Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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Responses: 535
1SG Steven Stankovich
I am extremely disappointed and frustrated in the decision making process of the current administration in the handling of the withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Afghanistan. We all knew the day was coming, but I fell that there were numerous options available instead of just "cutting sling" on the Afghan Forces. That is how I see it. We cut sling on them. I am deeply saddened and upset to see the black flag of the Taliban flying over places where my Soldiers and I have fought. I do however take great solace in the fact that I served over there with some of the finest Soldiers that our Country produced. For me, I served over there for my Soldiers, their families, and then the People of Afghanistan. I feel that I did right by my Soldiers and their families. To the people of Afghanistan, I tried. My Soldiers tried. At the end of the day you need to try. And if you don't want to, then it is what it is.
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SFC S2 Intelligence Ncoic
The Afgahnistan Armed Firces do not wish to better their country. If they did, they wouldn't cower and basically piss away 20 years of training and equipment. They used us for their own financial assistance and lack the discipline and morale within the ranks to turn this around. Its too late. Many American and Nati lives list just so they could hand the country back over to the Taliban. This is disgraceful and honestly quite embarrassing. If this pull out of our Forces was years in the planning, then it was planned poorly. Could've gradually done it over a good year and not start an immediate dumpster fire. As far as the Afghanistan citizens go, I wish them the best of luck and the balls to take back their country. But I feel that even as early as it is in this garbage fire, there is no turning back and the Taliban does not give a crap about honoring any part of their deal. It's just a matter of time until we see another significant terrorist attack on U.S soil. Sad, sad, sad.
SFC S2 Intelligence Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
NATO lives lost I meant.
TSgt Ann Smith
TSgt Ann Smith
3 y
and as a Supply personnel, I would have been KICKED out or in prison if I left that equipment behind!
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SGT Felicia King
It’s unfortunate and sad because you think of the remaining Afghan citizens left in the country. But it’s not altogether shocking; it is mostly what you would have expected when the U.S. finally leaves. It is good to know that the U.S. officials made accommodations to send some of the many (and their families) that worked side by side with the US military to Fort Lee to go forth with their citizenship.
The cbs article link is from 2015, former Defense Secretary Rumsfeld speaking about Iraq, but still very relevant to Afghanistan. It is good to help other countries, but you cannot force your own democracy on that country. There will still be foreign aid to Afghanistan, however not in military form.
Many are saying that the past 20 years of sacrifice is all for nought. However, thinking of the many that were saved I don’t consider anyone’s sacrifice taken for granted. There are no victories in war; you can only hope that good will come out of it and lessons be learned. In the US Civil War, many died by the sword because of the blood spilled by the lash. But the country was better for it, and the sacrifices of all those that died are still to be honored today. Many even commented how it was eerily familiar to when the US left Saigon.
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SPC Chris Ison
I feel like the GWOT is the millennial generations Cold War, and that Iraq and Afghanistan is their Vietnam.

I feel as though the Bush administration dropped the ball here. Instead of 130k troops in Iraq, those 130k should have been partnered with the 100k already in Afghanistan, and we should have marched from the western border, and killed every fucking military aged male in that fucking country, and then exported a bunch of Americans to come in and occupy Afghanistan.

Barring that I feel that after Osama Bin Laden had been found and killed, we should have immediately pulled out of Afghanistan.

The American people, even conservatives, do not have the stomach for what needs to be done.

We should contract with Venezuela for their oil, and make it so that we are oil free by 2040.

Then tell Saudi Arabia to get fucking bent. Put out a warning that another attack on the US, or its citizens is going to result in the complete annihilation of Medina via Fuel Air Explosives. And if that doesn't work, a second Nuclear attack on fucking Mecca's Kabaa and make the Hajj impossible for generations. With coordinated strikes in Tehran and other Moslem capitals in every fucking country.

They want to live by stone age laws, let's send 'em back to the stone age.

I am fucking done with this shit.
SPC Chris Ison
SPC Chris Ison
3 y
SFC Michael Peterson - Yeah, you got me. I am a violent felon, running around robbing and pillaging. The conviction is for battery, not for robbery. Some dude, like you, stepped out of line, and I adjusted his head space and timing. Your description of me as a "violent felon" is also indicative of your fear. Put up or shut up.

Your invitation was incomplete, without the willingness to make it happen it is simply an empty gesture between you and me. You saying something to sound tough, without any real intention of following through.

I got into one time on active duty while in the Navy, and I will tell you the same thing I told that dip shit. When I do stuff I do it in the open, that way everyone knows what happened and you can't run around saying shit happened that did not happen.

And that is what you were hooping for, everyone on the internet knows it. You were hoping I would back down, like you are doing now. The willingness to meet me face to face ends at you actually trying to do it.

You are all bark and no bite. Still haven't told me how many fights you have been in, and I am guessing none, because a bar fight usually ends in a conviction. The only reason mine was a felony, is because i broke the guys jaw. Hence the great bodily injury.
SFC Michael Peterson
SFC Michael Peterson
3 y
My invitation is complete. I’m not sending you money for airfare because I know you’re all talk and, you wouldn’t show up anyway. You’d just pocket the cash and brag about what sucker I was. Besides, I’m not your momma so, it’s not my responsibility to support you. Buy your own damn ticket.

I’m not backing down from anything. I never offered to pay your airfare. I only invited you to come continue our conversation in person. Apparently, you think that makes my obligated to pay your way. I disagree.

Your story about breaking some guy’s jaw doesn’t impress, or scare me. I bet you are either twice his weight or, you sucker punched him when he wasn’t looking. You look a little on the heavy side and, guys that talk shit like you usually don’t fight fair.

Yeah, blah blah, woof woof. I’m shaking in my boots. Whatever shit stain.
SPC Chris Ison
SPC Chris Ison
3 y
SFC Michael Peterson - You can purchase a refundable ticket.

If you really want me to come you will pay the airfare.

At this point I have made my point, I think you are just trying to have the last word.
SFC Michael Peterson
SFC Michael Peterson
3 y
My last word is “fuck off, I’m not buying your ticket”. If you think you’re so bad, buy it yourself. I’m here. I won’t respond to any further posts that don’t include an arrival date. Otherwise, I’ll just ignore you, knowing you’re just a fucking loudmouth shit stain that doesn’t back up his shit talking. The only point you made is, you’re an idiot who thinks he’s something special. Well, I think you’re a little “special” too.
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SSG Edward Tilton
looks like those people we were feeding, equipping and training for the past 20 years were the Taliban. makes sense
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Sgt Adam Jennings
It's irritating that things happened the way they did. While extremists can't be completely eliminated, I'd tether fight them outside.ofnour country than in it. I get the whole "we can't stay there forever" mentality, but since when have we fought a war that we won, or tied (Korea), and just completely withdrew any military presence? Germany, Japan, Guam, etc. (WWII) still all gave active military bases in them, even though the Cold War is over. We have an active military presence in 85 countries and territories outside of CONUS. What makes Iraq or Afghanistan any different? Did we really think that a couple of decades of our presence would be enough to undo decades of mental and social effects from oppressive and abusive rule in these countries? All we did was come in, screw things up, and then said, "It's all yours now, figure it out." Oh, it would also help if our government officials would be a better example of how we're asking them to rule their countries as well.
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CSM Elmer Feick Jr.
After spending over 52 months in Afghanistan in uniform and another year as a contractor, I was deeply saddened by the fall of the of my missions there was working as the Deputy Commandant to the ANA Sergeants Major Academy in which I was also the Senior Trainer. Most if not all of my students became senior leaders in the ANA and even one of them became the SMA of the ANA. To see all of the work that the US and NATO countries who fought and helped to rebuild that country go down in just a few weeks was devastating to watch.
I have many Afghan friends who have reached out to me begging for my help but unfortunately cannot do anything for them as they do not qualify for any of the US Dept of State Programs....these are the same ones who I have trained and who have supported their government and Coalition Forces throughout the past 10 years and now must fend for themselves to escape capture from the enemy...very sad indeed
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SPC Chris Early
To me what was the point of placing our military on the line for reasons that don't improve the lifes of those we are fighting for. Many young men and women place themselves in harm way for our country and others only to come home to see things are not better. When do we say enough is enough, myself and many others have place our lives in the hands of our government just to have no effect that improves anyone situation. Please understand if asked i would do it all over again but when do we stop fighting for things that only effect the pockets of industrial companies. It's so much we all know that is wrong but as a military members we have no say we are just pawns on a bigger board.
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Capt Robert Chewning
I personally am disgusted. It shows this administrations lack of understanding of the culture in that region. The Afghan people are good people and do not deserve to be ruled by terrorist thugs. I went into a deep depression because I felt like a failure because I was there 11 times, I supplied the Afghan army with the weapons the Taliban stoled, I trained the logisticians. I put a lot of myself into that country and feel betrayed by our country because sleepy joe turned it back over to the people I had been fighting for 20 years.
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SSgt Stephen Desrosier
Pissed, Betrayed and Ashamed!! BIDEN needs to be charged with 13 counts of Murder and treason.
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