Posted on Dec 9, 2019
Toddler, 2, put mum's loaded pink gun in mouth killing himself thinking it was a water pistol
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 13
Did you read the article? Your questions are answered in the first sentence
"Crystal meth addict Melissa Adamson, 33, was too high to realise what was going on while her two-year-old son Lokhi Bloom was playing with her loaded .380 Ruger."
"Crystal meth addict Melissa Adamson, 33, was too high to realise what was going on while her two-year-old son Lokhi Bloom was playing with her loaded .380 Ruger."
Sgt Kelli Mays
SGM Erik Marquez I don't see this as the answer, or the only answer. Yes, she was a druggy, Of course I read the disbelief and was heartbroken, disgusted and mad as hell and is why I posted this...because this happens way too often...and should not happen at all...and it happens to children whose parents are not drug addicts.
Sgt Kelli Mays
Maj Robert Thornton - I don't see this as the answer, or the only answer. Yes, she was a druggy, Of course I read the disbelief and was heartbroken, disgusted and mad as hell and is why I posted this...because this happens way too often...and should not happen at all...and it happens to children whose parents are not drug addicts.
A question I keep asking over and over. My dilemma, 2A says you can have a weapon but says nothing about the owners ability to safely handle and store them. Obviously some people should not have them.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Maj John Bell
How Florida’s red flag gun law works | PolitiFact Florida
How Florida’s red flag gun law works | PolitiFact Florida

Florida's Red Flag Law A Model, But It Shouldn't Be
The Sunshine State reacted in the wake of Parkland and passed several controversial gun control laws. Now, one's a model for other states. That's bad.
SSG Edward Tilton
More than half should not have them. The only thing that prevented mass shootings in the past was low population density. If you needed to you could always kill natives
MAJ Byron Oyler
Old post but you are very active... Problem with the 2A is the founding fathers did not see many problems such as population growth, increase lethality of firearms, decrease in education, multiple cultures, and so much more. If you change the 2A for these issues, what does it open the rest of the Bill of Rights? We have had some serious 1A issues with social media. Our founders did not see the invention of computers and what actions do you take with the serious harm done via SM. People have killed themselves over it.
The obvious answer is the simple one, she shouldn't have owned a weapon as a prohibited person (Druggie) Where were all the concerned folks that new she was a druggie, had a gun and a child? Crickets chirping. Read the constitution which was written by some very wise folks. They included methods of amending it. Again you don't get to tell anyone they need training to apply their rights. This is why we live in a republic, so our rights are frittered away due to emotional upheaval.
SPC Casey Ashfield
Sgt Kelli Mays - You clearly do not understand how "gun safety" course is an infringement on the 2A. How about this for an example...You have to pay $500 for this gun safety lecture. It is only held once a year. If you miss it, no gun permit. If you fail, no gun permit. And there is no guarantee you will get your permit, because it is a "may issue" state. That is what would happen if you start adding hoops to a right. Your certification to maintain being a teacher is nowhere near the same, nor relevant.
1SG Dennis Hicks
This is for Entertainment purpose only, Do not do this at home. Seek real NRA certified Instructors for Instructions. Read about it here
But wait folks can get some of this high quality SPECIAL FORCES type, High Speed training and be good to go :)
1SG Dennis Hicks
How 2 voda 4 u newb gun owners. Check out the Discord: Follow me on Twitter: Pledge to me on pat...
and there is more good training.
SSG Edward Tilton
The 2A is or is not. Any Amendment will go into monumental volumes of regulations and probably cause the formation of a Federal Agency to regulate it. Remove it and let local laws take over. That will allow some states to have live fire drills in elementary school.
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