Posted on May 16, 2017
Guests Remind NBC, CNN: Obama Gave Classified Intel to Russia
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
The MSM is demonstrated a complete double standard on the way they treat Dems vs GOP. I now just ignore all media.
If the press wants to hyper focus while the Trump administration purges the remaining Obama hacks in the white house great. I believe only the press and the political class care.
If the press wants to hyper focus while the Trump administration purges the remaining Obama hacks in the white house great. I believe only the press and the political class care.
SFC William H.
I am about done with the MSM. I usually watch Lou Dobbs, but even he is getting a little over the top; probably from frustration. I get better news coverage here on RP.
Another example of the daily pot-stirring by media. I wasn't aware that Russia hit sites of allies we told them about. That would be a sign to cut them off. Thanks for sharing.
The question that needs to be asked, are these guests competent enough to provide intelligent political rhetoric?
Rhetoric is the tool of influential oratory polished by elegance and the light of ability to use language persuasively; misleading those willing to accept what is being presented is truth, even if the undertone is not.
Rhetoric is the tool of influential oratory polished by elegance and the light of ability to use language persuasively; misleading those willing to accept what is being presented is truth, even if the undertone is not.
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