Posted on Feb 7, 2023
SFC Kathy Pepper
I was impressed that Kevin McCarthy often applauded, and even gave a standing ovation, for several of Biden’s comments. However, based on Kevin’s reactions, it seems as if he is backed by Big Pharma and oil companies.

Republicans were so angry when Biden said “some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset”; it was clever the way he made them agree not to touch them.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a State of the Union Address where the opposing party applauded, sometimes giving a standing ovation, for the remarks the President has made. It happened so often that I am hopeful both parties can work together (fingers crossed).
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Responses: 21
LTC Trent Klug
The speech was an unlistenable mess with zero structure, an endless list of odd demands sprinkled with imaginative falsehoods. So it was totally a Biden production.
PO2 Joseph Barnett
PO2 Joseph Barnett
1 y
LOL, You are delusional!
PO1 Zaven Yekiazariab
PO1 Zaven Yekiazariab
1 y
You just described the whole trump presidency.
Sgt Bob Leonard
Sgt Bob Leonard
1 y
LTC Trent Klug - LTC Trent Klug,
Just a quick comment in passing. I don't expect it to change your mind, as I don't expect your willing for your mind to be changed at all. You seem to fit in the category of people who say, "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with facts."

The natural world is full of substances. Some of them can be useful, some of them are deadly. Penicillin, for example, was discovered in a moldy Petri dish that was left sitting out. Many ancient civilizations successfully used poultices that included moldy bread, which mold produced penicillin.
Federal Study Finds Cannabis Beneficial for PTSD Treatment
Results of a study released in march revealed improvements among PTSD patients receiving cannabis doses with higher levels of THC
September 21, 2021
I have a close friend who has suffered from debilitating migraine headaches since childhood. By the time he was a teenager, he had been prescribed every FDA approved drug for treatment of migraines, and some off-label approved drugs, some with serious side-effects, with very limited to no effect.

Finally, out of desperation, he tried pot. Success! The only problem: pot was illegal! Very illegal!! For years, he lived on the edge of local, state and Federal, felony prosecution; so desperate was his need for relief. He now lives in a state which allows medical pot use, but he, and millions like him, still lives with the threat of Federal prosecution.

So our fellow veteran, A1C Donnie Pedlar, finding relief in 'shrooms, is not at all unbelievable.
CPT Gerald Smith
CPT Gerald Smith
9 mo
PO2 Joseph Barnett - How so, Barnett?
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LTC Self Employed
Now that Elon Musk exposed censorship by democrats, democrats have no other choice than to cooperate.

As far as oil companies, President Biden just passed religion restricting mining in Minnesota. He basically gives all the rare earth minerals to China and other countries. Amnesty International to the story recently on all of the people worldwide who are digging up Cobalt and other rare earth metals like lithium and getting sick and dying over it.

My oil and energy stocks are the only thing that's doing well because the uncertainty and raising interest rates by this Administration is really stunting the growth rate. Just remember that we had a 5% growth rate and a 1.3% inflation rate the day that President Biden took office. Since then, we've had 13% inflation over 2 years and maybe we'll have less than a 2% growth rate if we're lucky.

Let's remember that the wind technology major components, major battery lithium other parts are processed in China because of the EPA regulations here prohibit this.

Everything goes to China.
Apple and other countries are looking at India as an alternative because China is too draconian.

President Biden may have a well-written script and may have been funny but what he has done to the US economy and put critical race theory in the military and in all government offices. Let's not forget that President Biden doesn't consider parents to be in the decision-making process when it comes to learning about alternate lifestyles, gender identity or what the kids get taught in school. He is not for parents rights.

President Biden is not a compromiser. Maybe he will be but he's saying he won't give in because he wants all of his church of the green New Deal and big government socialism to go forward and he refuses to back down even though he's meeting speaker mccarthy. 13 years ago, he was a liaison in Congress trying to get Congress to compromise with President Obama over raising the debt limit. He also voted against raising the debt limit many times as a senator but he is now a Manchurian Candidate brainwashed by the left and he's hoping to make a legacy but he doesn't realize that he's just ruining our country one executive order at a time.

If President Biden would have stayed in the basement and left all of the president Trump executive orders and laws in place, the economy would still be doing a 5% growth rate and inflation would be down.

I guess you can't fix a president who's a cross between Mr Magoo and Mr Rogers.

I foresee him being the next Richard Nixon and having his own modern day Watergate called being an unregistered foreign agent and colluding money with Hunter Biden.

If president Trump would have done everything that President Biden has done in the last 6 months including the hunter Biden unregistered foreign agent violations that's being investigated right now, president Trump would have been impeached and it would have been a conviction. He would have been out of office. The Dilemma is that if President Biden is made to resign, we know that stupid Kamala Harris will become the first female president and like President ford, pardon President Biden.
LTC Trent Klug LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden

This is sad from for my president who thinks that his son Beau died in Iraq and also earned the Bronze Star.

Number 46 is using levity and humor as a bag of tricks.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM Mikel Dawson people and finance including most Democrats with the exception of smart politicians like JFK and President Clinton in his second term, learn that if you tax corporations last, they stay and if you tax corporations more, they leave to places that tax less. That's why Democrats wanted to have a uniform corporate tax worldwide. Right now you have seven of the highest tax states that are also thinking of doing the same thing of taxing people and taxing them more and making it equal. The blue states with the highest taxes don't like States like Texas Florida and others where people go to to escape the high taxes and they generally have lower crime as well. Democrats don't want to admit or don't want to look at finance and economics 101. Even today, Warren buffett, a democrat, totally ripped Democrats a new Fanny orifice because the corporate buyback of stock is not bad and he explained why.

CSM Darieus ZaGara Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth Cpl Vic Burk LTC Trent Klug Sgt Bob Leonard A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney SGM Mikel Dawson Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
>1 y
SGM Mikel Dawson - ....
MIKE?... I Was In Business For 27 YEARS....
And, Just From Reading Your Comments,
When It Comes To Business And Related Taxes,,
I'd Almost BET, You're A College Graduate In A Different Field
Because It's OBVIOUS You Don't Know SH*T...!!.
SP5 Richard Unice
SP5 Richard Unice
1 y
Wow! You're energy stocks went down. Tragic. It has to be be the President's fault!
It's easy to place blame, why not develop some helpful ideas that you can share with the community.
CPT Gerald Smith
CPT Gerald Smith
9 mo
SGM Mikel Dawson - Most taxes and extra costs of regulations on a whole industry has to be passed on to the consumer for the business to stay afloat. However, when an industry has a competitive industry (oil/gas called "green "electricity) they must remain competitive, so they "eat" the extra cost.
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Edited >1 y ago
I love how the left talks about the cult of Trump but they worship at the idol of Xi and China.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
>1 y
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - I am southern and damn proud of where I came from. HOWEVER, that type of question is just plain ignorance to throw out persoanl attacks like that. Where I come from has no bearing on what I believe or don't beleive.

What I do beleive in though is America first...period. Since Biden has been in office he has caved to every thing Xi and the Chinese have wanted. The left talks about how Trump and Putin are buddies...well, if you look close you will see that you keep your friends close, and YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER! That is what Trump did. Also if you look further back you will see that Obama and Bush cozied up to him playing golf and going fishing. Putin didn't pull any of this stuff (he talked about reunifying the USSR, but never did it with previous presidents...he knew he would get thumped and thumped hard) he waited till Biden was sworn in and marched right across the border into Ukraine. SO when the left talks about worshiping at the altar of Trump, no I do not...I worship at the altar of the Almighty God himself who came to this earth to save my sorry soul through his son's sacrifice...that is the only altar I fall to my knees one else...period. So please keep the personal attacks to yoursef and lets deal in facts.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
>1 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - ....
It Was Just Something I Sort Have Noticed.
And Because I Asked If You're From The South
Is A Personal Attack On Your Character?
Then Coronal, Once AGAIN I Must Ask,
"HOW Did You Come Up With THAT Conclusion"?
But Having Been Stationed At Little Rock AFB, Arkansas,
It Sounded Quite Similar.....
Is There Anything Wrong With This Statement, Coronal?
But Thanks For The Conformation Of What I Thought.
I Appreciate Your Input ~ So Here's A Salute {(:->) ....
Just To Say "Thanks Again".

My Apologies, I Did NOT Intend To Create A Tantrum.
Just To Clear Up That Word, Here's Its Definition:
"noun a violent demonstration of rage or frustration; a sudden burst of ill temper."
And I THINK That's What May Have Happened, Sir.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
1 y
Colonel...are you talking/typing on a Chinese phone? Sorry but America "caved" to China long ago. If you need/want a timeframe you can go back the 90's.
TSgt Alex Barkey
TSgt Alex Barkey
1 y
PO3 Donald Murphy sad and true on your statement.
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