Posted on Mar 27, 2022
“Flak Was Our Worst Enemy”: Wilbur Bowers' Air War Over Europe
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 4
Great post MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. had a friend of the family who was a waist gunner on a B-17, flew his 30 missions with 2 purple hearts and one bomber badly shot up and barely made it back to England. He told some harrowing stories about those bombing missions.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Nope. It's very difficult. But, like the man said, he may have spent 10 hours going through hell, but at least he had hot chow, a warm bed, and frequent passes to London . . .
My Dad was a waist gunner in WWII, 8th Army Air Corps, 100th Heavy bomber group.
LTC John Mohor
SGT Michael Sayles I certainly hope you’ve visited the 8th Air Force Museum in Pooler, GA ( Savannah area) just off I-95. They honor your Dad and the rest of the 8th Air Forces Airmen well! Thanks for both you and your Dad’s service!
Sgt Michael Sayles
LTC John Mohor Yes sir I have, while my dad was still with me. We also did a walk through a B17 of the Confederate Air Force I bought us tickets for a 15 min flight but at the last minute he refused to go, said the tickets were too expensive ($300 ea) but I think it may have been old memories since as soon as they started the engines to warm them up he wanted to leave immediatly.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Sgt Michael Sayles How sad! I can certainly understand his reaction, though. The 100th BG suffered excruciatingly high losses and was known as the "Bloody Hundredth"!
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