Posted on Mar 6, 2023
Marine Corps eliminating its elite scout sniper platoons
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 1

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This makes no sense, the Marine Corps is beginning to devalue its self as a self sustaining fighting force that can support itself without needing any Army or Air Force because we already have those assets but,,now we can’t say that anymore because we’re losing Man power, Tanks, Artillery and now some Sniper assets. With all those lost assets, it’s going to reduce that independence and give Congress a final reason to dismantle the USMC as they have been trying to do for many years. The only reason the USMC is still here is because,,when the President needs a quick response force the USMC has always been there as his 911 force.
Losing some Sniper assets won’t be immediately felt but, losing them and losing Tanks will limit the operations capabilities for especially a MEU Commanders ability to accomplish his mission. If we have to gain or hold ground it will be harder waiting on reinforcements from the 82nd AB Division which is the Army’s QRF.,Every MEU or MEF I ever deployed with, has always had the manpower and supporting arms it needed to accomplish the real world mission and if needed hold ground until our mission was complete or reinforcements arrived. I still shake my head in total displeasure that a Commandant who serves a 4 year tour was able to reshape the structure of our Marine Corps by retiring all 4 tank Battalions with the stroke of a pen. With that poorly misinformed decision,,he either had no input or very poor input about the need for tanks in the USMC. He apparently has never been a MEU or MEF Commander because, Tanks will,,were and always have been a vital assets to provide ground support to the forward deployed Marines and especially an LAR BN. This I know because, I was the 2nd LAR Battalions Master Gunner and Ops Chief for four years and we always needed Tanks to provide us the heavy support we needed incase we were ever deployed against Tanks and with what’s going on in Ukraine and Europe, who knows what could happen but,,this I do know, an LAR BN without Tank support in that area of operation would be a suicide mission.,We already see Ukraine begging for tanks, I wander why (sarcasm) and here we are, giving ours away. That’s poor decisions are going to potentially bite some poor LAR BN in the ass when they’re out reconning the AO an run up tanks and they have no tanks in immediate support. I promise you that fight won’t last long. Now back to the snipers. Snipers are great physiological asset in any area of operation and I can’t understand why the USMC is ready to reduce those numbers especially when our only need to exists, is to provide the President with a fighting force that he can immediately deploy, any where and anytime he needs it without needing congressional approval for up to 90 Days. I can’t believe these Senior Enlisted and General Officers that should be advising are so willing to just give up those assets that will reduce our capabilities to be that fully independent fight force, that has spearheaded every major war or conflict the USA has every been involved in. We are that one force that the American taxpayer has repeatedly told those politicians to leave us alone because, of history and especially our history as an elite fight force, is the only reason we’re still here. Semper Fi
Losing some Sniper assets won’t be immediately felt but, losing them and losing Tanks will limit the operations capabilities for especially a MEU Commanders ability to accomplish his mission. If we have to gain or hold ground it will be harder waiting on reinforcements from the 82nd AB Division which is the Army’s QRF.,Every MEU or MEF I ever deployed with, has always had the manpower and supporting arms it needed to accomplish the real world mission and if needed hold ground until our mission was complete or reinforcements arrived. I still shake my head in total displeasure that a Commandant who serves a 4 year tour was able to reshape the structure of our Marine Corps by retiring all 4 tank Battalions with the stroke of a pen. With that poorly misinformed decision,,he either had no input or very poor input about the need for tanks in the USMC. He apparently has never been a MEU or MEF Commander because, Tanks will,,were and always have been a vital assets to provide ground support to the forward deployed Marines and especially an LAR BN. This I know because, I was the 2nd LAR Battalions Master Gunner and Ops Chief for four years and we always needed Tanks to provide us the heavy support we needed incase we were ever deployed against Tanks and with what’s going on in Ukraine and Europe, who knows what could happen but,,this I do know, an LAR BN without Tank support in that area of operation would be a suicide mission.,We already see Ukraine begging for tanks, I wander why (sarcasm) and here we are, giving ours away. That’s poor decisions are going to potentially bite some poor LAR BN in the ass when they’re out reconning the AO an run up tanks and they have no tanks in immediate support. I promise you that fight won’t last long. Now back to the snipers. Snipers are great physiological asset in any area of operation and I can’t understand why the USMC is ready to reduce those numbers especially when our only need to exists, is to provide the President with a fighting force that he can immediately deploy, any where and anytime he needs it without needing congressional approval for up to 90 Days. I can’t believe these Senior Enlisted and General Officers that should be advising are so willing to just give up those assets that will reduce our capabilities to be that fully independent fight force, that has spearheaded every major war or conflict the USA has every been involved in. We are that one force that the American taxpayer has repeatedly told those politicians to leave us alone because, of history and especially our history as an elite fight force, is the only reason we’re still here. Semper Fi
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