Posted on May 31, 2017
CSM Charles Hayden
That photo was upsetting to me. For any eleven year old child to see that on television would cause any child to have nightmares! Apologies do not help when to a child has bad dreams about such a photo!
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 7
SSgt Gary Andrews
Whatever it's worth in court.......that can be the benchmark for the Obama girls.......who saw their Dad hung in effigy at some of those Tea Party get-togethers. I'm sure that was the cause of a few nightmares as well. Baron shouldn't have to deal with images like that, but let's not pretend the Obama girls didn't have stuff out there that they shouldn't have had to deal with either. It's an ugly world out there.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
SSgt Gary Andrews - And this right here, your response, your tit-for-tat response, is why this cycle will never end. Obama's thing was wrong when it happened. Trump's thing was wrong last night. Yet somehow, you're alluding that Trump's deal is SLIGHTLY more ok because someone did it to Obama 5 years ago. I'm here to tell you that not only are you wrong -- it's NOT in any manner more ok than that effigy 5 years ago - but that this kind of thinking is what perpetuates this sort of behavior. I know you yourself would never engage in such, but you tacitly endorse it with your response.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
>1 y
SN Greg Wright - Just trying to keep a little perspective in the'll notice all the other posts on this that blast the left.....not the individual person alone, but the though everyone on the left does this sort of thing.......and only those people on the left do this.......not those saintly people on the right. Neither is true.......there was nothing ok about what was directed at Obama......and there is nothing ok about what was just directed at Trump.
SSG Pete Fleming
SSG Pete Fleming
>1 y
SSgt Gary Andrews - neither is right. But if one is done by a nobody and seen by few... and one is done by a famous person and seen by many... which has the greater impact. Both are equally wrong in their act, but which gets the attention.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
>1 y
SSG Pete Fleming - more than a few saw the ugliness directed at Obama....but there wasn't the same level of outrage about it.......why do you suppose that was?
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PO3 Shayne Seibert
The hatred of the left has gone way beyond the pale. This has to stop. Period.

The boy will recover, but the damage caused by the lunatic left may possibly push the country to a point where it is ungovernable.

That may be their goal, but they are so far removed from reality that they think that only they can effectively govern.
SGM Mikel Dawson
SGM Mikel Dawson
>1 y
The worst problem is Obama set the standard for tearing the country apart. I haven't seen our people tearing each other apart so much since the mid 60's. Obama did keep one campaign promise - to change the country and he did, but not for the better. People got to stop this crap and start being Americans, if not the predictions of Jefferson and other will come true - we will be defeated from within.
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
While what Kathy Lee did was repugnant and disgusting and yes it is disturbing for youngsters, I do need to ask this why are the conservatives including the president wrapping their flag around a celebrity who on a stage several times threatening to kill Obama and Clinton with not even a blink of remorse.

Calling for and representing someone death is (I'll use the word again) disgusting we need to be careful not to head to far down this road for we start to act like sicko in Portland.

For those who forgot here is an article from 2007 when Obama children were you and it did make headlines:
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