Posted on Jul 25, 2018
SPC Infantryman
I want to try out for special forces, so I finally raised my GT score to 119 after 2 months of studying, and now I hear that I have to take another test to qualify for special forces.
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Responses: 15
LTC Self Employed
I speak fluent Spanish and I did not score high enough on the test. Like others here have said, memorize the rules and know the definitions of grammar. If you already speak another language, it may be helpful. Once you get that good score, then you could pick a language. That means a year at Monterey learning that language. I am in civil Affairs and when I was with a civil Affairs Battalion, our Battalion Commander would ship us all down the Fort Irwin to take the test. Psyop, civil Affairs and Special Forces watch your language skills. Slapping civil Affairs are very closely related to Special Forces and we work together.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC Eric Hurdle thank you for the compliments! The local commanders need to realize that civil Affairs can actually take some of the heat off their people during an after a battle because if we help the locals and their basic necessities, maybe they won't join the terrorist and do sabotage. We learn this after post-war Germany when everything went to enter key and people were pissed off at Patton because he actually got the Nazis back to work to do essential services. From that, civil Affairs was formed a few years later.
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - That's pretty interesting. It was news to me.
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CSM Charles Hayden
SPC (Join to see) You ain’t seen nothin yit! SF is an ongoing series of tests. They never cease! That is where the Respect for Special Forces troops comes from.

Then, you receive a Long Tab; careful, do not step on yourself, indigenous personnel or do anything that might cause your clearance to be challenged.
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
>1 y
CSM Charles Hayden, you hit on something very important that a lot of folks don't understand, even within SF. NEVER mess around with the indigenous emotionally/sexually in any way. At a minimum it can compromise the mission. At worst, it can and will get you or your teammates killed. Under no circumstances did we fraternize like that with any of the locals. I can't see how that has changed one iota in the 50 plus years since. If you can't abstain while deployed to a forward operating base, SF is not for you.
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LTC Stephen C.
Edited >1 y ago
SPC (Join to see), I think CW2 (Join to see) has offered some valuable information. His advice might be the best course of action.
I took it many, many years ago and did very well. I didn’t study for it. I didn’t know you could study for it, so I just took it. At the time, I thought the test was to measure one’s natural propensity and aptitude for language, so I saw no point in studying.
CSM Charles Hayden LTC (Join to see) SGT Robert Pryor
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
LTC Stephen C. Remember we were Soldiers Once and Young!

I passed the SF PT Test cold turkey in 1962!
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
>1 y
CSM Charles Hayden, I first took it in 1969, sometime before I enlisted on 9AUG69.
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
>1 y
LTC Stephen C. - I agree. I don't think studying for any type of placement or natural abilities test, such as the GT, is ever a good idea. If you were having a bad day that adversely affected your score -- fine. Retake the test so it more accurately reflects who you are. I didn't know anything about the GT. I just knew it as one of many hoops I had to go through when joining the Army' I put little or no effort into it, so maybe I could have done better had I thought it might matter, but there really was no need or opportunity as far as I knew, or even know to this day.
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