Have you viewed VHWF Website yet?
The Veterans' Health and Wellness Foundation (VHWF) was rebranded on 01 Nov 2020. The VHWF continues to evolve and RP members can access the website from here:
https://www.rallypoint.com/organizations/vhwf-veterans-health-and-wellness-foundationFeel free to sign up for the VHWF Newsletter with the First Edition expected out shortly.
Also, please share your feedback about how we can make the site more functional for you! Complete our individual contact from (
https://myvhwf.org/contact/individual-contact/) by selection 'VHWF Website Feedback'.
Thank you for your time!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs;
COL Lee Flemming;
CPT Aaron Kletzing;
Maj Marty Hogan; SMSGT Gerald "Doc" Thomas;
SCPO Morris Ramsey;
Lt Col Charlie Brown;
LTC (Join to see); Maj William "Bill" Price;
LTC Stephen C.;
LTC Stephen F.;
Capt Dwayne Conyers;
CMSgt (Join to see);
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth;
LTC Jason Mackay; MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi; SFC James J Palmer IV (JP4);
Maj Alea Nadeem;
SPC Nancy Greene;
MSgt (Join to see)PS Please share with your respective RP and other networks. VHWF would like to have 10,000+ visitors by this Memorial Day. Please help us meet or exceed this goal.