Posted on Nov 20, 2016
Rep. Clark Introduces Bill Requiring Presidents to Resolve Financial Conflicts of Interest
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 7
That really isn't a bad idea, but why stop there? Why not introduce a bill requiring candidates to qualify for a Top Secret clearance before they can be placed on a single ballot? What about term limits for congress?
Legislated law doesn't supersede the US Constitution. It would require an amendment modifying the Constitutional qualifications. The current qualifications are spelled out in Article II Section 1 Clause 5. Even presidential term limits is an Amendment.
If they want to change the Constitution, there is an amendment process spelled out in the document they swore to defend.
Legislated law doesn't supersede the US Constitution. It would require an amendment modifying the Constitutional qualifications. The current qualifications are spelled out in Article II Section 1 Clause 5. Even presidential term limits is an Amendment.
If they want to change the Constitution, there is an amendment process spelled out in the document they swore to defend.
SSG Warren Swan
Actually what you mention is not a bad idea at ALL. But having them qualify for a TS appears to be different than the way WE go through. I say that after reading an article when Trump wanted his son in law to be cleared for meetings, and it mentioned it would be done in a couple of months. That is odd, being it took me almost 18 months to get my initial TS (ex wife wasn't a citizen yet). Make the playing field level and go for it.
but you gotta admit term limits would be a great thing as well Congress is going to say no because some people make it their career and they have a lot of political will at stake and I'm sure the Congressional Retirement fund isn't going to be a 401k plan like the US military fund is starting this year. What if he streamlined the Congressional pension system and made it like the military one I'm sure they wouldn't like that either?
SSG Warren Swan
HELLS NO they won't. Screwing us is acceptable. We're dumb enough to keep coming back in the name of "Patriotism", they get voted in repeatedly due to "old and LONG money". Who are the dumb ones?
it makes good sense because you know President Putin is a multi-billionaire he's an oligarchy know who people in prison who owns gazprom other refineries and he used his office to destroy his Economic Rivals and I know that there is no such law or conflict of interest legislation within the Russian government. So I can see where she's coming from and Donald Trump just got into this provincial election run two years ago when he still running all these Empires. I'm sure they will work something out that is legal wherever you final decision the president makes is not helping his existing portfolio in any way.
LTC (Join to see)
TSgt Frank Shirley - , I hope we have some ethics after what we've seen in this election. Donald Trump has a lot of people who don't believe in him I can understand their concern. I hope we can separate his portfolio from the presidential office that way there's no impression of double standard or conflict of interest.
LTC (Join to see)
TSgt Frank Shirley - I already barf with the Fat Kardashians and all the white, black and unfaithful women of botox,city or county dumb shows. I hope we don't have an administration as controversial as these botox bitchy and unhappy insecure women. I feel people who watch those shows are escaping their reality and it does not help in giving positive role models to the masses that do work hard.
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