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Responses: 14
MSgt Stephen Council
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel AND, if his testimony went the other way, CNN, MSMBC, and the left wing media would have called him a racist, a bigot, and an un-American, Trump supporter. Take a step down off the soap box and see this issue for what it is, a further attempt to assassinate the character of a sitting President that is unprecedented in its vitriol and mean spirited nature. I can tell you unequivocally that the right did not go to these extremes to invent reasons to try to oust a president with either Bill Clinton or our former "community organizer in chief". The party on the left has done NOT ONE Thing related to their job of running a country since the election ended and they still refuse to do the peoples business. They are obsessed with their hatred for our sitting President. It is shameful and I hold accountable anyone who supports these POS, so called "politicians".
LTC Joe Anderson
LTC Joe Anderson
>1 y
Being MI and PSYOP I used Social Media to keep track of HVT's. So I'm not a big fan of it for personal use (I do like it to as a means for friendly or opposition research). Capt. Prickett likes to flaunt his Hubris while calling other members Chimpanzees and saying their rebuttals, post, or word are them throwing poo. Maybe it was his attempt to be funny but he's so bumptious I found it insulting to address other service members that way. When confronted with volumes of information countering his points he calls those points "Smoke and Mirrors" adding, " You can throw up wall of text for every comment I make, but a wall of text just means that you are desperate to put your position forward by force of volume. Rather than addressing the points he disagrees with he hurls insults then he takes his toys and runs away like a scolded child. Not the kind of Lawyer I'd want representing me. Does 4 years of actually practicing law make him an expert?
CPL Johnnie White
CPL Johnnie White
>1 y
Oh, please, he did wrong, at least show how great you can be, just apologizing. It could no hurt but it can help. Show that you are human after all.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
Poor Trump. He is too pure to be criticized!
SPC John Smith
SPC John Smith
>1 y
AND, IF wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
His loyalty should be to the country, not a sitting president who is assaulting the Constitution.
SFC Jeff Duncan
SFC Jeff Duncan
>1 y
Who’s assaulting the constitution, I’m sure by your statement that you think the attempted overthrow of a duly elected President is Constitutional. We had FBI and other Federal officers including military that were involved in this crime. I could only wish that they be charged tried and if convicted be put to death for treason. We no this won’t happen because we all no for sure that there is a dual justice system, one for Democrats in Washington or a rioter,looter police murderer and the other is for the rest of us. I’m absolutely disgusted hearing the defense of this POS. I bet y’all would invite Bergdhal to Thanksgiving dinner too. He’s a deserter and a traitor and the wonderful military loving Obama set him free and he draws 100% disability because Obama called him a POW when he walked off his duty post and sought out the enemy and then gave them intel that took the lives of many soldiers. Disgusting and I’m off this crap site where I don’t have to listen to a bunch of pontificating blow hards!!!!
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
It is a shame the constitution does not mention the honesty of the president. I suppose you think Trump did a good job with the pandemic? I will listen to you if you have a real point of view. You are vapid. SFC Jeff Duncan
SFC Jeff Duncan
SFC Jeff Duncan
>1 y
MAJ Ken Landgren I feel he did as good a job as possible given the lack of information he had when it started. I find it interesting that no other countries leader has been attacked on this matter. It’s easy to sit back after the fact and arm chair quarter back it. If you listen to what the Dems were suggesting then there would have not even been a shut down just like Obama-Biden did not do during the H1N1 virus that infected 55 million Americans. The Democrats politicized a national pandemic to try to cause Trump problems. They failed at their attempted coup and have been trying ever since but I’m sure you wouldn’t see it that way after listening to you.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
If a NFL team has the worst record, what does it say about the coach? You SFC Jeff Duncan
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Maj Kim Patterson
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel great opinion piece!
SCPO Morris Ramsey
SCPO Morris Ramsey
>1 y
IMHO it is a good opinion piece.
LTC Joe Anderson
LTC Joe Anderson
>1 y
It's definitely an opinion.
LTC Tom McNew
LTC Tom McNew
>1 y
Heavy emphasis on OPINION!!!
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