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Responses: 2
CSM Charles Hayden
SGT (Join to see) Was it a long distance call?
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
No such thing as long distance on the internet.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
A lot going on in this story.

1) unless she is running on a chastity or anti-porn platform, who gives a flying fig that she had sex with her husband and recorded it? Seriously. Grow up folks. Anyone attempting to use this to discredit her as a legitimate candidate is a puritanical idiot who doesn't deserve to be elected.

2) No, telling people that your videos are online is NOT a sex crime, Gibson (and attorney Watkins). It *may* have been a crime for whoever uploaded to Recurbate (and possibly for Recurbate), but telling a media outlet the video THAT SOMEONE ELSE POSTED exists is not a crime. That is such a lame attempt at blame shifting (and pandering for dollars) that Gibson doesn't deserve to be elected, either.

3) OWN YOUR SHIT. You made the video, Gibson, AND you broadcast it. You even (apparently) profited from it. So own it. You were given a perfect platform for body positivity and sex positivity - both important Democrat platform points- and you blew it. Or, you could have (if true) taken a chance to discuss low wages for PAs, and how you have to supplement your income due to Youngkin budget cuts (again, if true - I know next to nothing about VA politics).

4) It seems like Gibson may have been operating illegally on Chaturbate. Well, illegal may not be quite true - against TOS. If true, she (and her lawyer) would likely be better served by NOT drawing attention to the online nature of things and letting those go. She (and her husband) appears to be ripe for a lawsuit from Chaturbate.

5) This whole thing is NOT worthy of headlines. Seriously. *This* is what Richmond thinks is newsworthy? I guess "Rich men North of Richmond" needs to be adjusted to "Rich men IN Richmond, as well as north of it."
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