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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Edited >1 y ago
Good morning Col. Mikel Burroughs and all the rest of my RP Family. I have had a ton of life lessons in my lifetime. Did I make good decisions based upon those lessons. I will have to admit that I did not always choose wisely from those lessons and made the same dumb mistakes, several times throughout life. I always thought that I was a reasonable person and made good choices, instead I finally came to the conclusion that I was stubborn and hard headed and tried to put the blame anywhere but on myself. That was not a good thing to do as I could not grow that way. When I realized that others may have valid info or positions, other than my own, I started to learn from my mistakes that I made. It is a hard thing to do and keep on doing.
My life made a dramatic turn when I chose to follow God and trust and rely on Him, who created me. My life has not been one of worldly riches, but rather one of peace of mind and a sense of fulfillment that I had not experienced before. My cancer was turned over to God and my fears and apprehension disappeared. What a relief that was for me. What made the difference, you may ask? Realizing that God made a promise to always be there for us, we need only believe and trust His truth. I pray that if y’all have what you see as insurmountable problems, turn them over to God. I submit the below article concerning 7 Life Lessons from Jesus for you to receive a blessing from. Have a blessed day today and always.

Taken from beliefnet.com
7 Must Read Life Lessons From Jesus
Jesus was called “Teacher” for a reason.
By Lesli White

There are many words used to describe Jesus – Lord, Savior, King, Redeemer. One word that some people forget is Teacher. What some don’t know is that of the 90 times Jesus was addressed directly in the gospels, 60 of those times He was called Jesus. This is a big indicator that His role as a teacher to the disciples and to us is important. John 13:13 says, “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’ and rightly so, for that is what I am.” As a teacher, Jesus taught many lessons. What’s so incredible about Jesus is the fact that His teachings are profound yet simple enough for a child to understand. They cause us to reflect on our faith, but are also relevant to our everyday lives. One of the biggest lessons Jesus taught is that the Kingdom of God has begun on earth with His ministry. We can learn so much from His great teachings. Here are seven must read life lessons from Jesus.

A Lesson on Miracles
There are many miracles of Jesus recorded by the disciples throughout Scripture that show us the power of Jesus at work in our lives. Jesus performed thousands of miracles during His earthly ministry and the Gospels recorded at least 37 detailed miracles. The largest group of miracles mentioned in the New Testament involved cures. Matthew 4:24 tells us “They brought to [Jesus] all who were ill, those suffering with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics and he healed them.” Sick and broken people came to Jesus not only from Israel, but throughout the surrounding nations to be restored to new life. From healing the sick, to curing the blind, each miracle is associated with specific teachings that reflect the message of Jesus. Through these miracles, we are not only able to see that Jesus had the ability to heal and do wondrous things, but also how God is still at work in our lives today.

A Lesson on Forgiveness
Our lack of obedience leads to our constant need for forgiveness. Scripture tells us, “Be gentle and ready to forgive never hold grudges. Remember the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others" (Colossians 3:13). But forgiveness is a concept many Christians struggle with. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Our inexcusable behavior has been forgiven by God, so if we are to have the stamp of Christ on our lives, that would include forgiving the inexcusable behavior of others towards us. We must be repentant and truly sorry for the hurt we have caused God and others. We must not ask for forgiveness just because the Bible tells us. While this is a good starting place, we have to know and feel in our hearts that we need to be forgiven so that we can begin to truly forgive others.

A Lesson on Blessing Others
The Bible tells us, “love your enemies and bless those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). While Jesus encourages us to sacrifice ourselves and speak kind words of blessings to those we disagree with most, for many Christians, that isn’t always how we respond to others. There is always new controversy taking place in the Church. This can involve one group of Christians disagreeing with another group of Christians and the outcome of this situation ends with those taking to the internet to write slanderous posts about the other. This is not Jesus’ way and is absolutely contrary to what He would do. Instead of cursing those who offend us or those who we don’t agree with, Jesus calls us to speak blessings over them, even if the only thing we want to do is curse them out.

A Lesson on Witnessing
One of the key elements of Christianity is being open and willing to share your faith with others, but the practical way of doing that is often a struggle. Many Christians don’t share their faith out of fear of being ridiculed, disapproved and persecuted by the world. We hesitate to share and fear-based thoughts begin to show up. How do we tell others about God in a way that is effective? Some people think of sharing their faith as a commandment enforced by knocking on doors and throwing Bibles. Fortunately, this is not what God commands. We serve a loving God who didn’t design sharing your faith as a way to condemn others. We can witness to others by spreading God’s love and approaching witnessing with the right attitude and state of mind.

A Lesson on Condemnation
Praying Hands Shutterstock.com
Many Christians spend a lot of time addressing the people that God is opposed to and who He condemns. They also spend time addressing how to shift from a place of condemnation before God to a position of grace through believing the right things about Jesus. They will also talk about those who disagree or live contrary to their understanding of what is “righteous” as those who are under condemnation from God. But when you take a close look at Jesus’ life and teachings, we see that He not only befriended, but loved and affirmed some of societies' most despised and vile people. He also chastised the religious leaders who condemned others for their sins. Jesus said, “I have not come into the world to condemn it but to save it” (John 3:17). It appears that Jesus spends very little time telling sinners they’re wrong or speaking words of condemnation over them, but rather extending love and grace to those who have steered off path and need God most.

A Lesson on Time With God
How many times have you read the quote, “a relationship with God is the best relationship you can have”? Our time with God is important. Jesus said, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours” (Matthew 11:24). As Christians, we know that prayer is a key part of our relationship with God but it isn’t always a part of our regular practice. Many Christians struggle with making adequate time for God, through prayer and communication. We live in a fast-paced world and while many Christians say God is most important their life, many struggle with fitting God into their daily agendas. Our lives don’t always reflect that God is at our center. What’s special about a solid relationship with God is that when we face struggle, we know where our help comes from.

A Lesson on Salvation
One of the clearest messages throughout all four Gospel accounts is the way that we enter the Kingdom of God is through living in obedience to the Law of Christ. Throughout the Gospel, Jesus makes very clear statements that condemn those who think they will be saved because they say the right things or do the right religious rituals. Jesus responds to those who believe they are religious and deserve Heaven by saying that their outward religiosity is detestable and the only thing God desires is that they exercise their faith is by obeying the command of God – to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly. We enter His Kingdom by doing God’s Will, through loving God and neighbor. Looking or acting religious isn’t a qualifier.

In the Bible, God tells us, “Simply let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’. Anything beyond this comes from the evil one” (Matthew 537). On your faith journey, you will take more than one detour from Jesus. But in spite of those situations and all of the areas we may fall short we can rest assured in God loves for us. If you don’t feel as close to Him as you once did, it isn’t God that has moved, but you that has moved. Trust in these lessons from Jesus and all the marvelous ways He’s at work in your life.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
LTC Wayne Brandon
LTC Wayne Brandon
>1 y
PO1 H Gene Lawrence - You are very welcome, my brother and you have been a blessing to me as well. Have a pleasant evening.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
I expect that you are realize that the Holy Spirit has guided you throughout the lessons you have learned in life from your experiences as well as what you learned vicariously through the Word of God Gene & Linda.
I pray that you and I are learning critical lessons for our life and are imparting these lessons to those who love and depend on us, my brother-in-Christ PO1 H Gene Lawrence and sister-in-ChristLinda Lawrence.
Thank YOU, dear God for YOUR Living Word which we call the Bible. YOUR Word provides knowledge and wisdom each time we read it as we ponder current situation.
I am thankful that YOU dwell with the soul of each of YOUR adopted sons and daughters. Each time we read or listen to YOU Word YOU store YOUR Word in our soul.
I lift each adopted son and daughter of YOURs and their family members to YOU. I pray that we each are blessed with wisdom and discernment and that we each are alert to YOU Holy Spirit as YOU lead us throughout life. I pray that we each learn the critically important lessons the first time YOU take us through.
Enable us to quickly repent as soon as YOU make us aware of failures in YOUR path for each of us. Restore the health of our soul and help us to maintain open relationship with YOU dear God as we confess and make amends with any person, we have taken advantage of, let down, overtly deceived or inadvertently confused.
I lift the parents who are adopted children to YOU. I pray that we each demonstrate courage of conviction, humility, compassion, knowledge, and love to each child. Help each one to have fun with the family. Enable each parent to guide their children through learning at every stage. Empower us with love to assure each child that it takes time, training and energy to learn the basic skills of riding, playing sports, work around the home and making and keeping trustworthy friends.
I lift medical professionals across the nation and especially at VAMC, military medical centers and Indian health centers. I pray that YOU motivate each one to learn what they need to maintain proficiency in their medical field and ancillary fields. I pray that YOU bless each one with improved listening skills and improved bedside compassion and meaningful communication.
I pray that radical progressives in Congress has learned the lesson that impeachment requires traitorous behavior and high crimes such as aligning with Muslim terrorists; misdemeanors such as advocating ignoring Federal law by creating sanctuary cities and states.
I pray that each one of YOUR adopted children and their loved ones sleep well Saturday night.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
FYI SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG William Jones PO1 Robert George SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Wanda Shepherd SPC Michael Oles SR (Join to see) PO3 Charles Streich
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
>1 y
LTC Stephen F. - thank you Brother Stephen. I try to impart lessons. sometimes I know I’m listened to and others I fairly certain I’m not. Other times I do not know and just trust that the Holy Spirit is hard at work within those I mentioned. Be blessed.
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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Edited >1 y ago
Good “Saturday” Morning COL Mikel J. Burroughs!!! From a beautiful day here in Fort Myers with a current temp of 58° headed up to a comfortable 75°...

“Life Lessons Day!” Why Not?

"When one is young, one does not know the wiles of the world. It takes having an open mind, knowing when to say yes and when to say no. It is making good choices and if you do these things, one will mature in a way that projects success, knowledge, caring, and love."
- Kerry Harkins, 2.8.2020

1) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein

2) "Pause and remember - Every single event in your life, especially the difficult lessons, have made you smarter, stronger, and wiser than you were yesterday. Be thankful!" - Jennifer Young

3) "Four Lessons on Life 1. Never take down a fence until you know why it was put up. 2. If you get too far ahead of the army, your soldiers may mistake you for the enemy. 3. Don't complain about the bottom rungs of the ladder; they helped to get you higher. 4. If you want to enjoy the rainbow, be prepared to endure the storm." - Warren W. Wiersbe

4) "Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else." - Les Brown

...and also remember that...

“The past is an awesome road map of the Lessons of life – use it like ‘wings of an eagle’ to soar and reach new heights, not as ‘paper weight’ to hold you down!”— COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Maj Marty Hogan Lt Col Charlie Brown SSG Byron Howard Sr LTC Stephen F. Col Carl Whicker Maj Robert Thornton CWO3 Dennis M. LTC Wayne Brandon PO1 H Gene Lawrence Sgt Deborah Cornatzer PO3 Bob McCord CW5 Jack Cardwell TSgt Joe C. SFC Stephen Lucas SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi Col (Join to see)
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - Thank you my friend!
LTC Wayne Brandon
LTC Wayne Brandon
>1 y
Great meme, brother - Right on target for today!
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
LTC Wayne Brandon - Thank you my friend!
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
I expect that you are realize that the Holy Spirit has guided you throughout the lessons you have learned in life from your experiences as well as what you learned vicariously through the Word of God Kerry.
I pray that you and I are learning critical lessons for our life and are imparting these lessons to those who love and depend on us, my brother-in-Christ. Sgt (Join to see).
Thank YOU, dear God for YOUR Living Word which we call the Bible. YOUR Word provides knowledge and wisdom each time we read it as we ponder current situation.
I am thankful that YOU dwell with the soul of each of YOUR adopted sons and daughters. Each time we read or listen to YOU Word YOU store YOUR Word in our soul.
I lift each adopted son and daughter of YOURs and their family members to YOU. I pray that we each are blessed with wisdom and discernment and that we each are alert to YOU Holy Spirit as YOU lead us throughout life. I pray that we each learn the critically important lessons the first time YOU take us through.
Enable us to quickly repent as soon as YOU make us aware of failures in YOUR path for each of us. Restore the health of our soul and help us to maintain open relationship with YOU dear God as we confess and make amends with any person, we have taken advantage of, let down, overtly deceived or inadvertently confused.
I lift the parents who are adopted children to YOU. I pray that we each demonstrate courage of conviction, humility, compassion, knowledge, and love to each child. Help each one to have fun with the family. Enable each parent to guide their children through learning at every stage. Empower us with love to assure each child that it takes time, training and energy to learn the basic skills of riding, playing sports, work around the home and making and keeping trustworthy friends.
I lift medical professionals across the nation and especially at VAMC, military medical centers and Indian health centers. I pray that YOU motivate each one to learn what they need to maintain proficiency in their medical field and ancillary fields. I pray that YOU bless each one with improved listening skills and improved bedside compassion and meaningful communication.
I pray that radical progressives in Congress has learned the lesson that impeachment requires traitorous behavior and high crimes such as aligning with Muslim terrorists; misdemeanors such as advocating ignoring Federal law by creating sanctuary cities and states.
I pray that each one of YOUR adopted children and their loved ones sleep well Saturday night.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
FYI SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG William Jones PO1 Robert George SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Wanda Shepherd SPC Michael Oles SR (Join to see) PO3 Charles Streich
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Good morning COL Mikel J. Burroughs We learn until we breathe our last breath. The question always is: what did you learn and what did you do with it? If you learn that the burner is hot and not to touch barehanded, that's good; if you watch someone else do that and don't have to do it yourself, even better. Those who do things well can be our role models; those who don't can be our life lessons or we can can go through the task of doing it ourselves. Sometimes it takes that.
LTC Stephen F. Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish CW5 Jack Cardwell TSgt Joe C. SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Sgt (Join to see) Sgt John H. Maj Marty Hogan SGT (Join to see) LTC David Brown MSgt David Hoffman CMSgt (Join to see) SCPO Morris Ramsey LTC (Join to see) CPL Dave Hoover SGT Robert Pryor SSG Robert "Rob" Wentworth SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
>1 y
I watch from afar while I do my chore and I see another Airman go and pick s’thing up and get burned and someone else is there and could of told them it was very hot but just stand there and let them get burned,
maybe they thought they knew I think , but then I see them laugh at the person and walk away w/o rendering assistance .. So I go over and guide them over to the F.A. Kit and help them get some thing to help fix the hurt temporary.. until better can be done. Later I get chided for helping.. The person is new and didn’t know.. yes.. they need to learn. He learned it.. instead of making fun, they should of rendered assistance instead of laughing about it and at the injured person.. we kept it to a severe 1st degree scalding.. they could of done the same. he got took over to the medic corps and they did a better job and he got a assignment not handling hot stuff for rest of the day.. I‘d see my fellow Airmen struggling to cut something I’d ask how sharp is their knife.., I see it’s dull and we get it sharpened.. I asked who gave them the knife .. they said they needed his knife and left him their knife. Never mind them.. we’ll fix that sit-rep later..
Later I got him watching the servers to make sure they give out good portions.. I go look for him and find him gathering busted boxes
And taking to the dumpster... “Put those down, that’s their job, You supervise that line..!... I find the production leader and told him I already got AMN J. Supervising the servers.. they stole him just so they could sit on their duff and bulls**t . We all got little jobs got to get done .. How’s Amn J. Going to learn to supervise if he doesn’t get a chance? .. Having him do that was the payback to them for stealing his tool to do his duty.. I had 3 reservists on that day doing different assignments: wiping, mopping and one I was showing how to do the cooksheet.. keeping notes on how much we had at a given point, what we had to back up with .. He’d just put on SrAmn, I thought it be good for him to do and learn.. He seen me later and thanked me.. just reading about doing .. doesn’t really teach , if they get to put to practice what they read about .. with the right guidance.. I was fortunate to have a few leaders that answered my questions when I asked them.. I was helping one fill a Senior Cook Requisition form and I noted he left out stuff. so you don’t learn if you don’t ask.. well I had read what goes there and I knew.. I wanted to know if ‘HE’ Knew ? Well.. did he?
It was about was it cases or weight.
It depended on what was Shown in the item box. Sometimes it’s both..
Maybe it’s fzn beef shanks.. so is it by weight /vol. how many? Or all listed .. So the SrAmn when he did his answer in the volume book he circled the right one., When I had my CDCs (Career dev. Crse). My Volumes were closed book . My EoC was closed book, couldn’t go back and look.. so I had to depend on my notes in my head.. Things have changed so much.. in those CDCs.. I been out a while and I read they were going back to some old ways of doing CDCs.. Sure pics are good way of teaching.. but some good closed book volume tests teach good too .. because these Amn/Soldiers/Marines/sailors aren’t going to have those CDCs with them in the field .. or wherever they may be. Some might be in a good sitrep where they can lookup to get a better picture of how to do something.. like on a ship ..
or even in a field mess kitchen..
Different ways to learn.. sitreps change all the time...
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
>1 y
“Watch and learn”.(take/make notes) : I got into an apprenticeship and learned /remembered to do some note taking along the way. I’ve carried little notebooks, kept in a plastic bag to keep dry.. Carried note cards same way.. a good rubber band too.. I found a good way when doing a slurry ; which is basically flour, and/or cornstarch water., I then modified it.. (nothing to hide here); In container deposit some hot water (about a cup) beef base or chic or ham or even chix base n beef base together.. helps to mend a gravy that goes either way. Mix together to get a sauce. Add cool water.. about a quart. Add in equal measure of flour cornstarch cup ea. Maybe, can add more blend together.. can add some Worcestershire or A-1 if available .
To kettle with added stock when if gets boiling, gradually add the slurry so it gets to desired consistency. Let cook and test for flavor. More adjustments may be needed..
The Flour/cornstarch mix gives a semi-gloss anc doesn’t look fakey using pure cornstarch.. u less you want that .. mixing in more beef or chicken or ham base helps also..
the best deal is actually make enough roux so you don’t need the slurry. L/o roux you can even freeze.. it seems I got a wizenheimer occasionally who thinks “ ok, we got enough gravy, I can throw this away.. they don’t ask, they just take it upon themself.. I’ve caught a few and glad I did.. I was trying to see how we’d do with not making so much .. we were doing nice and I thought we’d make it.. we might have if that last group Hadn’t come in the last 45 minutes.. We were lucky, I saved extra pan drippings- n- roux and made a quick stock up from base and got it together and saved that last 15 minutes of the meal from having to do the slurry deal. I remember back when I was a young A1C I saved a batch of roux n drippings from going to the grease barrel at the hands of a K.P. That person was new and somebody didn’t tell them to leave the kitchen area alone . Especially the roux and drippings and some other items. ... Lt Col Charlie Brown
SSG Robert "Rob" Wentworth
SSG Robert "Rob" Wentworth
>1 y
As a youngster, those words fell on deaf ears.
Now... I “listen, look & learn”..
Thank you so much for the very good “Words of Wisdom”...LTC Charlie Brown!
A GREAT Reminder for today...
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
I expect that you are realize that the Holy Spirit has guided you throughout the lessons you have learned in life from your experiences as well as what you learned vicariously through the Word of God Charlie.
I pray that you and I are learning critical lessons for our life and are imparting these lessons to those who love and depend on us, my sister-in-Christ Lt Col Charlie Brown .
Thank YOU, dear God for YOUR Living Word which we call the Bible. YOUR Word provides knowledge and wisdom each time we read it as we ponder current situation.
I am thankful that YOU dwell with the soul of each of YOUR adopted sons and daughters. Each time we read or listen to YOU Word YOU store YOUR Word in our soul.
I lift each adopted son and daughter of YOURs and their family members to YOU. I pray that we each are blessed with wisdom and discernment and that we each are alert to YOU Holy Spirit as YOU lead us throughout life. I pray that we each learn the critically important lessons the first time YOU take us through.
Enable us to quickly repent as soon as YOU make us aware of failures in YOUR path for each of us. Restore the health of our soul and help us to maintain open relationship with YOU dear God as we confess and make amends with any person, we have taken advantage of, let down, overtly deceived or inadvertently confused.
I lift the parents who are adopted children to YOU. I pray that we each demonstrate courage of conviction, humility, compassion, knowledge, and love to each child. Help each one to have fun with the family. Enable each parent to guide their children through learning at every stage. Empower us with love to assure each child that it takes time, training and energy to learn the basic skills of riding, playing sports, work around the home and making and keeping trustworthy friends.
I lift medical professionals across the nation and especially at VAMC, military medical centers and Indian health centers. I pray that YOU motivate each one to learn what they need to maintain proficiency in their medical field and ancillary fields. I pray that YOU bless each one with improved listening skills and improved bedside compassion and meaningful communication.
I pray that radical progressives in Congress has learned the lesson that impeachment requires traitorous behavior and high crimes such as aligning with Muslim terrorists; misdemeanors such as advocating ignoring Federal law by creating sanctuary cities and states.
I pray that each one of YOUR adopted children and their loved ones sleep well Saturday night.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
FYI SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG William Jones PO1 Robert George SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Wanda Shepherd SPC Michael Oles SR (Join to see) PO3 Charles Streich
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