Posted on Apr 14, 2017
The Greatest 'Hold My Beer' Moment In American History Is Thanks To A Drunk Marine Vet
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 3
I used to think beer drinking was so cool when I used to be in the fraternity in the nineteen eighties after seeing alcoholics on my left and my right and my sister drink beer and say it's not alcohol and that she kill herself from suicide I'm not a social drinking whatsoever and I'm going to my next dining in and not even thinking of touching the grog! Some may say there is such a thing a responsible drinking but some become addicts. I heard that drinking on the job in the ARNG was the norm in the field. I know in Vietnam you had beer or Coca-cola but not much bottled water LOL.
Capt Seid Waddell
When my brother got after his son for coming home in the wee hours drunk, his son said - "You think I enjoy going out all night drinking and carousing? I don't!. I hate it! But it's in my genes and I'm doomed to repeat it!
My brother was quite a carouser in his day too, and his son knew it.
My brother was quite a carouser in his day too, and his son knew it.
SSgt Terry P.
LTC (Join to see) I don't remember seeing any bottled water in Vietnam,carried our water in canteens filled from the "water buffalo" or from streams or rice paddies,then treated with Halazone tablets.
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