Shortly ago, Maj William W. 'Bill' Price published an awesome APOD regarding the first moon forming disk of the Star System PDS 70... In my response, I added a short adjunct video posted by the European Southern Observatory, which takes the viewer from a broad look at space and is homing in to the PDS 70 Star System... It is quite intriguing...
This video was published by Science and Tech News and here is their description of what is presented:
"Astronomers spy first moon-forming disk around an exoplanet.
(CNN) — For the first time, astronomers have found a disk around a Jupiter-like planet outside of our solar system — the kind of disk where moons could actively be forming.
The disk, known as a circumplanetary disk, was discovered around an exoplanet known as PDS 70c. It's one of two massive planets similar to Jupiter that orbit a star 400 light-years from Earth.
An international group of astronomers found the disk while observing the planetary system with ALMA, or the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimeter Array of telescopes in Chile.
The diameter of the disk is large enough that it spans the distance from Earth to the sun and it contains enough mass to form as many as three satellites the size of our moon.
The disk is 500 times larger than the massive rings around Saturn.
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Researchers thought a moon-forming disk may exist around this exoplanet based on previous findings, but it was difficult to distinguish it from the surrounding space environment.
I hope you find it interesting and expands your view of Space...