Responses: 12
"The “Heck Hounds” of Whiteman AFB, Mo., have been using off-duty Predator drones to launch Hellfire missiles at drivers that run red lights or drive too slowly in the left lane."
If only this were real... might piss myself though if I saw the car run the red light in front of me and then go up in a ball of flames.
If only this were real... might piss myself though if I saw the car run the red light in front of me and then go up in a ball of flames.
SGT William Howell
SSgt (Join to see) What I would give to be able to launch just one Hellfire on my way home from work!
SSgt (Join to see)
SGT William Howell if only you could somehow modify your car to some 007 design where your headlights fold open you could launch the hellfire with the push of a button on your steering wheel... Would never have to worry about rush hour traffic again, as long as you could come up with an infinite supply of missiles to use.
SrA Matthew Knight
This probably explains why we get them damn hippies outside of the gate here once in a while.
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