Edited 7 mo ago
Posted 7 mo ago
Responses: 5
Amn Roger Omberg
Please do NOT be fooled into thinking for a moment that the IRANIANS, or for that matter, knows this, & that is there is zero respect or fear from our ENEMIES FROM HOME OR ABROAD for the people of these United STATES. WHY? Because WE have such clueless FAKE leadership, who are destined to bring this giant blessing for all of GODS people to dust, at least that is their AIM. However, We have yet to hear from GOD, himself, I fear His voice will be heard soon, & when all men hear that voice from GOD, they know to run for the hills, & hid from the Holy ONE! If anyone would like to read about this calamity, then read the book of REVELATION, it is filled with the end times info, but We knew this was coming, no surprise.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Amn Roger Omberg - Fore sure and once they see that weakness it's open season from those Rats on the United States.
Amn Roger Omberg
Well said, sarge. This land is where all of our best memories are founded, I for one, & I know there are a lot of folks just like me, that will defend this land that GOD our father has provided, so therefor it is my will, & last testament to all freedom loving Americans that I also pledge to All of my fellow Americans, My love for this nation as founded, & I will defend Her today as my God has given me the right to do so! I was born in the land
of the Alamo, I will go down with SHIP, gladly!
of the Alamo, I will go down with SHIP, gladly!
Kamala needs to step up and 25th Joe, so that there is a somewhat cognizant person in charge. The current headless charade is a woefully dangerous path
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Chuck...that is the exact problem...we have NO ONE IN CHARGE THAT HAS CAJONES AND WILL STEP UP AND ENGAGE...Joe is put away to pasture, not fit enough to stand trial, not fit enough to run for president but fit enough to stay in the basement and not do a damn thing!...they don't want to 25th him and put Kamala in charge of this $#!+ show because it will hurt her campaign when it goes south...this is an absolute and complete Charlie Foxtrot and is only going to get worse...when Trump gets in office he will inherit a crappy economy, a possible world war, an unsurmountable immigration problem, and an economy that is almost impssible to turn around. But that is what they are doing they are setting him up for failure should he win so they can say...see, he didn't do anything when in fact he was handed a crap sandwich.
SFC Bernard Walko Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug CMSgt (Join to see) Cpl Vic Burk SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence LTC David Brown SSG Paul Endes LTC Trent Klug SFC John Davis CSM Chuck Stafford
SFC Bernard Walko Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug CMSgt (Join to see) Cpl Vic Burk SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence LTC David Brown SSG Paul Endes LTC Trent Klug SFC John Davis CSM Chuck Stafford
LTC Trent Klug
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth Because if they do use the 25th, they'll have to admit his problem has been on-going and probably since he took office. The cover up is always worse.
Sara Lucas
No offense but kamala is being programed by the sane puppeteer that controlled joe...my greatest fear us its a 25 year old staffer in the white hiuse..worst case scenario is that dress wearing navy captain offering suggestions in the war room...not to mention her newly announced vp Walz who resigned rather than deploy when his group was scheduled to deploy to the middle east...
Amn Roger Omberg
PO2 BROTHER JEFFREY Goggin, please do not expect so much from nothing in the WH, except a little COCAINE, that the SS leader will gladly clean up. The Demonic are so confused, They want the almighty power & control over everything in sight, but they don't have a plan on how to achieve that same control, POOR IDIOTS! LOL
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