Responses: 18
I believe it is safe to say that despiste the facts, opinions, assumptions, and politics involved, all the special interest groups are succeeding in tearing the country apart. Without naming names, it will be good for the nation (and the world) when certain members of the human race become incapable of speech.
To the MOARNG Soldiers: be safe out there. It's unfortunate that things are so bad in the world sometimes. I'm aware that you're not supposed to be on the "front lines." However, everyone who has seen war is aware of how things can change in the blink of an eye. You're all in my prayers.
SGT (Join to see)
Just curious what you mean by " not supposed to be on the front line". I'm not trying to start a debate SSG I'm just trying to clarify the statement. Thanks.
SSG Leonard J W.
SGT Carlson, I have no issues with your question. I was simply stating that they aren't supposed to be directly involved with the "peace-keeping" portion of the task force, as mentioned in the article. The article excerpt: ["The way we view this, the Guard is not going to be confronting the protesters and will not be on (the) front line interacting directly with demonstrators," Slay said.] I hope that clears it up a bit.
SrA Marc Haynes
MOARNG Soldiers if you want to swing by my house (20 minutes by I-70) and refill your coffee thermos free (seriously). Thanks to all of you, I know you are being pulled into a political *&^#storm but I along with others in the area really do appreciate what you are doing.
The key thing in this entire article that popped out at me was the mention of DoJ running an investigation into possible civil rights violations and the like, against Officer Wilson in particular, and the Department as a whole. When the grand jury vindicates the officer - and I have every belief they will - Obama will now be 0-3 sticking his nose into matters that he has no business in. First, the Columbia incident, where he came on national television right after the story broke, and with no evidence whatsoever to back up his claim, said that the police "acted stupidly". Second, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin". Thirdly, inputting himself and his cronies into the unrest in Ferguson, over which he has met with the supreme rascist race-baiter himself Al Sharpton, to discuss the unrest and various other things. this is the same Sharpton who called the ancient Greek philosophers a bunch of greek homos, has been recorded multiple times calling people fagots, has a seriously twisted anti-Semitc agenda, calling them kykes on numerous occasions. He still pushes the Tawana brawley case, even after it has been proven via a mountain of eveidence- DNA and other- that she was a liar and made the whole thing up, And we can't possibly forget the Crown Heights incident, where court documents show that there were sworn statements that he said "Kill the Jews" on at least 2 occasions. Whether that is factual or not, the fact that he was there, stirring up the black community, has a direct line of affiliation to the violence that broke out in the aftermath of what was a tragic accident. He also was at the root of the Freddy's Fashion Mart inceident, which led to the shooting of 4 white people in the store, and the deaths of 7 employees, when it was burned to the ground. The whole time, Sharpton was riling up the crowds, using terms like "white cracker", "diamond merchants", "bloodsucking Jews", etc... yet this is the man Obama meets with to figure out how to quell the "racism that is pervasive in our society". To that, I must say that racism wasn't an issue in this country until you and your henchmen in the media and government started using race-baiting tactics to stir up black people, so they would go out and vote for you. It seems almost inevitable that this country is moving towards a race conflict in this country. I dearly hope this isn't the case, as I have people I call family that are black, and I have 3 step-sons that are half Hispanic. I worry for their safety, and the safety of normal, decent, hard working people of all colors, who are about to be swept up in a torrent of violence this country has not seen since the Civil War.
As for Mike Brown himself, all I can say is, you choose the life you live. You choose the path of being a criminal, you stand a good chance of losing that life, either at the working end of a police officer's weapon, or an upstanding citizens' who you were attempting to commit a crime against. those who live by the sword, likewise shall they die by it. Case closed.
As for Mike Brown himself, all I can say is, you choose the life you live. You choose the path of being a criminal, you stand a good chance of losing that life, either at the working end of a police officer's weapon, or an upstanding citizens' who you were attempting to commit a crime against. those who live by the sword, likewise shall they die by it. Case closed.
PO1 Walter Duncan
Articles whether or not from CNN/FOX/USA Today it doesn't matter. Our President and DOJ should not be making comments while a Grand Jury is in session. The protestors are doing nothing but trying to influence the Jury's decision. That is wrong. If they do not approve then they can peaceably protest, but wait until they have a decision. This is all trying to stir up racial issues that need to be addressed, sure. But, not at the hands of a Grand Jury. Their job is simple, evidence and the Law. There should be no outside influence.
SSgt (Join to see)
I'm sorry SSG Durand, but if you're going to use typed words as your medium to police others up, it might help give credibility to those words if you were to spell them out.
SGT Steve Vincent
Ah, yet another troll has down voted me, and not the the intestinal fortitude to render a response for her actions. Congratulations, you spineless individual. This Bud's for you!
SGT Steve Vincent
Seems like I have touched a sensitive nerve, by calling out their messiah for his absolutely divisive actions regarding race and police - civilian relations in this country. I have been unable, for 6 years now, to understand how a single person wearing any uniform in this country, be it law enforcement or military, could think this clown is a good thing for this country. He and his wife are just plain evil. They hate the military and the law enforcement communities, unless they agree with his race politics, in which case they are useful idiots. They hate and denigrate our flag, from not holding their hand over their heart during the National Anthem to Moochelle's "all this for a fucking flag" comment. Yes, Mrs Obummer, some of us can read lips. He voted to slash military benefits to Illinois veterans while a Senator, and that's a fact you can look up. He doesn't give 2 shots about what's happening in the VA, and didn't do anything at all for years, until the story exploded Nationally. He is criminally incompetent in matters regarding national srcurity, and has been purging the ranks of competent Officers for years now. He has single handedly dialed back race relations 50 years in this country, and it seems he won't stop until it is a crime to be a conservative of any color in this country. There, here's another comment for you to down vote from the shadows. Thank you, and have a wonderful day:)
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