Posted on Sep 24, 2015
Where Will we see an Immediate Impact after the Pope's Visit: Income Inequality, Climate Change, or Immigration?
Responses: 10
E- None of the above. Not everyone is enamored with this Pope. He's shown to have some spine to himself and be willing to go against the traditional grain that past Pope's have had. You mention significant change in Washington. I do not think a prayer session and a speaking engagement will bring an ounce of resolve to important issues that are impacting the US now. If anything it'll be compared in mass media to Bibi's visit to congress, and what was said then. Brother if you really want to see all three of those changed, stick your head in the ground and look for sunlight. You'll have more success there. That wasn't a slight to you, but a brazen slight to our representatives in both parties. It's been said that this legislature will probably go down in history as one of the worse. Not a republican or democrat thing, but a complete thing. 600 plus people in one building designed to represent America, and can't represent a clothes hanger properly. The Pope won't change anything. But through honest voting and the desire to rid ourselves of incumbents who have proven they cannot/will not do the job, we'll bring change ourselves.
MAJ (Join to see)
I miss the last pope(s) His speech would have been great if given to Wall Street but to congress it just demonstrated his communist/socialist background. I wish he had addressed Abortions and the human rights violations going on in the world right now, I think he missed the opportunity by focusing on climate change and redistribution of wealth and more Government control.
SSG Warren Swan
MAJ (Join to see) - Thanks Sir. I didn't see any of his speeches yesterday, and with what we have in office, I don't think any speech short of how to make more money for them would have had any effect.
SPC Andrew Griffin
You always come through with something Tough! I love this! I love your Honesty! I had to re-read this about 4 or 5 times! Thank you Brother! This has set the Tone for the Post!
SSG Warren Swan
SPC Andrew Griffin - I'm going to caveat this; what the Pope can change are the minds of the populace who seem him as a Godly man, and a representative of them in their faith. In that congress has no pull or the ability to influence and screw it up. His tour of the nations can have that impact through the good will of the citizens of each visited and those who got the chance to hear his words unfiltered. But with this, out of the three, his influence would lie in the immigration issues plaguing the EU right now. He holds more "power" as Pope over there than here. The other two no so much just yet.
Not unless he receives a level 9 clerical spell that somehow fundamentally changes human nature...
In the immediate future a significant increase in hot air in Congress and the White House most likely SPC Andrew Griffin :-)
My hope and prayer is that the most significant impact will be more American's recognizing their need for God and those of us who already do have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior will not hinder His light shining through us.
If more of us loved our neighbors as we love ourselves this nation would benefit greatly.
My hope and prayer is that the most significant impact will be more American's recognizing their need for God and those of us who already do have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior will not hinder His light shining through us.
If more of us loved our neighbors as we love ourselves this nation would benefit greatly.
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