Posted on Mar 21, 2017
Are Flat-Earthers Being Serious? | Flat Earth Society
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
This whole thing about the Earth being round? Obviously fake news, probably put out there by Obama. The moon landing was fake as well. And those shots of the space station? They are actually shot on a Hollywood movie set. That whole hurricane thing in New Orleans a few years back? It was make G W Bush look bad. Elvis? He's not really dead.....he's living on the top floor of his mansion (they don't let you go up there). Osama Bin Laden? Not dead......he's on the street in Venice Beach, doing tattoos for $20 each. And Bigfoot? He's real.......they shaved the hair off and let him play in the NBA under the name Shaq. Yeah......these Flat Earth people are on to something.
MSG Frederick Otero
SN Greg Wright - Yeah, someone explain chemtrail to this old soldier. I hate to be out of the loop.
SN Greg Wright
Alan K. - MSG Frederick Otero People of the flat-earth ilk believe that the vapor contrails of aircraft is actually the gubberment spraying the population with lithium, and the like. I shit you not. Can't make this stuff up.
No, Chemtrails Are Not an Actual Thing | RallyPoint
The depths to which human stupidity can plumb still sometimes surprises me. Probably says more about me.
MSG Frederick Otero
Thanks, informative week what with flat earth and chemtrails. I have no doubt that the government sprays the population with bovine scatology on a daily basis but these other belief are different to say the least.
I've been from New Delhi to the West and to Tehran to the East and to Perth Australia in the south and Narvik in the Norway... and still have never fallen off...
Think Flat liners are friends with the Climate Control Whack Jobs...
Think Flat liners are friends with the Climate Control Whack Jobs...
They're ijits. Similar to moon hoaxers and chemtrail enthusiasts, they've made a determination prior to reviewing any data. Therefore, no amount of information to the contrary will convince them otherwise. They made their decision before reviewing any facts. It could be called the unscientific method.
SMSgt Thor Merich
The Chemtrail folks are my favorites. On the surface, they seem completely sane. But get them started on chemtrails and truth comes out.
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