Posted on Feb 8, 2018
Tax Cuts Put Oklahoma In A Bind. Now Gov. Fallin Wants To Raise Taxes
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
MAJ James Woods
Kansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana each thought Trickle Down is the best; at least their GOP governors did.
"We'd created something that no one in the room liked every part of but that everybody in the room agreed would move us forward." What a good idea.
The tax cuts have been in effect for all of 39 days, u really think that’s enough time to have this impact, this was created long before the current administration at the White House and being a dem state government I would expect them to blame anyone but themselves.
MAJ James Woods
This has nothing to do with the GOP federal tax cuts bill. Much like Kansas, Oklahoma state legislature and governor led by GOP pushed for cuts in state taxes that impacted their revenue to sustain state funded programs and infrastructure.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
MAJ James Woods - Exactly, The Federal Gov't is Trying the Kansas GOP Experiment and All You Have to do is Look at Kansas and Oklahoma to See what a Gigantic Failure it was.
MAJ (Join to see)
There's a difference between tax cuts to farmers and tax cuts to business as a whole, both take years to make a difference, but particularly when you give the cuts to businesses that can't grow it's just plain stupid. This idea was doomed to fail, as was Kansas. That said, there is little comparability with Trump's tax deductions that are across the board, But those tax cuts will not have a significant effect if we can't reduce the deficit.
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