Posted on Nov 12, 2017
Addressing mass shootings: Every idea on the table
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
I'd just like to see the media ratchet back their coverage of all mass killings. By the time the guest commentators - psychiatrists, former LEOs, politicians, special interest groups, etc, etc, have had their say, the POS killer, alive or dead, has been raised to martyr status.
Every right-thinking, gun-hating person knows that the only way a homicidal maniac can kill a lot of people is to use an AR-15 with a 1,000 round "clip", a "shoulder thing that goes up", and a bayonet lug. Any other weapon is out of the question.
Forget that "mass slash" in Japan with 19 stabbed to death. Those Sarin attacks were only a Japanese prank, like stink-bombs in American schools.
That home-made bomb in Oklahoma City was just some harmless mix of fuel oil and lawn fertilizer, common stuff you can find around anybody's home. Nothing at all dangerous, like a gun.
Of course, if we want the advantages of motor vehicles in our society then we must accept the risk of bloodthirsty truck drivers, who murder over 80 victims with a truck, like that “man-made disaster” that occurred in Nice, France. The vehicle jihadist attacks we are seeing more and more frequently are just coincidence, not “copycat” crimes. Pay them no mind.
Never mind the mass-murders by machete in Rwanda, or by arson, or the lethal combination of fireworks and pressure-cookers, or that of box-cutters and airplanes.
They are meaningless. Only guns can be used for mass murder.
The danger isn't the killer, it is his gun that we must fear. Take away his gun, and he'll be "right as rain".
Forget that "mass slash" in Japan with 19 stabbed to death. Those Sarin attacks were only a Japanese prank, like stink-bombs in American schools.
That home-made bomb in Oklahoma City was just some harmless mix of fuel oil and lawn fertilizer, common stuff you can find around anybody's home. Nothing at all dangerous, like a gun.
Of course, if we want the advantages of motor vehicles in our society then we must accept the risk of bloodthirsty truck drivers, who murder over 80 victims with a truck, like that “man-made disaster” that occurred in Nice, France. The vehicle jihadist attacks we are seeing more and more frequently are just coincidence, not “copycat” crimes. Pay them no mind.
Never mind the mass-murders by machete in Rwanda, or by arson, or the lethal combination of fireworks and pressure-cookers, or that of box-cutters and airplanes.
They are meaningless. Only guns can be used for mass murder.
The danger isn't the killer, it is his gun that we must fear. Take away his gun, and he'll be "right as rain".
CW3 Harvey K.
SSgt Christopher Brose - I know one person who apparently failed to recognize the sarcasm I thought obvious. See the "Comments" section of the linked article.
we have good laws already. why can't we just enforce them better.? the writer did bring up an something that I'm a bit lost with. Charles whitman's pychc. knew of his dreams and such through their sessions. What part of Hippocratic Oath plays a part in that? From what I know of it that gets into a sticky minefield of legal and ethical problems. Devin Kelly's access to weapons was due to a clerical mistake by the AF.
CW3 Harvey K.
IIRC Whitman had told some mental health professional of his compulsion to shoot people from the Texas Tower. That Freudian dismissed Whitman's stated intentions, since the Tower was a "common phallic symbol" to his way of thinking.
Someone should have told him "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".
Whitman asked in his suicide note to have his brain examined in an autopsy. If he ever spoke of this suspicion of a brain tumor, it was as ignored by "professionals" as much as his stated compulsions to kill from the Tower. One would rather expect that any physical cause of mental problems would be investigated and ruled out before assuming a mental, and not a physical problem was to be dealt with.
Someone should have told him "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".
Whitman asked in his suicide note to have his brain examined in an autopsy. If he ever spoke of this suspicion of a brain tumor, it was as ignored by "professionals" as much as his stated compulsions to kill from the Tower. One would rather expect that any physical cause of mental problems would be investigated and ruled out before assuming a mental, and not a physical problem was to be dealt with.
AA Joseph Moody
CW3 Harvey K. - I saw a TedTalk a while ago on doing brain scans or the lack thereof in the mental health field.
CW3 Harvey K.
AA Joseph Moody - It makes me wonder if the "shrinks" don't want to lose customers to the surgeons.
AA Joseph Moody
CW3 Harvey K. - There is resistance to that all over the place actually, I had a friend some years back that had a cyst in the brain but got stuck on psych meds for a few years until they had a car accident, then all of a sudden it was "oh got a pimple in your brain, we gonna go fix it" But they only found that because of a seizure and other injuries from a car accident.
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