the same time we can't save everybody. We need to save ourselves as well.
SSG(P) Automated Logistical Specialist
SSG(P) (Join to see)
3 y
SSG Robert Velasco I wish everyone else was as brave as her. Things could be different. I'll keep her and all the other women, children and men who embraced the change we were trying to make in my prayers. The extreme ideology that they have to deal with, will not be easy. Could we have done better? Perhaps. It's what I ask myself. But I don't have the answer.
SSG Robert Velasco
SSG Robert Velasco
3 y
SSG(P) (Join to see) there is no quick answers to the puzzle of mankind. The women in Afghanistan have been oppressed for so long they don't realize it's a struggle for legitimacy. So many young men and able bodied men forced their way at the kabul airport unto a plane that could've saved countless women,and girls from the Taliban. But only to be pushed aside again to save themselves, the men have dreams of picking gold up from the streets of America.
SSG(P) Automated Logistical Specialist
SSG(P) (Join to see)
3 y
SSG Robert Velasco its so unfortunate and hard to digest.
SSG Robert Velasco
SSG Robert Velasco
3 y
SSG(P) (Join to see) document what you can,I need to keep the names,location and dates of these people and keep them alive through information and networks.
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LTC David Brown
I am sickened! This is a huge blunder with many facets that are going to effect US international diplomacy for decades. Right now China is telling Taiwan you cannot depend on the US to sustain you, the same message is being given to Hong Kong. China is recognizing the Taliban. They see a client state. It is a mess.
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SGT Joseph Gunderson
I mean, Obama did it to Iraq. There was no doubt Biden was on course to do the same in Afghanistan. It has become eminently clear that Democrat politicians cannot be trusted with foreign policy. Frankly, my only surprise, so far, has been that we haven't lost a handful of American lives at this point, repeating Obama and Clinton's horrendous handling of the Benghazi situation. Over the course of the last decade we have officially lost any and all progress made in the middle east since 2001, and, in the blink of an eye, told all of our allies that we refuse to stick to our obligations. Biden has signed the death warrants of thousands by precipitously pulling out of the country, putting American lives at risk, as well. Most of the administration should be announcing resignations immediately, to include himself, the Sec of State, the SecDef, and the CJCS. What is occurring right now is a travesty, orchestrated entirely at the hands of a weak, cowardly, and intellectually vapid administration more concerned with moronic and deleterious domestic policies than protecting the nation and it's partners around the world from murderous terrorist groups. If the members of this administration don't resign, they should be impeached or whatever is necessary to remove them from their positions. They simply cannot be trusted at this point.
SSG Robert Velasco
SSG Robert Velasco
3 y
PO2 R Greg Schmidt very dignified of you to be an offensive character unable to right a wrong! Be satisfied that you're mediocre at best!
SSG Robert Velasco
SSG Robert Velasco
3 y
SGT Joseph Gunderson hahaha! You delirious fool. You project your pathetic flaws onto me in true tRump maggot fashion and still you're a leech! Go away ,mad if you want idc,but just go away!
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Joseph Gunderson
3 y
SSG Robert Velasco bud, I really hope you're someday able to pull your head outta your fourth point of contact. But, until then, you take it easy, kiddo.
SrA Lawrence Baiocco
SrA Lawrence Baiocco
3 y
Totally agree.
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