My most enjoyable deployment was on the USS Independence. We hit 7 ports in 4 months. We saw Guam, Sydney, Perth, Kalang (Kuala Lumpur), Singapore, Hong-Kong and I believe Manila. Awesome deployment but we were broke!
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 3
Other than the getting sick part and spending 2 months in the hospital, GTMO 2002. All the luxuries of home to include Class VI, comfortable working hours, 1/2 Saturday and all Sunday off and living in base housing. Wasn't too much to complain about.
Absolutely Loved Diego Garcia. Eat, Sleep, Fish, Drink, Dive, Work, Repeat! Loved London "When you tire of London, You tire of Life". and NSGD Sugar Grove, WV I wouldn't have extended for a Year If I didn't like it.
I enjoyed my time in Tan-Tan Morocco. It was my first experience at the Cast system as well as what true poverty is. We did great work there. We built a school for their children and built up training areas for their military. Also push started an old deuc and a half.
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