Posted on Sep 22, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Why Are Veterans Not An Issue in the Debates?

RP Members do you agree with the article and the lack of concern for Veterans in this upcoming election or are there more important issues?

Your thoughts and comments welcome!

With the 2016 presidential election quickly approaching, campaign season is in full swing and boasts no shortage of candidates. Presidential hopefuls from all sides of the political spectrum have pulled no punches when it comes to the multitude of issues currently concerning the American public. In fact, candidates have weighed in on any number of topics, from immigration reform to civil liberties, with incredible diverse and aggressive opinions. Perhaps this willingness to engage and volunteer opinions is what makes the lack of attention to one topic in particular so striking, especially in the glare of the ongoing G.O.P. presidential debates.

Do you know where the candidates stand when it comes to veterans' affairs and healthcare needs?

A Growing Lack of Attention to Veterans

The lack of attention to American veterans and the care they receive once they return home is not necessarily a new development when it comes to presidential debates. Veterans and their supporters faced this same problem in the 2012 debates, for example, where only repeated urging convinced the candidates to briefly consider the topic. And as more and more people are aware, the number of candidates with any sort of military service background is constantly shrinking. Not only is this concerning for a country that is still in the midst of a war that has already spanned 14 years, but it's especially worrisome considering that one of the major topics up for debate is the looming ISIS/ISIL threat and how the United States will engage with it.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 121
Sgt Truman Cunnish
I do believe that once a person gains the veterans status they are no longer a part of the solution but a part of the problem. At least in the eyes of the modern day US GOVT. bean counters. In the eyes of the worlds elite paying out money to the non productive is a no no.
They say the worlds population is roughly six billion people and they mean to reduce that number to one billion. It's already in the making with Obama implementing his new laws and regulation so he can bring in UN forces to help American forces beat and kill (yes US forces) American citizens and put us in FEMA camps. Just like Hitler, there will be separation of family and killing OF the "WORTHLESS FEEDERS" as the enlighten ones say. once Obama declares Marshall Law he will become the undisputed authority
PFC Don Palumbo
PFC Don Palumbo
>1 y
This will not happen. Though, like you I believe this is part of his MASTER PLAN. Socialism, Communism, Fascism never works. History proves this fact. It rears up it's ugly face, destroys people, bleeds country's dry and dies back into the dust bins of history and hides there until it sees an open door so it can pop out again to do it's dirty deeds. It must be wiped out totally. When we have it, we need no other enemy's. You just need to pay attention to the daily political poles to see the wave of distrust by the American voters to see that there is a large movement to bring our country back to what our constitution says is should be. Politicians are out, Donald Trump is in. We the People will take the country back and make it great again.
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PO1 John Ros
I am very troubled by this, especially as the lack of addressing the large number of our brothers and sisters taking their own lives daily.
PFC Don Palumbo
PFC Don Palumbo
>1 y
The VA has been addressing this problem for quite some time. The Vet centers have great programs for this problem. The biggest problem is that far too many Vets that need the help don't know how available the programs are. What's needed is national ads that will inform people as to what is needed so they know that all it takes to get help is a phone call.
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SGT Robert R.
I am normally the positive guy, but in this case I feel a dose of realism coming on.
Vets are not part of a debate because both parties see us the same, we are a pawn to be used at the local level to gain a potential vote. However, the bureaucratic reality is that they won't do anything to fix the issues because it's too big to take on by one politician.

They will continue to pander to us locally, but you won't see our issues debated on the national stage during primetime.

COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
SGT Robert R. It definitely feels that way!
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SFC Battalion Operations Ncoic
Because there are no veterans on both sides running for the highest office in the land. Donald Trump even compared his high school JROTC to military service. Disrespectful. This group is the worst in current history.
PFC Don Palumbo
PFC Don Palumbo
8 y
You will see a big change when Trump takes office. He got our guys 6 million dollars from his friends. Have some patience, He will do us all well.
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COL David Turk
Veterans are typically not the "squeaky" wheel. A great example are WWII vets who came home and kept everything inside.
Well, things haven't changed much over the years. We (vets) are taught to serve, and count on others up the chain to watch our back. This is lost on politicians who are not vets, who don't understand this implied role of senior political leadership, regardless of political party.

That's why organizations have evolved over the years to speak up for us; e.g., DAV, VFW, AL, etc.
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SSG Mike Busovicki
For one thing, I don't think the average American realizes we're still at war. If they don't notice the things that are going on in the present, how can we make them care about the life-long issues we have to handle? Plus, most politicians never served themselves. And veterans' benefits are a "financial burden" we're supposedly sucking from the government teat, and everyone seems to "want government out of our lives" anyway. Does anyone else see this as ironic?
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
SSG Mike Busovicki All great points - thanks for your input! Yes very ironic!
SSG Mike Busovicki
SSG Mike Busovicki
>1 y
Thank you sir!
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1LT Aaron Barr
Because there aren't enough veterans for us to be an important voting bloc and most peoples support of veterans is little more than lip service.
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SGT Philip Roncari
I think a perfect answer to this question is to read Rudyard Kipling poem "Tommy"
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Cpl Rene Hernandez
We'd like to know that
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SSG Leo Bell
No one wants to open that can of worms because they all know how bad things are for veterans these days. That's why there not saying anything about social security also.
They know if they start talking about veterans issues and make allot of promises a d they get the veterans to vote for them. Then get in office and not hold half of the promises that they made it will not look good. They will be talked about in the news and everywhere else. The one group of people they don't want against them are the veterans.
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