Posted on Nov 28, 2020
Possibly PCSing to Korea in the Army. What should I know about being stationed in Camp Humphreys?
Looking at getting stationed in Korea for 2 years to do my command time. I've been there for a rotational deployment in an ABCT. What's it like being there as permanent party? What advice do you have? Going to be accompanied with a wife, kid and dogs.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
I would say live off base so you can really experience the culture. The housing off base from what I saw looked pretty nice for military. Having your car is nice. Get to bring one and will get to be able to buy another one when you get there.
Best assignment I ever had CPT (Join to see). Just about four or five miles south of the DMZ and we lived in the Quonset huts that CSM Charles Hayden showed you a picture of. Loved my Ramen noodles still do after 50 years!
CPT (Join to see) Be kind to the Signal Corps personnel you may encounter. Camp Casey, spring of 1955. 7th Engineers had secured a temporary, floating bridge with wire cables and a Coffin Hoist to keep it tight. (A Coffin Hoist is a small, very portable Chain Hoist).
The Engineer’s Coffin Hoist had somehow been replaced with a “3 Bolt Clamp” securing the cables.
7th Signal Company was right across the road and the bridge from the Engineers. Our mission included constructing telephone lines including telephone poles that were kept erect with Guy Wires.
When our LT entered our tent with an Engineer LT, some of our tent’s floorboards were found to be loose.
Gosh, there was a Coffin Hoist hiding there! (Article 32 requested)
The photo is of the River, before the bridge. CW5 Jack Cardwell
LTC (Join to see)
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen F.
SGT Philip Roncari
SGT (Join to see)
SFC William Farrell
SGT Gregory Lawritson
Lt Col Charlie Brown
The Engineer’s Coffin Hoist had somehow been replaced with a “3 Bolt Clamp” securing the cables.
7th Signal Company was right across the road and the bridge from the Engineers. Our mission included constructing telephone lines including telephone poles that were kept erect with Guy Wires.
When our LT entered our tent with an Engineer LT, some of our tent’s floorboards were found to be loose.
Gosh, there was a Coffin Hoist hiding there! (Article 32 requested)
The photo is of the River, before the bridge. CW5 Jack Cardwell
LTC (Join to see)
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen F.
SGT Philip Roncari
SGT (Join to see)
SFC William Farrell
SGT Gregory Lawritson
Lt Col Charlie Brown
SFC William Farrell
Nice pic CSM Charles Hayden. The barracks looks just like the one I was in in 1970! I did stop at Casey a few times but I was up at Camp Saint Barbara, home of I Corps Artillery. A few months into Korea and the last time I ever climbed a telephone pole. A hangover didnt help and I had to be assisted down the pole! LOL What was your MOS? I got trained as 36K originally.
By the way I see you tagged Gregory Lawritson. Unfortunately he resigned his membership over the trashing of Sgt Robert Pryor, a DSC recipient and severely wounded veteran by an "administrator," LTC Kevin Broom. I'd tag him but its not letting me. SP5 Jim Curry LTC Robert Dunn
By the way I see you tagged Gregory Lawritson. Unfortunately he resigned his membership over the trashing of Sgt Robert Pryor, a DSC recipient and severely wounded veteran by an "administrator," LTC Kevin Broom. I'd tag him but its not letting me. SP5 Jim Curry LTC Robert Dunn
CSM Charles Hayden
SFC William Farrell Interesting question that, what was my MOS? My AIT was for me to be a 3097, Telephone Installer Repairman. I actually did that in IX Corps’s, 101st Signal Bn’s T & T Co. in June - Sep 1954 near the Chiron and Kumwha Valley AO. Then, as the downsizing continued, I was sent to the 7th ID’s Signal Company at Camp Casey.
Heck, I give up! My orders to CONUS in 25 Sep 1955 show me with a 323.10 MOS. (Field Wire Team Chief as an SGT-5). Except SP5 suddenly started appearing as my rank while awaiting transport at Inchon RD.
My 214 dtd 4MAY1956 has me as a 311.68 Inf Communications Specialist. Soon after in the USAR, I was the ISG of HHC, 253 Inf Regt, 63 ID. Now I am confused!
Heck, I give up! My orders to CONUS in 25 Sep 1955 show me with a 323.10 MOS. (Field Wire Team Chief as an SGT-5). Except SP5 suddenly started appearing as my rank while awaiting transport at Inchon RD.
My 214 dtd 4MAY1956 has me as a 311.68 Inf Communications Specialist. Soon after in the USAR, I was the ISG of HHC, 253 Inf Regt, 63 ID. Now I am confused!
SFC William Farrell
CSM Charles Hayden - That is what I was trained as Chuck, Field Wireman, lines, phones, poles, switchboards! You're just a Jack of all Trades! While waiting to get on NYPD after active duty, I tried on get on with Bell Telephone. You had to know someone in those days so that never happened.
CSM Charles Hayden
SFC William Farrell Yeah! Bell Telephone! They offered me $140 a month in 1956. Heck, the Army had been paying me, a E-5 SGT, $160. Back to the machine shops for me!
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