Posted on Jul 11, 2016
Does Hillary Clinton want to Federalize of all local Police Departments?
Hillary wants all police departments under federal control. The clain is that many Deptments are small and need help.
To me it looks like she and Obama wants wants to turn the US into a police state. Which would cut freedoms even more. What is your opinion of this and would it help? The UN is here already and if we can't police our own nation we really have our work cut out.
To me it looks like she and Obama wants wants to turn the US into a police state. Which would cut freedoms even more. What is your opinion of this and would it help? The UN is here already and if we can't police our own nation we really have our work cut out.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
What a load of hyperbole. Look, I hate clinton (won't even capitalize her name) as much as any reasonable-minded person. But federal oversight of police agencies ALREADY EXISTS. The feds are free at any time to come in and take over for locals, because -- get this -- federal law trumps state law. There are plenty of democratic countries in the world with 'federalized' police forces, Canada and the UK being the biggest two that come to mind, and they're doing just fine. Perhaps a little more oversight is just what's needed to keep dumbassed white cops from killing harmless black men?
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
SSG Warren Swan
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Stephen F.
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
SSG Warren Swan
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Stephen F.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
SSG(P) (Join to see) - Here is the 10th Amendment:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
It says fed are limited by the constitution only. Basically if the state says you can/can't talk bad about something, they can step in.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
It says fed are limited by the constitution only. Basically if the state says you can/can't talk bad about something, they can step in.
MSgt John McGowan
I do understand the Sheriff is the highest law offical in some locations. I would hate to see a situation like this happen. But somewhere in time some will start pushing back.
SPC Joseph McBrayer
I think you're facts are completely correct. Not all "white cops" are dumbass nor do I believe that all "harmless" black men are such. Get all of the facts and details straight for yourself and not from the race baiting media that want to sensationalize every incident that involves a white police officer and a black man. We are all being played by the current administration and the biased media.
SPC Joseph McBrayer
SPC Joseph McBrayer - I meant to say incorrect not correct. I just love autocorrect.
I found one news source with a related discussion MSgt John McGowan from July 8. When I searched "all police departments under federal control" I saw many hits for political websites most citing Obama. Adding Clinton I found the following PBS interview.
I am more troubled by the establishment of something like the US Department of Education for police forces. We certainly do not need the federal government determining how local police forces conduct themselves in tense situation and when deadly force can be applied.
What seemed typical for her is that she brought this up in the aftermath of the sniper slaying of the policemen in Dallas.
Thanks for mentioning me SN Greg Wright
I am more troubled by the establishment of something like the US Department of Education for police forces. We certainly do not need the federal government determining how local police forces conduct themselves in tense situation and when deadly force can be applied.
What seemed typical for her is that she brought this up in the aftermath of the sniper slaying of the policemen in Dallas.
Thanks for mentioning me SN Greg Wright

Clinton calls for national use of force standards for police
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton joins Judy Woodruff to discuss the sniper slayings of Dallas police officers and recent fatal cop shootings of black men. She said white Americans must understand that the concerns of their black and Hispanic neighbors are real. Clinton also called for national police reforms and standards for the use of force.
What does Pres Obama have to do with something Clinton wants to do? How is the UN "here already"? You don't list a single source for this claim. A simple Google search, however, shows that this "story" exists only in the right wing echo chamber.
MSgt John McGowan
SGT Man you sure love to stir things up. This is the second time for us. But I said before, no pissing contest. Guess you will have to find someone else to try and fire up. Just one question, other than you getting your kicks this way what is the purpose?
SGT Edward Wilcox
MSgt John McGowan - The purpose is to understand the thought processes of the conservative. Sometimes, the only way to get a straight answer is to use sarcasm, other times it requires pointing out the absurdity of the opposing position. I don't mean to ridicule, I am simply trying to point out how absurd I think your position is.
MSgt John McGowan
SGT my point is it is very possible something like this could very well happen. Big Brother is a real possibability as the government gets more powerful. Obama has made a lot of changes and not many have been positive. I will admit that I am afraid of losing our way of life. I have 8 grandchildren and 8 great grands and our goverment's careless ways will hurt their chances of a life close to what we have had. Corruption is so bad in Washington that they don't even try to hid it any more. It's done openly. The FBI Director payed out each lie Hillary told, and she still walked. A double standard of law was applied in her case.
SGT Edward Wilcox
MSgt John McGowan - I don't believe corruption is the problem we are told to believe it is. Many things that happen are not, necessarily, corrupt acts. By definition, if the law allows it, it is not corruption. As far as Pres. Obama is concerned, I believe he has been very positive for our country. I have not seen any, actual, erosion of our rights by anything he has done. Oddly enough, while it is the conservative side that whines about losing rights, it is always the Republicans that introduce legislation that does erode our rights. Sec Clinton "walked" because there was no real case that could be brought. Within days of Director Comey's testimony before Congress, the State Department released a statement saying he was wrong about the number of emails that contained classified information. Add to that the fact that former Sec. Powell has said, on numerous occasions, that he and Sec Rice did exactly the same thing Sec Clinton did. Why don't the Republicans scream about bringing charges against them?
Having said all that, none of it relates, in any way, to your fear of anything that involves the UN. None of it relates to your comments about the Safe and Strong Cities initiatives. Neither of which contain anything that would affect our rights, in any way. The Republicans have done more to further the Police State than anything the Democrats have suggested. A very right leaning Supreme Court, while bolstering the 2nd Amendment, have made decisions that have reduced our protections under the 4th and 5th Amendments.
Frankly, MSgt, I think you are looking for Big Brother in the wrong place.
Having said all that, none of it relates, in any way, to your fear of anything that involves the UN. None of it relates to your comments about the Safe and Strong Cities initiatives. Neither of which contain anything that would affect our rights, in any way. The Republicans have done more to further the Police State than anything the Democrats have suggested. A very right leaning Supreme Court, while bolstering the 2nd Amendment, have made decisions that have reduced our protections under the 4th and 5th Amendments.
Frankly, MSgt, I think you are looking for Big Brother in the wrong place.
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