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Responses: 8
SSgt Richard Kensinger
He is a person who exhibits a high level of integration/integrity. God bless him for his military service and his continuing service to USA!
SSgt Richard Kensinger
SSgt Richard Kensinger
>1 y
And BTW we will see a an escalation of the defensive triad by Trump's most ardent promoters, inc. on this platform:deflect, distract, and destroy the fact-tellers!
PVT Raymond Lopez
PVT Raymond Lopez
>1 y
As a federal law enforcement officer I served every president since I was hired under the administration of James Earl Carter to the admiration Barak Hassan Obama faithfully. I have NEVER allowed my personal opinion or feelings interfere in the official duties. Actually I am rather fond of Bill Clinton since he is very down to earth and everyone in the Executive Mansion when the First Lady was not in the building because he would so relaxed and a really well for. Before and anyone says anything about Bill Clinton he is a very nice person and I am very fond of him.
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PVT Raymond Lopez
Edited >1 y ago
I am retired federal law enforcement office over fifty years’ experience in all levels of law enforcement and I worked for Rudy (Rudolph William Louis) Giuliani when we were chasing cocaine cowboys down in Florida back when we both young and good looking (at least I was) and I still have a full head of hair. I can tell you I have seen his fiery Italian temper up close and personal more than once and I can honestly tell you he hates criminals because he saw Italian criminal dare we Mafiosi or is that too politically in correct today robing and degrading honest hardworking Italian people for years. I am the only cop local, state or federal who never had his picture taken with Don Johnson of “Miami Vice” fame. I spent the whole afternoon today drinking coffee and flinging bovine fecal matter with friends who are all former special agents of Federal Bureau of Investigation and you would have paid good money so I could have donuts and they could their oatmeal cookies just to hear their discontent the people on the seventh floor. Gentle reader I can only say that some of my adopted “nieces” who have gone on greater better things have a much more colorful vocabulary. However their anger at the current director of Federal Bureau of Investigation Christopher Asher Wray was unbelieve these are women and who have given decades of Federal Bureau of Investigation and who have friends who the police memorial their anger at how the past administration has ruined the reputation of Federal Bureau of Investigation.
SSgt Richard Kensinger
SSgt Richard Kensinger
>1 y
Thank you for your service protecting us every day. And I agree w/ you that Trumps repeated attacks against the other branches of government, place our military in danger every day.
PVT Raymond Lopez
PVT Raymond Lopez
>1 y
Service? I am an old country boy and service is what the bull does to the cow! My beautiful wife is a fine Christian lady and I am a very experienced retired law enforcement officer which means I am as old as dirt and one night when we were driving home from dinner in Philadelphia we saw a young gentleman of exquisite grace giving an impromptu erotic dance recital on the roofs of parked cars in Center City and she laughed and “they actually pay to work you should be ashamed to take the money. Once we moved down to Virginal we went to Police Week and all of a sudden a Unites States Park Police helicopter dropped a canvas bucket down on a rope and the staff filled up with can of beer. My beautiful wife looked at me and simply said “All of you need serious adult supervision and I am too old to babysit you. Now only my service dog goes with me and I am the unofficial vocalist for the Massachusetts State Police pipe band because I know all the all the Irish rebel songs.
SSgt Richard Kensinger
SSgt Richard Kensinger
>1 y
At Mount Aloysius College where I last taught, one of our core values: "a life lived well is one in service to others". I wish you, your wife, and service dog well.
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SMSgt Thor Merich
Mr. Taylor sounds like an interesting guy to share a beer with.
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
More so than Barack SMSgt Thor Merich!
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC William Farrell - I would have a beer with either of them.
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