Posted on Apr 5, 2015
Cpl Anthony Pearson
It's no secret, many American gun owners are feeling pressure from the government (local, state, and federal) when it comes to the laws associated with gun ownership and the right to carry openly or concealed.

In a discussion I recently read, someone mentioned that the next war will be against gun-owning American citizens. It was a powerful statement, and one that I'm not sure I can disagree with.

What are your thoughts, everyone? Do you feel this claim has merit? Or do you feel it is more paranoia?
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Responses: 73
SSgt Fuel Systems Technician
Utter nonsense being exploited by the media and reinforced by politicians wanting to get heard. And in the extreme that does happen.. "You can pry them from my cold dead hands"
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
9 y
mine too,
SPC Joseph Fisher
SPC Joseph Fisher
9 y
I'm with you SSgt.
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SSG Program Control Manager
Edited 8 y ago
First, nothing is impossible. Such a scenario is highly unlikely though, right up there with a space alien invasion or a series of super volcano eruptions that lead to the end of civilization as we know it. My next thought is realistically how would such a scenario come into being? There are dozens of scenarios that could cause serious disruption of this nation’s ability to get essential resources like food and water to regions that need it, in such an emergency the Federal government would attempt to distribute essential good as efficiently as possible… at the same time panic might also fuel the establishment of roving gangs and banditry in rural areas.

In an effort to squash banditry, government might go after heavily armed groups in rural areas and attempt to disarm them. State and local governments in some areas might also aggressively go after gun owners in urban areas in an effort to reduce violence should they not be able to provide enough essential resources to the populous. I say some areas, because if most people in a region owns firearms, that wouldn't be feasible.

The point is that any attempt to seize guns would be as a reaction to a series of events that had little to do with politicians at the national level likening or not likening guns until they were confronted with armed groups that challenged their authority. A much greater concern would be local and state politicians. Where you lived would be a very important factor, and how they perceived gun ownership (helpful or a threat). If you live in California, it might be difficult to hold onto that AR-15… if you live in Arizona, their more likely to issue you a rifle, than take it away.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
MSgt John McGowan - First you need to consider how we might get into a situation where government is taking guns. I don't see law enforcement or military forces ever going from house to house to take guns. The guns that would be seized would be those of gangs, paramilitary forces or any other armed faction that undermined the rule of law.

We've had riots before, it never made sense to try to take guns from people in the past. Now if there were armed paramilitary forces attacking police from inside the riot, I suspect the emphasis would be on eliminating the threat... not taking their guns away.
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
8 y
SSgt. That is very close to the point that has me wondering. How would it come about? Some people in the South believe it might happen. Cling to guns and Bibles.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
MSgt John McGowan - Natural Disaster or prolonged scarcity of resources... that leads to martial law would probably be the first step. Large percentages of the population deciding they are no longer represented in government and disadvantaged would be the second step. Armed insurrection by a significant percentage of the population would be the last step. I guess it's also possible that a populist leader who was (at least initially) very popular could declare marital law in response to an event (think burning of the Reichstag) and then arrest anyone in congress who refused to bend to his will. That would eventually cause an insurgency to rise up and resist the new dictator. I don't see a problem with people clinging to their gun and bibles unless they decide to begin forcing their religion on people at gunpoint.
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
8 y
SSG I for one hope it never comes to that. But Hillary doesn't like guns and the possibility of a liberal court could very well make guns illegal. Some of the decisions of SCOTUS is not in my line of thinking. A court majority come change the landscape of this nation for decades. I for one does not think the bathroom/shower room business is settled. I do like your thinking and you are very good at expressiing your ideas. Have enjoyed our chat.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
The United States constitution was written at a time when the difference between military and civilian weapons was negligible at best. Our fore fathers put in the right to bear arms as a means of keeping the government from tyranny against the people. It is a beautiful theory. Unfortunately now it is not so practical. The United States armed forces is one of if not the best equipped military force on earth. Americans slsughtering each other would be just that a slaughter. The only mitigating factor is conscience. On both sides ides of a war over civil liberties, you will have people that do not wish to fight their fellow citizens. I understand the frustration. It seems that the Goering is intent on govrrning every aspect of life. It is the early stages of George Orwell's 1984. We are also to blame. Text speak, a 24 hour news cycle that is mostly filler, news for profit, not demanding better off or elected officials. Not being willing to actually dig deeper into what is put out for information. If we as a people want to avoid this scenario, there is a solution.
1. Learn about the issues that are important.

2. Demand better of our elected officials.

3. Stop accepting the two party system.

4. Allow each citizen to choose how they want to live without forcing one's own morality on others.

5. Stop trying to legislate morality.

6. Don't tolerate politicisns in any of the three branches circumventing the constitution.

7. Institute term limitations on congress, senate and supreme court similar to those on the presidency.

8. Do due dilligence on candidates, amendments, and ballot issues before voting.

9. VOTE!

That is a simplified list, but that would be a start to moving the nation in the right direction.
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SGT Francis Wright
Paranoia, nonsense? I don't think so. When it does happen, they will first roundup the gun owners, then they will roundup veterans/retirees; those that are willing and able to fight. Then everything and everyone left will follow. Don't have to believe me listen to the past.
Capt Whitney Davis
Capt Whitney Davis
9 y
MSG Brad Sand, right, the Crown government had the capability to "round up" civilians it considered treasonous. Or, no, it didn't. Thus, the American Revolution. Why do people think it would be any easier now?

I fundamentally disagree with you on the subject of despotism only being staved off by an armed populace (to be clear, I am not advocating disarming Americans). Most Iraqis are, and were before 2003, armed. This did not stop Sadaam Hussein from ruling over them as a despot. Most Afghans are armed and they have routinely been ruled over by force. What keeps our government from being run by a tyrant is adherence to the Constitution and an informed, active populace. The voters here insure that our politicians adhere to the Constitution, and the structure of the government prevents any one individual from amassing enough power to subjugate everyone.

Interpretations of the Constitution can differ, but most of the argument over what is and is not constitutional is really rather minor. More to the point, differences of interpretation between the Legislative and Executive branches are adjudicated by the Supreme Court. This is precisely what is happening with the President's recent executive order regarding undocumented immigrants. It is the right way, and further proof that no one person is about to take over the government and start removing weapons from everyone's house.
SGT Francis Wright
SGT Francis Wright
9 y
All the CINC needs is like minded General and Fleet Officers. To carry out his plan. But like you pointed out I'm no authority, fore I did not go to Command Staff School. But to ignore the writing on the wall would be a mistake.
Cpl Dennis F.
Cpl Dennis F.
8 y
Capt Whitney Davis - Look up "normalcy bias". Just because it hasn't happened you believe that it cannot and will not happen .That is a fallacy.
Capt Whitney Davis
Capt Whitney Davis
8 y
Cpl Dennis F., I have not said that a president or general cannot take over of this country and subvert the constitution. I have said that this is not happening. Normalcy bias is absolutely a real thing, but does not apply in this instance.

If you want to get into rhetorical deconstruction, you should look up the definition of fallacy. Opinions don't fall into fallacy because they are, by definition, not factual. They should be based in fact, and I've laid out the facts that I've based my opinion on above, but opinions themselves cannot be true or false.
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SFC Boots Attaway
By the time they get to my door here in Texas they will have gone through the TxDPS, the Texas Guard (not National Guard), County Sherriff and city cops, but I will already be GONE.
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
9 y
yes I do, but they are going to have a hard time with that one.  And it is a stupid one at that.  We have the right to defend our homes and families, but most of all to hunt to feed them.  It will end up in a martial law act and the president nos it and wants it.  But since president Obama has taken office the purchasing of guns has risen.
some more interesting things:

At the last minute in the end of his time he will pull a fast one so hope everyone is ready.  
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MSG Brad Sand
As with most things in history, the thing that seems likely does not happen and something out of left field blindsides us.

Look at the major tank battles in Central Europe between the Warsaw Pact and NATO.
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
8 y
MSG. What scares me is that one morning we will wake up and the fat lady has sung. Our President is always coming at us in all directions. As a nation we are unbalanced now with new rules and so many that the public simply do not want. Example. This mess with the schools and Target on the restroom shower that is uncessary.. Unless you go all the way, half measures are not good enough
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
8 y
MSgt John McGowan
Reality has a way of washing all that BS into the gutter at some point. We will pay a price for all the silliness, especially those that are taking place within our Armed Forces but we have placed ourselves in a position to allow the BS for a time.
There will come a morning when the real World will slap us and we will need real leadership. I hope we have the men and women to step up at that we have in the past.
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
Not so sure this a war they'd really want.....look at the terrorist attack in Paris around the New Years holiday timeframe....the shooter had zero resistance from the unarmed (sheep) populace.....that wont happen in the good ole US of A!
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
9 y

You think there would be any armed response from free citizens in New York City, Washington or Chicago? Well, because of the cities listed, I mean against an armed attacker and not against law enforcement?
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
>1 y
CSM Michael J. Uhlig I hope what happened in San Bernardino isn't a harbinger of what our enemies, foreign and domestic, have in mind--a war of attrition that wears down the masses psychologically.
PO2 Robert Cuminale
PO2 Robert Cuminale
>1 y
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS - That was the IRA's tactic. People could no longer feel safe in the streets not knowing where the next car bomb or trash can bomb would go off. Opponents were afraid to go out for fear of being "knee capped".
Michael Collins finally got Britain to give Ireland freedom with these tactics.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
>1 y
PO2 Robert Cuminale - There seems to be nothing new under the sun, yes?
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CPT Doug Waterfield
Edited >1 y ago
For all of you who believe that a) the government won't confiscate firearms and b) soldiers and police would refuse to follow such orders and c) that such an event would lead to armed might want to read about what happened in the aftermath of Katrina:

The fact is that our own government did come after citizen's guns, police and military personnel helped carry out that confiscation, and citizens did not rise up in armed rebellion against this assault on their rights. It happened right here in America, in this century, during a highly publicized event, and most people don't even know it.
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SSgt Jonathan King
Did Trump tell you this? Did he tell you Obama was coming for your guns? Did he tell you to lock your door and don't open when you see the President standing on your porch telling you it's time to hand over your .22?

I've seen so many complaints from gun rights enthusiasts that we need to just enforce the laws we've got. The briefings on the executive orders note additional funding for more ATF agents to enforce the laws. A lot of folks who own guns know that they went through background checks to purchase their weapons. The briefings on the executive orders note required criminal background checks regardless of where you purchase your weapon (online, in a store, at a gun show, etc.) since there are currently many ways to purchase a firearm without a background check. A lot of talk centers on the fact that guns aren't the problem, mental illness is a common factor in a lot of these mass shootings. The briefings on the executive orders note new investment in mental health care.

Gun rights enthusiasts can also take their little quotes and memes about Hitler removing gun rights out of the picture. The 1938 German Weapons Act reduced restrictions on gun ownership, and the closest thing Hitler ever said to disarmament quote so often attributed to him was regarding non-Aryan Russians in occupied Russia during the war. A little research goes a long way, but no research just makes you look silly.

Notably absent from the briefings: any rules about existing gun owners. Any rules about mandatory buy backs. Any rules about specific groups based on anything other than mental health and criminal history.

Notably absent from politically motivated attacks on executive orders regarding gun control: facts. Logic. Reason. Common sense.
PO2 Robert Cuminale
PO2 Robert Cuminale
>1 y
SSgt Jonathan King - I didn't quote Hitler. I cited real laws passed by the Reichstag.
SSgt Jonathan King
SSgt Jonathan King
>1 y
PO2 Robert Cuminale my mistake, I figured your reply was related to what I posted which directly addressed the misinformation that Hitler "disarmed" Germany. The Snopes article helps address that, but if I'm wrong or misled it wouldn't be the first time. Snopes is usually pretty good about putting facts out there.

The big difference between the laws you cited and the proposed executive actions is that the laws you cited were about subjugating an ethnic group, not gun control. The same limitations were not placed on everyone in the country, only the Jews.
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Cpl Anthony Pearson
>1 y
SSgt Jonathan King - Not opposed to background checks.
MAJ Matthew Arnold
MAJ Matthew Arnold
>1 y
Snopes is not an impartial source without an agenda.
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Cpl Jeff N.
They might but if they do it will not be a full out assault on owners. The left has been trying to chip away at different pieces for years. Many years ago we had the groups going after hand guns saying we didn't need them, they only kill innocent people etc etc etc.

We also have has the "assault weapons" banners. They want to get rif of anything with a magazine and a semi-automatic feature. SOme states have limited magazines already.

Recently, we have had folks that want to go after certain ammunition.

They keep sending out trial balloons to see how they float. If they ever think they can do it, they will. That is just how they are wired. It will be done incrementally though. Certain weapons, certain ammo etc.

One of the most important things we can do is take your kids to the range, show them how to shoot, to respect weapons, to value the right to keep arms etc. The left likes to use the inexperienced youth to try to drive public opinion and policy. They have been dumbing them down in public schools for years.
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