Responses: 8
This guy would have landed on my "shit storm radar", immediately after spending 30 seconds hearing his "not my fault, me, me, me, entitlement attitude"! Guarantee he didn't have a friend while serving, unless they were cut from the same, clueless shit cloth. Should never have made it through Basic, let alone made it to permanent party. Turn on the TV, news, anything, and this is the whining crap that comes out within seconds. It sounds, to me, the real reason he got out is that his shitty attitude, performance, insubordination and whining, caught up with him and like a spoiled child, blamed everyone and everything while he was looking for the exit.
SSG Warren Swan know that's not the case....(eye wink and nod). He's a supertrooper and should sleep with Dakota Meyes leftovers. This way he slept with the gods. If you think you are "perfect", I'm SURE Top can show you the "perfect" door. Once out, there is no turning back.
This individual lasted 6 years and had only one AR15?
Homeless in the Army? Someone please explain this to me.
Considering everything that he stated, how did he get custody of his child?
Homeless in the Army? Someone please explain this to me.
Considering everything that he stated, how did he get custody of his child?
SSG Warren Swan
The only thing I agree with what this guy said was about the ''filler time'' spent doing TA-50 layouts instead of some cool training, and the part about ''lazy'' soldiers. This guarantee this guy had a crap attitude that got the best of him. Or maybe he is too smart for his own good and didn't know when to shut his mouth. I like to think that I'm a ''nice NCO'' for the most part, but I definitely know that this guys' whining would annoy the crap out of me and like most people I would probably lose my mind around him. Guarantee he was a huge morale killer in the units he was with. Nobody likes a person who constantly complains. Plus that shit is contagious. The military is not for everybody, but that shouldn't give a person the right to talk smack about their time in like it's the overall attitude of everyone else.
SSG Warren Swan
I expect Joes to bitch on most things. If Joe isn't bitching, he/she isn't happy, and they think another BS detail Sarge gave us. There is a point where the bitching has to stop, and you let them know I hear you, I get it, now you get it done or we can be here Friday night into Saturday evening. I responded to him and I asked him about no accountability for the role HE played. He never took responsibility for anything, and in six years AD, he's not even a CPL? I mean damn that's RCP right there unless it's still 10yrs. SGT is 14 still and SSG 20 unless there has been another change in the regs (wouldn't surprise me, but you get to roll your sleeves).
SFC (Join to see)
Yeah, E4 regardless of promotable status is 8 years. It's quite common in many MOSs to see E4s approaching that TIS, so in most cases they are forced to re-class since those MOSs don't promote. And yeah, the complaints need to stop at some point, and I guarantee people ended up not liking him because of all the whining which annoyed everybody and gave him an unfavorable reputation, thus, making his time in even more frustrating. If he had complained on a normal level like the rest of us and stopped, his time in may have been different.
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