Posted on Sep 8, 2017
Army Vet Sentenced for Faking Blindness to Get Benefits
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
A person can be legally blind and still be able to see. A normal person with perfect vision is 20/20 the higher the second /20 the worse the vision is; and anything higher than 20/400 is considered legally blind. (Everything is extremely blurry but sight is not gone into total darkness). BUT depending on exactly how high your second /20 is, one can very much live a fairly normal life with corrective lenses...possibly only having night restrictions on driving. My own vision is well over 20/500+ but with my (ridiculously thick) glasses, I am able to drive, and see almost like anyone else. But, legally; I am blind. without corrective lenses, I can literally only see clearly about a foot in front of me....after that distance, it's a blurr.
MCPO (Join to see)
I was legally blind for my entire time in the Army (Infantry, no less), and for half my time in the Coast Guard. I got Lasik and was fine for about ten years. Now I'm just "visually impaired" again. Damned old eyes!!
You know faking benefits is pretty horrible especially when there are many soldiers out there that need it. On the other side how many people have some wrong that the military falsified as okay when separating! I for one when getting discharged for inhalation problems. Also failed my hearing test but they found a way to fudge it so I could be out processed!
SFC William Farrell
SrA Derrek Cherry Seems like they found a way so you wouldn't apply for benefits and they wouldn't give you any!
Sgt Dale Briggs
That's why you bring it to legal, or you get a civilian attorney. That's not right either.
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