Posted on Feb 13, 2016
LTC Immigration Judge
President Obama still has 343 days in office and the nomination of Supreme Court Justices is one of the duties of the office of POTUS. Likewise the senate has a duty to confirm qualified nominees (and not to disqualify or obstruct based on the senate majority's ideological leaning).

Senate GOP presidential candidates are "asking" Pressident Obama to allow his successor to fill the vacancy.
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Responses: 24
SN Greg Wright
Edited 9 y ago
LTC (Join to see) I'm going to answer this without jumping on either side of the aisle.

Human beings are monkeys. Monkeys want their bananas. Any given monkey wants his or her banana to be HIS or HER banana...not some other monkey's banana. Any given monkey doesn't want to SHARE his or her banana with anyone else, no matter what they chitter publicly. Every monkey secretly wants every other monkey's bananas. A given monkey might accept that he or she can't HAVE -your- banana, because s/he knows s/he'd be ostracized if s/he took it from you...but that secret desire is there. S/he wants YOUR banana, too. And s/he doesn't want to give up any part of his or her own banana in the process. S/he will work tirelessly in an effort to GET your banana, while maintaining a front of compromise and inclusion. But still. In his or her eyes, that banana is rightfully his/hers.

The long and short of all this silly rhetoric? Everyone in a position to effect this change is going to do so in a manner that MOST FITS THEIR OWN PERSONAL DESIRE AND VIEWPOINT. So you can come here on RP and cry foul that the GOP might play dirty...but if you do, that's only because, THIS time (as opposed to the many times before when the Dems played dirty), YOUR banana is at stake. This time, the GOP can play dirty to get what they want. That hasn't always been the case, and when it wasn't, the GOP types were the ones posting threads like this.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to sit over here and peel my banana. Which you'd best not try to take.

Capt Mark Strobl Sgt Kelli Mays COL Mikel J. Burroughs LCDR (Join to see) LTC Stephen F. SCPO David Lockwood PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SSG Warren Swan CPT (Join to see) PO1 John Miller Sgt Kelli Mays CMSgt (Join to see) PO2 Brian Rhodes CSM Charles Hayden MCPO Roger Collins SCPO David Lockwood Stephanie Johnson CPO Joseph Grant SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SCPO Charles Thomas "Tom" Canterbury LTC Yinon Weiss
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
9 y
LTC (Join to see) indeed, which is why the amendment process is included.
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
9 y
SSG Gerhard S. - How very since the filibuster stopped requiring actual filibuster and with the hyper-partisanship of recent decades the amendment process is no longer even remotely possible.
1SG James A. "Bud" Parker
1SG James A. "Bud" Parker
9 y
SN Greg Wright, If you keep Monkeying around we may just nominate you to head the Federal Department of Primate Control.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
9 y
1SG James A. "Bud" Parker - Please do. THEN ALL BANANAS WILL BE MINE!! :)
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SSG Gerhard S.
No, it is the job of the Senate to either confirm, or deny an appointee. Why should anybody be outraged regarding our Constitutional separation of powers?
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LTC Immigration Judge
Edited 9 y ago
To me, "asking" him to keep the vacancy for a year in the (GOP's) hope that a Republican wins the White House and the GOP maintains a senate majority is downright insulting. Nobody asked Reagan to wait a year when he nominated Scalia, and the Democratic senate did not obstruct. Ditto for George W. Bush's two Supreme Court nominations and Barack Obama's first two, none of whom were obstructed by the other party whether in or out of the majority.

I find it disgusting that so-called conservatives who love to flout the constitution are now trying to block a duty of the POTUS that is clearly defined by the constitution just because they want to keep their conservative majority that they've had in the court since th 1980s.

Elections have consequences, and the GOP lost th last two, which means they do NOT get to choose nominees for Supreme Court vacancies this terms.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
9 y
LTC (Join to see) - I can't help but notice that you replied to the issue that least damaged your position, rather than to LTC Yinon Weiss 's factual debunking of your opening statement. Your direct avoidance of facts that contravene your rhetoric says everything a cognizant reader needs to know about your position.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
9 y
TSgt Hunter Logan - I respect people that can back their positions, even when I disagree with said position. I'm ok with different viewpoints, and I'm even ok with being wrong (which happens disconcertingly often!). What I'm not ok with is band-wagoning hot air. Arguments to tow a line simply because it's the easy, accepted line. Simply because 'everyone else' is towing it.
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
9 y
SN Greg Wright - I cited his correction of my post by voting it up, because he was correct. Scalia was not the late appointment, Kennedy was. Six to one, half dozen to another.
1SG James A. "Bud" Parker
1SG James A. "Bud" Parker
9 y
Well Major Andrew Fiskin, you make a valid point but in the current state of affairs in this nation you may need to rethink what is disgusting to you, but is within the established Modus Operandi of our elected officials. The mere fact that Donald Trump is running for President is quite peculiar in itself, but with such a huge majority of the Republican Party expressing support for him it should give us pause. I believe his arrival on the scene illustrates just how irate the citizens are. A huge majority of citizens seem to find positions, Bills, Taxes, and other actions of the current batch of Representatives in the House and Senators to be abominable.
I believe "We The People" are sick and tired of the Status Quo in Washington, DC.
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