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Responses: 8
SFC Intelligence Analyst
When the NAACP was founded, the term "colored" was acceptable but since then has broadened its mission to help all people of color. At this point, they have kept the CP in NAACP primarily due to branding issue. Could they rename it? Sure. But at this point it's been around since 1909 and that's how people know the origanization and that's why they haven't changed. Also the term "colored people" here isn't singling out black people in a derogatory way.

That Rep - he was using it in a derogatory way. Clearly and he's 43 years old - he knows better. He knows and if you watch the video there was a collective gasp in the entire room when he said it.

This might help people on how terms have changed but probably not considering the people on here responding the usual way they do with their "whataboutisms" whenever someone's racism and bigotry gets called out.

TSgt Ann Smith
TSgt Ann Smith
11 mo
Well stated! Please see my reply to Bernard also. P.O.C. means all people who are melanated. meaning Asian, Indigenous, Hispanic, ect. But they already know this.
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SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
Thus should be posted under humor. What does the NAACP stand for?
These people need to just do their job and let the race/color baiting alone. MHO
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
11 mo
Gotta Keep Up With All The Current Updates....
When Will The Bull Sh*t End?
TSgt Ann Smith
TSgt Ann Smith
11 mo
I would vote you down Bernard but I can't. NAACP is a "Historical committee that was created 1909 during the "Jim Crow" era when "White" society referred to them that and the Constitution still referred to them as Half a Man. The name just signifies exactly Why Blacks created the protection of rights society back in 1909 in the first place. Get it. But NO, you should not call Blacks/ African Americans that now. Just like you wouldn't refer to a southern white man as a Confederate today...or are you? If you wish to belittle the man's statement in the article as nothing because it doesn't affect you in no ways and you don't care, Fine, then just leave the article alone instead of rubbing your privileged boot in it. Just Wow! (and you're in the military at that!)
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
11 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - Never. As I said to LTC Conway: Great reminder of how some Progressives/Socialists/Communists in society attempts to use emotion to destroy their political adversaries. They will use color, gender, and any other divisive item they can find to seek power for themselves, for with power comes all the money they crave.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
11 mo
LCpl (Join to see) - TSgt Ann Smith - I didn’t mean to amuse you. I meant to educate you. I’ve lived long enough to see politically correct names range from negro, to colored, to black, to African Americans and I am not amused by it. All these names are respectful depending on the context of which they are used.

It is ludicrous that some Progressives/Socialists/Communists would use racial emotion to categorize the word colored as offensive when it is not offensive used in the context it is. These types of people typically seek to enrage people through their emotions so they can’t think about issues rationally. I’ve known many black people who have described themselves as colored over the years, they still do, are you calling them racist? You see it’s silly when you think about it.

All I’m saying is before you let your emotions make you condemn people for plain language that is not offensive you should think about it a bit. If you are one of the ones looking to race bait and cause division in our society, OK. I understand these people also.
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LTC Self Employed
Let us not forget that the left calls black people who join the Republican party or who are in positions of power House negroes, the black face of white supremacy, the n-word or token like they don't have a brain. Look at Senator Tim Scott helped write the latest Republican tax bill that is totally the opposite of stupid brokeback President Biden disastrous bidenomics..

LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
11 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison okay maybe not members of Congress but members of the media. I guess it would probably be zombie Angry Joyride the black reporter who shakes her head and looks like one of the Warriors from wakanda. So members of Congress Maybe not. What are you going to do, kick him out of Congress for saying that? I don't think it's the right thing to say but if you watch the trailer for uncle tom, you will see people on the street who are probably Rank and file leftist Democrats call a fellow black person face to face those discouraging terms that I just mentioned. I am sorry, I should have clarified it saying people in the media who are always or more often than not Progressive and can't stand the fact that some African Americans in Congress or in the media are conservative. That is not an oxymoron. Also, notice the media does the say anything against President Biden when he says you ain't black if you don't vote Democrat. Crickets. Okay Rank and file regular people on the left but maybe not equal of Congress. I can't say for people who are representatives in state legislatures. If somebody decides to change parties, I just say you have the right to choose the party of your choice. It was kind of funny I saw the whole interview with President Biden with the former female Republican on MSNBC who used to work for John McCain. She was so giddy to see President Biden. She never asked him one controversial question at all. Had that been candidate Trump, they would have asked all the tough questions but MSNBC loves President Biden. You make me sound like a British aircraft carrier. Maybe you should call me Lieutenant Colonel Politically Incorrect and dauntless. I'll admit when I'm wrong but I'll definitely point it out when you're wrong.
TSgt Ann Smith
TSgt Ann Smith
11 mo
First of all, "Why do you care?" Secondly, are you saying that no white Republicans are racist toward Blacks and have never called them the N-word? Thirdly I guess you'll be a happy grandpa of Black Biracial kids one day right? Well good for you!,
TSgt Ann Smith
TSgt Ann Smith
11 mo
Also , what race was responsible for creating the distrust of the singular black man that ran back into masa's house and snitched on everything the black slaves were doing in the first place? Blacks should always be suspicious on both sides of the aisle because it still happens to this day from the CIA admitting they put drugs and black informants in black neighborhoods, to black FBI informant plants snitching on MLK and Malcom X and you see what happened to them. It's an old tack tick of infiltrate, divide, and concur and it still is in effect today.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
11 mo
Great reminder of how some Progressives/Socialists/Communists in society attempts to use emotion to destroy their political adversaries. They will use color, gender, and any other divisive item they can find to seek power for themselves for with power comes all the money they crave.
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