Posted on Apr 14, 2023
Maj John Bell
Posted in these groups: 7d85f271 Firearms and Guns6fbdce9a Pistol Shooting
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Responses: 16
SGM Mikel Dawson
Edited 2 y ago
I have a Rugar Blackhawk, .45., 7 1/2" barrel. I know the factory grips are not that big, so i purchased some larger grips. Love it. Killed 3 black bear with it.
SSG Paul Headlee
SSG Paul Headlee
2 y
Maj John Bell Spoken like a true Marine.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
2 y
I had also changed the factory grips on a S&W, Model 15, Combat Master piece. 38 caliber revolver I have owned for almost 50 years with larger grips and what a difference it made and fit My hand so much better. Not sure how many round's I've fired through it but upward of 4,000 many years back and it still looks and works like new. Very close to that a have a S&W, Model 19, 357 Magnum but that had large grips on it when I obtained it years ago. Both have adjustable sites, are blue steel and now both with large grips to fill my hand which I like. The S%W, Model 15, Combat masterpiece also was the same as I carried on duty with the USAF Air/Security Police for 8 years before I bought one Myself although then it had the small grip but even the first time I fired the made Expert score. Prior to that as a kid had only fired rifles and shotguns so that was My first but not last experience with a pistol
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
2 y
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - I've always been pretty good with a long arm. I got my first BB gun at 10, my first .22 at 12 and my first shotgun at 14. I never once had simultaneous access to a weapon and ammo without Dad right there watching/teaching until I was 18. Dad disparaged pistol and revolvers in general. He thought the only reason to have one was to administer the coup-de-grace when hunting or when an animal had been hit by a car. Even then, he preferred a sharp knife.

I never fired a pistol until I was hunting in Arizona and came to appreciate the need for snake shot. I never fired anything other than snake shot from a pistol until I joined the military.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
2 y
Maj John Bell - On the Police Department I had to dispatch with a round some animals such as deer that been hit by cars although i have used a buck knife for that also which was sometimes quicker to put the animal out of it's suffering. I found with a .357 Magnum, one shot was all that was need but when We went to .40 caliber semi auto they did NOT have the stopping power of the magnum and I would not fire more than one shot. The shot was fatal but He was still flopping around until I used the buck knife and He stopped right away and didn't want to see Hi suffer like that for passing motorist to see that either. We had to make a written report anytime We discharged a round for any reason and the expended round was replaces and My report accounted for the round although I didn't mention the knife use even though actually it was authorized if needed in that circumstance.
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SSG Paul Headlee
Smith 640-3 with after market grips if you want to pocket carry. Smith 396-1 if that’s too small.
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SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
Lots of folks like the Ruger Sp101 .38spc/.357
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