Posted on Dec 3, 2014
1SG Company First Sergeant
With the recent amount of stolen valor it is hard to keep up with all the different threads being posted here on RallyPoint. From this point forward if you have a stolen valor question, comment, and or post, then add it here. The posts that currently exist will stay, as we don't want to lose the already existing discussion content. If you have started a stolen valor post prior to this and wish to have it merged to this one then feel free to let me know and I will merge that for you. The initial post will be gone but the discussion content will be merged to this posting.
Posted in these groups: 524395 331088503647420 191451722 n Stolen Valor
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Responses: 380
SGT Chris Odell
I don't get it? If you were to want to be a poser, everything you need to know is at your finger tips. I'm proud to have done a job that people admire and want to be. But people don't understand that it is disrespectful to our Brothers & Sisters who have died for our country. I know I get more upset when I see real military who do not respect our dress, it makes us look bad.
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PFC Cedric Powell
And how long has SMA Chandler been SMA?
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Sgt Packy Flickinger
Sorry Army friends, I'm not at all up on your uniform standards. I loved going back and looking at the pic after your responses. I only caught a few things. You guys didn't like the sunglasses?
Sgt Packy Flickinger
Sgt Packy Flickinger
>1 y
I know, the comment was sarcastic.
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MSG Richard Suarez
Its a shame that this jokers, so call CSM gets away by wearing the uniform and discredits it. Maybe he should be put through the riggers of being a service member. I just retired two years ago and I can't shake the military out of me after 31 years with three combat tours and numerous deplyment. What this person committed should be against the law and should be charged for impersonating a Soldier. I bet if anyone impersonates a police officer, fire fighter or government official, the law will take action.
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SFC Senior Human Resources Supervisor
I think there are several things to note here:

Firstly, and perhaps unfortunately, this is not illegal. 1A protects people's right to do so as long as they are not attempting to gain tangible benefits.

Secondly, people seem to ask: why do people do this? We live in a militarized society. From video games (Call of Duty, especially), to the glorification we have for military conflict, people will impersonate.

Ultimately, however the major issue here is how we as a society welcome and even encourage military appreciation/admiration. It is the anti-thesis to the concept of a "quiet professional."
2LT Quartermaster Officer
2LT (Join to see)
>1 y
i think the one thing that these guys have in common and I am just assuming this is that probably in their real lives no one notices them. So they see all the military valor stories movies etc, and they think wow people will notice me if i dress up and pretend to be a war hero. Not defending it just trying to put a phycological spin on it i guess
SPC Joshua Costa
SPC Joshua Costa
>1 y
Actually Sgt this is Highly illegal... someone was just arrested for this its impersonation of a military officer/enlisted and flasely wearing a military uniform and falsly wearin military rank.... also anyone i know when the wear a military uniform they make it known by putting on a made up company or something or altering the rank
SGT Robert Cook
SGT Robert Cook
>1 y
It's unfortunate that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled playing dressup is Freedom of Speech. It's the same ruling which gave Fred Phelps and his bullshit congregation the right to protest at military funerals. But truth be known, there are likely not enough prisons to hold all of the impersonaters and posers who claim to be whom they are not. I for one am disgusted with these types of people, and find the whole idea of playing hero disrespectful. Simply put, I believe the Supreme Court needs to get their act together, and these pretendith heroes need to get a life.
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SGT Section Sergeant
We as a fighting force aren't here for glamour, we are here under the oath and values in which we took under contract. To try and manipulate the traditions of those that have fought and earned the awards they ware is disgraceful to every Soldier that witnesses this act of pathetic false heroism.
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SGT Team Leader
I wish we could give these people a reality check.public watch. Everyone he is showing off to have a real vet from what ever unit he or she is displaying, front them and then strip them in front of everyone.
steal there emotional high.they have no valor or integrity.
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Tumblr meqm0i9lzi1qe8mqro1 500
Sgt Jennifer Mohler
Sgt Jennifer Mohler
>1 y
Ha ha ha! I need this image! That is glorious!
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PFC CH-47 Helicopter Repairer
Edited >1 y ago
Sgm davis
So jacked
SGT Craig Northacker
SGT Craig Northacker
>1 y
This is so clown-like I do not think anyone would ever take him seriously. He looks like a left-over monarch in Monaco dressing for a night out. He is just missing his riding crop and monocle...
PFC CH-47 Helicopter Repairer
PFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Ahahahah. Isn't this guy (In the original post) A convicted felon? I just some some guys in the office reading army times or some kind of news paper that had his picture in it. And that's what they said.
MSG Greg Kelly
MSG Greg Kelly
>1 y
You know sometimes you just cannot get mad you have to just look at someone and say really! What is wrong with you?
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
>1 y
Now this dog don't hunt.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
I think I have SEEN this guy before...
I didn't see until I read the Army Times that he was in Minnesota somewhat west of where I live.
Dang it. I never get to bust a guy faking in uniform in public. I always just end up with the knuckleheads that talk themselves up in the bar.
MSG Greg Kelly
MSG Greg Kelly
>1 y
What's wrong with talking to yourself, I do it all the time as long as I do not answer myself I don't see the problem I don't do it bar though that's just crazy.
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