Posted on Oct 28, 2021
SPC Human Intelligence Collector
I have no negative marks on my record and have been in the army for over two years.
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You have the choice as afforded to you by those who served and sacrificed.
SPC Joel Quey
There are almost no good reasons to refuse the vaccine, and you may be ruining the rest of your life. It's 100% your choice, but I'd definitely reconsider.
SFC Tracy Donahoo
SFC Tracy Donahoo
>1 y
SPC Joel Quey with all due respect your information is somewhere between erroneous to false.

The vaccines were supposed to stop COVID. They don’t.

You can’t prove that they reduce symptoms by spurious correlations, especially when most people suffer only mild infections to begin with.

Where do you get the idea of only 1 booster when 3-4 is now a requirement for “fully vaccinated”?

25% of the USS Milwaukee had COVID in December. So much for the vaccine stopping infection and transmission.
SPC Joel Quey
SPC Joel Quey
>1 y
SFC Tracy Donahoo - Not a single thing I said was wrong.

1. Vaccines do stop Covid. They don't stop Covid with 100% efficacy, because no vaccine in human history has EVER had 100% efficacy.

2. This has nothing to do with correlations, and everything to do with literally every data analysis that's been conducted.

3. One booster. Two initial shots + 1 booster is 3 total shots.

4. Do you know how many people on the USS Milwaukee were vaccinated? Because the military doesn't have 100% vaccination rate. You're also not understanding what vaccine efficacy numbers mean.
SFC Tracy Donahoo
SFC Tracy Donahoo
>1 y
SPC Joel Quey The shot was promised to stop COVID. Period.

Not maybe reduce symptoms. Biden himself promised it would stop COVID. So did Fauci. So did many elected officials and much of the media.

It was advertised as a vaccine and not a medical treatment to reduce symptoms.

Apparently you do not understand that

Vaccines such as MMR, tetanus, small pox are successful in preventing infection to nearly 100%.

The influenza shot, on the other hand, is only about 50% effective when well matched with the correct strain.

COVID shots are ineffective at stopping infection and do not prevent transmission. Even after 2-3 boosters inside a year.

If you have evidence that the shots reduce symptoms then produce a link to the evidence because none exists.

No other vaccine needs 2-3 boosters to achieve “might reduce symptoms” levels of protection.

You simply do not know what you are talking about.

Me? BS and MS in Occupational Health (preventing disease transmission at work), HAZWOPER training, 25 years experience, board certified, and have rolled out 4 successful COVID response plans.

This isn’t my first pandemic, it’s my 6th.

Faucci has been wrong on nearly every turn, starting with citing what ‘might’ or ‘could’ happen instead of what was probable or likely. Then he lied about face coverings which have little to no value in preventing virus transmission.

Keeping up with what the news reports is making you I’ll-informed, not well informed.
SPC Joel Quey
SPC Joel Quey
>1 y
SFC Tracy Donahoo - Vaccinations are supposed to end the pandemic eventually. That is very different from stopping everyone from getting it with 100% efficacy.

Dr Fauci actually said that we were HOPING for a vaccine that was 75% effective, and that one 50-60% effective would be acceptable.

Here's evidence of vaccines reducing symptoms

Every year, we get a brand new vaccine for the flu.

You're touting almost 100% for MMR and tetanus, but complaining about almost 100% for Covid. You're using two different standards
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CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
From what I understand it will either be an honorable or general under honorable conditions. I hope you're convictions are worth sacrificing a potential career. Best of luck.
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SrA Scott Baer
Edited >1 y ago
If there was any justice left in the military, you should get at the very least a general, but now we are discovering just how indoctrinated our cherished military has become... If want answers that are not only chilling but being played out before our eyes, looked into Bill Gates Depopulation Agenda and Henry Kissinger's terrifying speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics in 09'...Expect ANYTHING and EVERYTHING legit that proves what the Globalist Swampturds have been up to and continue with to be "fact-checked"..

If unaware, ALL fact checkers are run by the left so your choice if head for that rabbit hole... Suckerburg himself just admitted they are just opinions of the left...Thought Gate's views were creepy enough but Kissinger laid it out in black and white.. We are all to be sacrificed and all the money via taxes are to be divvied up with the Elites..Seriously check out the speech, and guarantee if everyone saw just that alone, the Globalist's power would then finally be in jeopardy, which they will do ANYTHING to stop. I would post it here but suspect it would be censored...Think ANY of these covid vaccines were intended to save mankind?? Already around the world highly fit athletes are suddenly dying on the field and most are heart attacks..
Extremely complicated what is actually in the vaccines themselves, but the purpose is to make your own cells make spike proteins and then the immune system kills the cell...Think heart attacks, blood clots, brain bleeds, autoimmune disease,, generally damage to blood vessels and tissues throughout the body...The reason I know any of this is via extreme due diligence throughout the past couple years..Catching out lie after lie on CNN which I used to watch prior to 2016...Listening to Robert F. Kennedy Jr, an Environmental lawyer who beat Monsanto, DuPonte etc and he has now dedicated his life to saving lives via vaccine injuries..Robert Malone who is the original inventor of mRNA who is also vaccinologist..along with many others and the intense censoring of Drs and Scientists who have desperately been trying to tell the world about this deathshot..

I was also fortunate if you want to call it that in seeing for myself via my partner who is an ICU nurse in a major hospital...She was terrified like everyone else last year and with being on the front line, she had an extra fear...Through the past year and half +, she has seen every imaginable incident with covid and eventually realized the only ones affected were with pre-existing conditions and then now with the predominantly vaccinated being the patients...God help us all if we don't get our shit together and stop this demons and like yesterday...

When you truly get it, you will desperately hope karma comes to these people who are paid extreme amounts of money to betray their fellow citizens including the elderly and little children...Hanging will be far too good.. Young children injected so that they become sterile, which is just one component of Gate's Depopulation Agenda.. This is insanity...I apologize for my clumsy attempt to explain as I am most certainly NOT a professional.. Only ask everyone to keep an open mind, and research research research..WTF is going on where people will allow a suspicious vaccine into their bodies without research first.
MSG Mechanic 2nd
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
if you can find it kissinger's papers about depopulation back around the timing of aids and the hep-b vaccine
SrA Scott Baer
SrA Scott Baer
>1 y
I found this very lengthy report about Kissinger and several others in his realm, and dear God, if even a tenth is legit, we are all screwed, glued and tattoed(damn forgot again how that went) I would post it here but not sure allowed..To help, look at duckduckgo and avoid the BS fact checkers and you will find plenty.(look up Eugenics and Depopulation) Could be what you mean buddy..

I have no doubt there are far too many Ameicans with power who are easily bought..WTF happened to the brave kickass patriot leaders...Trump, as much as many choose to crap on, is one of the rare breed that love's America and is damn proud to prove it...
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 y
SrA Scott Baer - ....
When All Else Fails,
We Can Always Count On Trump
For The Bull Shit..
If Brains Were TNT,
Trump Wouldn't Have Enough
To Blow His Nose
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SFC Tracy Scott
Well, here is my advice, haul you ass into the platoon office, and tell them you want to get vaccinated. Do your remaining time, and get out with an honorable discharge.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
So pop on in and get a shot that will introduce created genetic material (mRNA) that your cells then use to produced a foreign protein which is then released into your bloodstream. This is an entirely NEW technology, method of action and operates at the genetic manipulation level. I don't believe the oath I took authorizes my chain of command to manipulate me at the genetic level. But hey I can see where you'd say 'Ethical dilemma? Biothethics? What are those, I was just following orders' as the easiest solution.
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PO3 Ron Cowher
A medical discharge at the least. Less than honorable for refusing to get vaccinated.
You ARE government property whether you like it or not when you took the oath.
Are you willing to forego all military benefits for the sake of a Covid shot ?
Suppose you refuse to be vaccinated, then suppose after you are discharged you contract
COVID and die. Are you willing to put your family through that kind of grief ?
There have been too many death bed converts, "If ONLY I had been vaccinated" they gasp
with their dying breath.

Lucas, the choice is ultimately yours, but the statistics and the science don't lie.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
But do you KNOW the science? Moderna and Pfizer enter your cells, introduce created genetic material (mRNA) that your cells then use to produced a foreign protein which is then released into your bloodstream. This is an entirely NEW technology, method of action and operates at the genetic manipulation level. That's worth a pause to discuss. I don't believe the oath I took authorizes my chain of command to manipulate me at the genetic level. Let's stay away from the fear mongering and 'what if'. They're really lousy debating tactics and really show your CNN/MSNBC bias to information collection. Plus it's really hard to speak with your 'dying breath' if you're intubated, do the math.
PO3 Ron Cowher
PO3 Ron Cowher
>1 y
All you have to do is read the news. There are numerous cases of people wishing they had received the vaccination just prior to passing away. Not everybody was intubated, and therefore could speak. Your ad hominin attacks about my knowledge of science and CNN/MSNBC bias were like water on a ducks back.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
"'If ONLY I had been vaccinated'" they gasp with their dying breath" Your words, not mine. I WILL concede the 'ad hominem'. Will you concede the 'Slippery Slope" (no shot leads to dishonorable discharge leads to death leads to family grief)?
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SFC Antonio Baird
Honorable, unless you jave some UCMJ in your background and your Commander is punitive.
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PFC Richard Nuss
Don't be stupid , take the shot .
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
I'd argue that blind compliance with a shot that enters your cells, introduces created genetic material (mRNA) that your cells then use to produced a foreign protein which is then released into your bloodstream is stupid. This is an entirely NEW technology, method of action and operates at the genetic manipulation level. That's worth a pause to discuss. I don't believe the oath I took authorizes my chain of command to manipulate me at the genetic level. There's a bioethics aspect to this NOBODY is talking about.
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SSgt Robert Mesic
I don’t remember the draft being reinstated so what part of following orders don’t you understand
You volunteered for service high is a good thing up you have to obey the rules you can do what you want when you want you accept 12 hour shift moving to a locations that you may or may not like I’ll the rules or get out
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
These shots enter your cells, introduce created genetic material (mRNA) that your cells then use to produced a foreign protein which is then released into your bloodstream. This is an entirely NEW technology, method of action and operates at the genetic manipulation level. That's worth a pause to discuss. I don't believe the oath I took authorizes my chain of command to manipulate me at the genetic level. It's never hard to spot the person who will always answer any ethical dilemma with 'I was following orders' because I didn't want to "get out".
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PO3 Robert Resch
Best situation, General Discharge..
I have known some that were discharged for refusing orders as undesirable for military duty and were given a General Discharge..
It's up to the Command and if officers feel sympathetic of the situation.
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