Posted on Dec 5, 2015
LTC Jason Strickland
Take the time to read this short article and let the rest of our RallyPoint community know your thoughts on religious expression in our armed forces. The author opines that US Air Force Academy players praying in the end zone before a football game is taboo - and reflects a much larger problem of religious expression in the military. While cadets don't necessarily reflect the military establishment as a whole, this does stimulate an excellent conversation. Do you agree? If you're the supervisor of a unit, how would you respond? Ultimately, is this an authorized activity under UCMJ?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 47
PO3 Brad Phlipot
This is so funny because I remember being issued / given a pocket bible in bootcamp. Everyone should be left to their own faith as long as members are seeking consult or it does not interfere in any way with your loyalty to your Oath. Personally I was absolutely shocked when I read an article stating that the AF had changed the Oath by leaving so help me God optional. No matter what anyone says our country was founded on Judaeo / Christian values and this is evident in our national monuments. So then the question becomes in this scenario to those taking the Oath whom do you serve? A man? That is a dangerous path to go down as history shows us.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
8 y
My brother told a story about Army Boot Camp Sunday services experience in 1970. Through a series of commands "All you (insert denomination) report to (insert a particular set of bleachers)", they thought they had completely separated everyone by faith. There were about two dozen recruits still in the bleachers. My brother never had to move. A Catholic Chaplain came to the set of bleachers and went through the Catholic service. When time came for communion, my brother stopped the Chaplain just before taking the communion wafer. "Sir, I'm not Catholic." "Well why are you here with all the Catholics?" "Sir, they never told the atheists to go anywhere." Dumbfounded, the Chaplain looked at his flock and asked "Anybody else here not a Catholic?" It turned out there was a Mormon, a Muslim and a couple more Atheists. They were released from the bleachers and told to hang out in the shade under a tree. The following Sunday there were about three times as many "tree worshipers".
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MAJ Keira Brennan
As a retired 04, OEF Vet, Humanist this is just another example of theistic expression. My expectation is that is neither encourage /discourage this stuff. If they must, insist that they take place privately. We warriors need to be above board & do w/o the public sectarian expressions. The Nation holds its Officers & NCOs to the highest ethical standards. How could the public NOT THINK this is an USAFA/military institutional practice? But I have seen worse!
MAJ Keira Brennan
MAJ Keira Brennan
>1 y
MAJ Carl Ballinger - Disagreed as usual. It must be frustrating to know so many people think faith is a load of crap and a waste of time. Not very professional but true in my "book" (The Portable Atheist)
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TSgt Dave Beem
Well, this is interesting. I wound up bagging my commander during a "command leadership climate survey" for starting our commander's calls with a prayer. HE was a very evangelical Christian. I knew we had dozens of people in our squadron were NOT cool with it. I personally didn't care, but it simply didn't sit right with me that he should be evangelizing on company time.
And like that article stated, those who were uncomfortable with it had no choice. So AFTER the review AND getting his ass chewed by not only the group commander but the Wing King as well, he came back with this. Not a direct quote, but the gist of it remains pure.

Commander says at the NEXT commander's call. "Well, according to the climate survey just done, some people appear to be displeased with my starting commanders call with a prayer. So those of you who do not want to pray may leave the room before we start the prayer."

Now, wouldn't that just single out the whistle blowers? YEP, and their performance reports and awards and decs reflected that retaliation, but we simply couldn't PROVE it. Not to the IG's satisfaction at least.

Thankfully he was soon holding PCS orders.

The problem is NOT with prayer, or evangelizing. It's with WHERE it takes place. And WHO is doing it. For the academy football team, if EVERYONE agreed without feeling pressured to conform, I think the group prayer is fine. Civilian football teams do it all the time, after all. The old saying about "There are no atheists in the trenches when the bullets and artillery shells start flying is most certainly NOT true, but it does seem to have an effect on SOME people.

But the bottom line is that separation of church and state is a key part of our constitution. Unlike Europe, where nation states and principalities throughout history wound up switching religions when their king/prince/leadership declared that they were a "protestant/catholic/Lutheran/whatever" religion, or faced severe penalties (like death), OUR constitution is BASED on religious freedom.

However, while us military folks are free to join whatever faith they like, the Constitution also states that there will be NO STATE SPONSORED RELIGION. No OFFICIAL religion of the US. However, we also know that most of the founding fathers, now, took their religion with a grain of salt. Ben Franklin wasn't exactly a lecher, but wasn't exactly a faithful husband either. Neither was Thomas Jefferson. None of our founding fathers were saints, by any stretch of the imagination. George Washington had teeth ripped out of his slaves mouths so they could be implanted in his. However, they DID forsee a time when, as America grew, DIFFERENT religions as well as different sects of Christianity WOULD develop, and they KNEW it would cause a problem, so they did their best to head that problem off at the pass.

One has to remember that while we swore to DEFEND the constitution of the United States from enemies, both foreign and domestic, we do NOT fall under the protections of that same constitution. Example: Adultery is ONLY a crime in the military..not in the civilian world. We can be brought up on charges for not doing our job, not doing it correctly, or doing it TOO well (like in my case, running a 10,000 system basewide computer network (hardware side) with ZERO budget, ZERO systems under warranty, and ZERO spare parts. So I robbed parts off OLD computers destined for DRMO because something broke in that system. However, from MY point of view, if there was anything USEABLE in that system to repair another one, then it was my DUTY to use it. I would not, for instance, put a power supply that had caught fire back INTO a system bound for DRMO. We snagged RAM, drives, anything that could be salvaged to either upgrade or repair existing systems as well.

But in 2007, I was brought up on charges for turning in an ancient Micron PII/400 system that was NOT complete. They said I STOLE the parts and took them home. Now in 2007, precisely WHAT would I need parts from a machine that old for? I was a gamer, and I've always hand built my systems from the best tech out there..expensive, yes!

They wanted to court martial me. I was guilty until proven innocent. I had to do a complete inventory on TOP of the one I'd just done to transfer the account before I retired. EVERYTHING was there, and complete just like I'd said in my FIRST inventory. But I got fined $2000.00 and was forced to retire early, but luckily with an honorable discharge. And, of course, while all this was going on, systems were dying constantly and I wasn't even allowed to DO my job, lost my net admin privileges, etc. ROYALLY pissed me off because I WAS GUILTY TILL PROVEN INNOCENT and the burden of proof was on me. Especially since my commander, (who was a closet lesbian) was also judge and jury (I took the article 15, even though what they charged me with, WILLFUL dereliction of duty, was NOT what I should have been charged with.

So we do NOT get the protection of our own constitution. I was taken out of my office in handcuffs, paraded down the hallways of our huge RC-135 maintenance facility, which trust me, shocked the hell out of everyone (including me) and it's amazing how your staunchest supporters flee your presence when you come under a cloud.

NOBODY stood up for me, even though there wasn't a single person that I had NOT either helped or bailed out of trouble in that squadron (I was at Offutt 26 years). They were always glad when I came to fix their systems (I was the lead hardware tech on Offutt, and not beating my own drum, but NOBODY on base could compare..I NEVER had a system I couldn't fix! I was the "GO TO GUY" when everyone else failed. Even my first shirt was pissed off at what happened. He told me straight up "Dave, you did what you had to do to keep the mission going. Field Expedient Means. Without our systems, CAMS was dead. Weight and balance programs were dead, and ALL of our RC-135 aircraft would have been grounded almost immediately had I just thrown up my hands and said "they're new ones". We were usually OUT of O&M funds by April of each year. ONCE in a great while we'd get a bit of fallout money and got maybe 20 new systems, which were, of course, snatched up by the high rankers, while the CAMS folks, for instance, were still using PIII systems that were slower than snails.

I made SURE they got as many new systems as I could scrounge.

So for keeping the mission first, in spite of zero funding, I was nearly court martialed. the problem with TAKING it to court was that they were going to pad the panel with total computer illiterates, who got confused trying to SAVE a document or to even open their email. Like I'd have stood a chance. Tried by my peers would have been ok, had they actually BEEN my peers, which would have been fellow systems guys..the guys who came to ME when they couldn't fix something. I'd have been off the hook in seconds.

Ok, sorry for the rant, but I used that as an example of how we are NOT protected by the constitution we swore to protect.

Think that PRAYER is a big deal? Ok, has the UCMJ been CHANGED since gays and lesbians can now be openly serving? From what I remember, your wife or girlfriend giving you a "hummer" was sodomy, the same crime as if you screwed a sheep. Guys got busted for it all the time in the dorms, because if the commander entered the dorm room (no and caught a guy and a girl necking, or unclothed but NO evidence of them having sex, how do you DISPROVE the accusation of your girlfriend giving you a "hummer"? YOU CAN'T!

And since THAT problem actually directly affects the religion issue (I seriously doubt any evangelical church approves of same sex lovemaking), what did the UCMJ do about it?

Did NOTHING change except that now you can SAY you're gay, but you still can't have sex, because it's considered SODOMY under the UCMJ? (and no, I'm not gay, but we ALWAYS had gays and lesbians in the military, and as long as they didn't pinch MY ass, or come onto me, I was ok with it..personal lifestyle choice (or not choice, but genetic, whatever you believe). So say you were a lesbian or gay crewchief. Your shift boss is an evangelical. You are now serving openly. HE thinks you are an ABOMINATION. Think THAT won't be reflected in a performance report, or when it comes time to do the awards and decs thing?

To me, THAT issue is far MORE important than the prayer issue. But for me, Church and State must ALWAYS be separated. Because we are supposed to be ALL EQUAL UNDER THE LAW.

Then again, you really have to wonder why the services hire chaplains to begin with, and every base has a chapel that I've been on. We had a chaplain in our logistics group.. He was Jewish, funny as hell, ALWAYS looked rumpled like he slept in his uniform no matter WHAT he did with it, and he was a damned fine counselor. However, does anyone KNOW why we have base chapels, and a chaplain force? ALL the services do. And for true separation of church and state, THOSE probably need to disappear as well. Now in a combat zone, I can see the services providing a tent for use by any or all of the different religions present in that unit or area, especially when it's NOT safe to gather to worship in places like Ashcanistan. But in the CONUS, and even overseas, I'm quite sure that anyone wanting to go to church could find one off base.

The only reason I brought the chapels up is because sooner or later the ACLU or some other dipshit organization will figure it out and demand that they go.

So think about this. Oh, and for you enlisted (and officer I think), read your enlistment contract. I DARE you to find on that document ANYWHERE that you get PAID. We assume it, but at least on my contracts, there is no mention of money. Only that the military will provide you room and board, and that might not even be on there.

Ok, enough ranting. But I think you can see my point. It all comes down to ethics versus religion, or maybe integrity versus religion. You all swore an oath, same as I did. But we were also taught that we did NOT have to obey an unlawful order. However, it seems that the UCMJ decides what orders are lawful and what orders are not.

LET US PRAY, said by your commander at commander's call IS AN ORDER FROM YOUR COMMANDER TO PRAY. Nothing wrong with being an evangelical ANYTHING (I think the true interpretation of the Koran makes ALL Moslems EVANGELICAL, since it IS a basic tenant of the Koran and Islam to SPREAD THE WORD AMONGST THE UNBELIEVERS! I've read the Koran front to back many times (though I'm positive that you lose something in the translation from Arabic to English).

What would you do if your commander suddenly came into your office wearing a turban and you hear a "call to prayer" over the intercom system? Alarms would go off in your head that would deafen you.

Well, guess what? A kid in ROTC in college managed to get a CIVILIAN judge to rule that (since the boy is a SIKH (I spelled it wrong, I know), he CAN grow his beard and wear a turban WHILE in uniform. The judge stated that the beard was no different from the shaving waivers for people with that pseudofalliculitis, or whatever it is (where skin grows over your whiskers or they grow while NOT penetrating the skin after you shave). However, that religion does NOT allow you to trim your beard either. Go google that one


When I retired, I got no shadow box, no retirement certificate for me OR my kids or spouse, and I was forced to lose 60 days of leave as well because the commander refused to authorize my selling it back. I left the service a VERY bitter man.

We are ALL held to a higher standard than civilians are. yet we are supposed to reflect a cross section of society. When our commander in chief commits adultery, he gets away with it. When our own USAF IG gets bagged for career wide sexual harassment, he gets to retire.
SMSgt Pavements and Construction Equipment (DirtBoyz)
SMSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
People that are uncomfortable enough to complain about words being spoken in their presence are simply weak willed.
TSgt Dave Beem
TSgt Dave Beem
>1 y
Tell that to the Jihadis bro...and they'll kill you where you stand. Some people take their religion VERY seriously..not just Moslems. To that region, the CRUSADES are "recent" history. They believe that Jesus was a prophet, but Mohammed was the last prophet, and they think that we're following the orders of the "old commander in chief" rather than the new one. The fact remains that nearly every branch of Christiantiy says that you'll go to hell if you don't follow THEIR particular brand. Otherwise, why would we HAVE so many different brands of Christianity? You have to remember that Christianity doesn't really have one overarching "brand". If there was one, the Catholics would be the obvious choice. But nobody speaks FOR the entire religion. Islamic Imams can sort of speak for their own sect or geographic area, and the highest Imams can speak pretty much like the Pope.

Remember that when you go to your confirmation (if you're Catholic) the priests states "Go forth as a SOLDIER of Christ."

But our oath states we will defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States of America, against enemies, both foreign and domestic, right? It doesn't say anything about defending Christiandom or ANY religion. For all we know, the HINDU god might be correct, as HE has different faces, or aspects. One could be Jesus, another Mohommed, or our versions of god. We take it on FAITH, and our faith tells us we are right in our beliefs. However, I don't recall EVER reading where Jesus renounced his Jewish faith. Can you find me a quote on that attributable to him? Because if you believe in the old testament as well as the new, we're ALL sons of Abraham (although trying to figure that one out without incest will give you a supreme headache..because of the Adam and Eve thing)

Our faith is no different from any other in one respect. We ALWAYS feel that "God is on our side (so did the Germans during WWII, for instance) and yet, NOBODY has ever HEARD God say this. HOW many people have perished in the name of religion, or FROM it, since humanity started to become civilized? There are no two people on this planet who have truly mirrored beliefs about God, religion or religious texts. Sort of like trying to getting a hundred Psychiatrists to agree on a diagnosis.. unanimously!

Go find what the bible had in it BEFORE Emperor Constantine codified it. You might be surprised at what you found. The Knights Templar are rumoured to have kept the texts of the pre-codified bible, hence their troubles with the Catholics, who branded them heretics (though we know the French king wanted their money, and condemned them with the sole purpose of breaking their power, but he never did find the
TSgt Dave Beem
TSgt Dave Beem
>1 y
From what I remember, those who came before Christ were taken care of as "innocents" since Christianity didn't exist. For the rest, well, if they'd never been EXPOSED to Christianity, I doubt god would throw them in the shitter. Oddly enough, there really aren't ANY dieties left out on their own..(greek gods, etc). So we all worship one supreme being of some sort.

The Hindu religion might hold the key, however. Their Diety, they say, has MANY FACES.

SO one face could be Christianity, one could be Islam, one could be Buddhist, etc until all the world's religions were spoken for.

You have to remember, however that the OLD TESTAMENT is pretty descriptive, and it HINTS, strongly as to how we got here on this planet.

From what I've read, the great flood wasn't to punish the rank and file people, but to kill the "bad" angels. I'm, sure you've read about the niphilm, right? Golaith was one of them, but he SURVIVED the flood. Now, think about this scenario, remembering that we were pretty darned primitive back then, so humans would have been VERY impressed with someone using a jet pack, or landing with a shuttlecraft.

Remember Ezekiels wheel? How about a space station watching over us long term as our race grew. THEN the worst thing that could happen, does. A meteor storm knocks the crap out of the station and they have to do a massive evac, asap!

They have a choice. Go back to where they came from (which certainly means everyone they knew is dead unless they were immortal) or go native. I think they CHOSE to go native. WHY? Because when homo sapiens suddenly appeared on the scene, they wiped OUT the Neanderthals in a mere 65,000 years.

As you can imagine, even the best technology wears out. and in 65,000 years the descendants of the crew would have regressed to nearly the stone age levels when their tech finally failed. But when they FIRST landed, the geneticists on that ship started playing around with different gene combinations. ALL legends have SOME truth to them. So where, would you think, would those legends reside?

Well, just about anywhere, but nearly EVERY culture has tales of centaurs, pixies, goblins, giants, The Sidhe and the Bane Sidhe, Trolls, you name it.

But the captain of that station tried to reign in those experiments since they were using their OWN DNA as well as the 'Proto humans". They spread, being viable, of course, and the way the old testament reads, they went out of control, and the ONLY way to kill them off was to effectively sterilize the chunk of the planet they were living on. Hunting them down would take resources they didn't have to spare.

Now for someone to develop interplanetary travel, much less galactic travel, they'd be abe to control the weather at least to some extent. Hence the flood. (of Noah's Ark fame)

An angel, fallen from grace, could have easily been members of the crew, or the gene tech folks, who were expelled from wherever the rest of the crew made for a permanent base/home.

Ezekiel's WHEEL was the space station falling from the sky. The "burning bush"? a hologram, for certain, but one with physical effects (heat, for instance) since the bush was unharmed after that event.

Now this is just a fanciful guess, but if you READ the old testament with a very OPEN mind (especially if you like science, you can darned near write a novel on what IS said and what is NOT said, but inferred.

And remember that the old testament, like the new, was rewritten thousands of times by scribes making copies..and trust me, they weren't afraid of a bit of surreptitious editing either. Remember, we're talking THOUSANDS of years here for the old testament. The bible itself was CODIFIED by Emperor Constantine, I believe. Codified meaning making this the OFFICIAL book. Back then there were MANY different versions of the bible making their way around the known world.

What was NOT included in the codified bible would be a VERY interesting read, I think.

But to a primitive society still trying to grunt thru the stone age, humans and their machines WOULD seem like they were gods. And due to their native intelligence, homo sapiens would spread VERY fast. But the native life forms were PLANTED here, and the research station was tasked with re-creating their OWN world, and documenting it every step of the way, to see if over several millennia, humans would result, or would something greater than humans evolve? Hence the research.

Now I do NOT believe this happened, but it IS plausible, I think, and the old testament really does read like a science fiction novel in a lot of ways, but it's hidden in the flowery speech used by the scribes who copied the old testament over and over. NOBODY really knows HOW old the old testament is. We just know where we found it. (I'm not talking about carbon dating, but where the ORIGINAL one was written, possibly from the captain's log or something along those lines

Christ came about LONG after the old testament was established. But you see, humans DO have legends of centaurs, giants and all the other beings I mentioned, and legends have a nasty way of actually having been based on fact.

Think about the word of mouth history you heard as nursery rhymes then. Ring around the Rosie, (black plague), Pocket full of Posies (to try to deal with the smell of the dead, and the dead being burned since there was no place to bury them all in individual graves when the black plague hit) Ashes, Ashes, they all fall DOWN (the ash in the air from the corpses being burned to try to suppress the spread of the plague)

And that's a simply nursery rhyme that's been around since medieval times.

Now, what I hope I did was make you all THINK, and maybe re-read the old testament, for you theologians may be surprised by what you read, when you look at it from a different perspective. So have fun with it.

And one thing STILL bugs me about Jesus. All these wise men came when he was born, yet we know virtually NOTHING about his childhood, or his siblings, which we know he had. You would think that whoever chronicled his birth would have hung around for a while to watch this remarkable boy grown to be a man. That story was written, I think. Whether it exists anymore? Nobody knows. But then again, nobody imagined finding the Dead Sea Scrolls either. An entire planet has LOTS of hidey holes, after all.

So go have fun. Think about that Hindi diety with many faces., I mean, we ALL worship the same god..and according to the bible we're ALL sons and daughters of Abraham (which really brings up some uncomfortable things to think about.)

Have a great weekend!

MAJ Glenn Bergeron
MAJ Glenn Bergeron
>1 y
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TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
>1 y
Good Morning!... Godly Men Who Stand For Righteousness!...
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
>1 y
Good Morning!... Warrior Women of God!...
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SPC David S.
Well what about the chapel - is that not taboo as well - underneath the main chapel there is a synagogue and in the back a nondenominational church as well - this was all introduced as a plebe - not to mention it was built with federal funds - church and state.
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Lucas Larzabal
The fundamental idea behind freedom of religion is the ability for each individual to, pardon the redundancy, freely practice their faith (that means anywhere). It is not, however, a freedom for those in power to limit religious expression. If an individual is offended by another's religious practices, the appropriate response is to simply not participate or say their own prayer. Practice of religion is a personal allowance for as long as it is voluntary and does not interfere with the mission.

In layman's terms; they can pray, you can choose not to participate or pray to a god of spaghetti and meatballs, but you can't prevent them from praying to whoever they choose. This needs to be viewed on a personal level in that each student chose to do this, and they are entitled to do so for themselves.
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SSG Warren Swan
Sir with all due respect this article is offensive. I say that because there is nothing wrong with the players praying. It's not hurting the mission (even though this is football), and if this gives the players or servicemen a chance to get a sense of calm before the game or a mission, I'm all for it. For the Generals to say that it plays into any terrorist orgs playbook, I'd ask him how many foot patrols or even mounted ones has he been on? I know my guys had no problem praying before moving out...EVER. If anything this video would play into OUR playbook as a sign of solidarity through religions or even those that are not believers. It's what we NEED now. There was an uproar over the football player who happened to be Muslim and after scoring a TD he got down and thanked Mohammed. Thank goodness cooler heads prevailed and he had the full support of his team, the NFL, and many fans. If we took this simple show of support away, something that doesn't cost any money, is open to those who want to partake in it, and doesn't hurt or offend those who don't, we've truly fell into the hands of the enemy. They've finally made it so we are taking away our basic freedoms in the pursuit of "security", and that isn't what we stand for. If any of those officers can show me where prayer of any faith has affected their missions, resulted in losses of man and equipment I'd amend my view.
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