Posted on Apr 3, 2017
SN Vivien Roman-Hampton
Many of the service members on PatientsLikeMe are discussing employment and finding employment. What's your experience been like?
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Responses: 12
Sgt Field Radio Operator
SN Vivien Roman-Hampton When I was discharged in June, 1972, I interviewed along with 100 others for two operator jobs at a chemical plant. I was hired along with someone that had a college degree. I was hired because I was prepared by doing my homework on the company and having a well written resume. I also did well on the tests they had me take. I interviewed with three managers, and one manager did not like the military or veterans. I stayed calm and answered his questions.

When I obtained my degree, I went to work on the Space Shuttle program. Again, I did my homework on the program, had on a nice suit, excellent resume, and did very well on the interviews. I retired when the program ended. The key is to research the company, prepare your resume, and be ready for the interviews, i.e. "Tell me about yourself", "What value can you bring to our company," etc. Planning and preparation take time, but how bad do you want the job when there are other qualified applicants.
SN Vivien Roman-Hampton
SN Vivien Roman-Hampton
8 y
Sgt (Join to see) I couldn't agree with you more. Spending the time to get to know the mission of the company and come prepared. It is how I have always done my interviews.

What was it like to work on the Space Shuttle program? I would imagine that is an interesting place to work!
Sgt Field Radio Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
8 y
SN Vivien Roman-Hampton - It was my dream job. I started three years before the first flight, and stayed until one month after the last flight. The reward for the hard work was seeing successful flights and missions. Over the course of 33 years, I was probably too engaged in the program. I was out of sorts for two years after the program ended.
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COL Charles Williams
Don't be afraid of the military or veterans... We all know teamwork, discipline, integrity, hard work, loyalty, and we want to win.
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CPL Beth Allsop
I'm just glad the media has stopped portraying the lie the every Vet has PTSD and can explode at any time, that made it more difficult for all of us to find jobs!
SN Vivien Roman-Hampton
SN Vivien Roman-Hampton
8 y
CPL Beth Allsop Yes! That is a conversation I have with people who have never served. There are blanket assumptions out there that need to be corrected and also that even if a Veteran has PTSD doesn't mean they are unable to function at a job.
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