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Responses: 8
SFC John D.
Edited 12 mo ago
MSG Stan Hutchison
For once I completely agree with you Stan that 'Those that believe in all this "election fraud" nonsense are just fooling themselves and cannot accept the truth; they LOST!'

In 2004, 31 House Democrats (Including the Jan. 6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson) and Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. refused to certify Ohio’s presidential election results, claiming “voter suppression” in addition to arguing, also with no basis in fact, that the Diebold voting machines were manipulated to reelect Bush.

Two years after the 2016 election, a YouGov poll found that 66% of Democrats believe that Russia actually changed vote tallies on voting machines to elect Trump in 2016 (which has been WIDELY disproven and is a fringe theory) and a Gallup poll found 78% of Democrats believe that Russian interference in 2016 “changed the outcome of the election” in favor of Trump despite that also being found to be false.

Oh, I'm sorry. Were you just referring to those on the right that believe the election was stolen from Trump and not the likes of Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Maxine Waters, 31 House Democrats (and a Senate Democrat), and 66% of Democrat voters who believe the fringe theory that Russia hacked election machines and changed vote counts? How about those like Stacy Abrams, Letitia James, Al Gore, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, John Lewis, Dianne Feinstein, Marcia Fudge, Debbie Wasserman Schulz, Ted Lieu (and the list goes on and on) and 78% of Democrat voters that believe there was "election fraud" and that's why Clinton lost?

So yes, those that believe in all this "election fraud" nonsense are just fooling themselves and cannot accept the truth; they LOST!

Or are you saying that it only applies when a Republican or a Republican supporter says it? Why was it ok for the Democrats to flood every talking point and do everything possible to poison an election with baseless claims regarding elections they lost but we hear about "election deniers" 24/7 if a Republican or one of their supporters says the same thing.

Again, more proof that the only standards Democrats have are double-standards.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
12 mo
LTC Trent Klug remember hate speech to Democrats is anything they don't agree with. And whatever they don't agree with they often called them fascist or misinformation. So now we know that thanks to Elon musk, a lot of the shenanigans were exposed and we now know that there's a possibility of a different outcome had Democrats play fair but they were doing things similar to President Nixon and his dirty tricks. The difference is the FBI wouldn't back him up but the FBI what's part of the deep State and help Democrats before, during and after and even presently so whichever Republican comes in and if they are successful in winning the presidential election, you're going to have a lot of fired FBI agents looking for work and they won't have their security clearance anymore. Maybe don't go work for the Wagner group in Russia? The games that were played by democrats will not succeed this time because people will know what to look for. Before under Trump the supposed whistleblowers were revered by democrats now whistleblowers will be considered Traders by democrats because they're not circling the wagons to protect corrupt President Biden and his minions. Looking forward to the impeachment of the Attorney General.
SGT Ruben Lozada SFC (Join to see) PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGT Mary G. MSG Joseph Cristofaro SFC John D. SPC Kevin Ford SFC John D.
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
12 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - January 6th? I thought we were talking about how those believing in 'election fraud' nonsense are just fooling themselves and cannot accept the truth that they lost.

Obviously you're in your far-left partisan mode again as you're trying to deflect from the fact that the "Big Lie" was actually started by the Democrats. Are you trying to dispute that?
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
12 mo
SPC Kevin Ford - Nice words, but you were incorrect in content. TWO YEARS and after many investigations and reports how the claim that "Russians changed votes" was wrong, two-thirds of Democrats (since I quoted the YouGov poll above - in the 2018 Quinnipiac poll, it was 77% of Democrats) still persisted in that belief. I guess then two-thirds of the Democrat voters are part of the LAnon/MAWTB (Make America Worse Than Before) crowd.

To this day, 72% of Democrats still believe that Russian interference in 2016 “changed the outcome of the election” in favor of Trump. "The difference being, when the events you mentioned were investigated they were found by and large to be without merit. Presented with new information the majority of them changed their beliefs based on that information." - Maybe they forgot to read the many reports that came out last year. That would explain the clinging to a disproven theory.

According to a Monmouth poll from late last year, 61% of Republicans (27% Independents and 3% Democrats) believe Joe Biden was elected due to voter fraud - Down from 71% in 2020.

So, after 7 years, 72% of Democrats believe Russia changed the outcome of the 2016 election, a drop of only 6% in those 7 years. 61% of Republicans still view Biden's win due to vote fraud, a drop of 10% in 3 years.

Looks like those LAnon Democrats are stubbornly clinging to their conspiracy theories despite seeing the evidence to the contrary. I'd admit that Republicans aren't that much better, but it's only been three years. Maybe there will be another 10% drop in the next four.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
12 mo
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Some on the right keep referring to the Steele dossier as if that were all the Muller report was based on. It is not. Muller mostly ignore the Steel document and found evidence from many other sources.

Check it yourself if you don't believe me. If you don't like the source, there are plenty more out there.

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SGT Ruben Lozada
Good morning PO1 William "Chip" Nagel. Excellent post. Thank You for sharing this shipmate.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Those that believe in all this "election fraud" nonsense are just fooling themselves and cannot accept the truth; they LOST!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
12 mo
Opps. Thought I was posting my reply here but did it as a standard post.

BTW, for once I agree with you @PV2 Larry Sellnow. Threatening election workers is beyond the pale. If the election workers did something wrong, then absolutely investigate it and throw their a** in jail if guilty. However, attacking election workers as a group is just wrong.
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