Posted on Aug 22, 2015
CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
Just as I have aforementioned here on RP I don't confirm to many of the traditional beliefs that most Christians adhere too. Now I digress.

This follow was caught on the Ashley Madison hack. He was a Christian Vlogger so I would tend to think he should have a good understanding how his faith system works. He had an account with the intent of going out of his way to meet women to have an affair while his wife just gave birth. Now what I don't understand he proclaims it wasn't his fault. Some how his flesh acted on it's own and did it. It wasn't him. But now that he told on his flesh he is good now.

My issue with this is that we all make mistakes to varying degrees. Some of use don't put the toilet seat down and some like this go pay to have an account to have an affair. But he did it. How can you blame something else. You should be blaming yourself. It is your flesh. You can't somehow be taken over by some other sinful entity and act on it against your will. It sounds like some sort of possession. This is what I don't understand. To me it is like a criminal that murdered someone saying "It wasn't me it was the rage. Now that I said the rage did it I should be free to go!" I don't think that is how it is supposed to work. It seems like a flawed system to me. He is talking is admitting his fault but is talking no responsibility for it. I am all about forgiveness and marriages should be something that we should fight for but they just seem a bit delusional to me. To him now he is cleansed. Maybe he should figure out if he really wants to be married. Something made him want to step out on his marriage.
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 34
SSgt Terry P.
Edited 9 y ago
Chickens**t jerk.
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LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
Edited 9 y ago
As a Christian, I wanted to take a moment to address this. First of all, common sense dictates that this guy's actions are indicative of prior character...not a moment of mere misjudgement. While we may share different points of view of "faith", you hit the nail on the head by stating this individual should understand the "rules" of his own beliefs enough to see the potential for hypocrisy when not taking full responsibility for his actions. RP isn't the place for extensive discussions on theology, but the "Cliff Notes" version of scriptural guidance is this; believers are still humans...humans are imperfect...Christ's sacrifice provided the means for divine forgiveness...attaining true faith is comprised of first admitting to sin and praying for that forgiveness, then living in a renewed state of mind. All too often, Christians "assume" that their "moment" during a highly-charged, emotionally driven acceptance of the faith equates to "scrubbing" of their propensity to sin. In reality, temptation never ceases as long as you live, and LIVING in the faith is as much about self-denial and discipline as it is about belief. Now, does that mean a devout Christian won't cheat on their spouse? No. Does that mean that if a Christian does, and repents, that he or she cannot continue to grow in the faith? No. What it does mean is that a Christian should always consider that what they do in "private" is never hidden from God, and live in such a manner that we are as ashamed of failing Him as others. Online activity presents new challenges because one, it is too convenient and two, the ramifications can catch up with someone YEARS after they may have overcome that influence in their life. When I married, my wife and I had long discussions about our past...present and intended future. I had things in my past I had abandoned prior to our relationship, but it was important to admit that these acts may have far reaching consequences. Furthermore, it's important for couples to understand that just like an alcoholic is always subject to falling back into old habits, online sexual activity is as near as the closest wi-fi.
CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
CPT (Join to see)
9 y
That is some good stuff. I agree with you. I think so many just run through the motions and don't realize this. I had someone I was talking to questions me on Christian morals due to me calling out another Christians for their lack of faith. The issue he had is that I don't really call myself on. I am a Deist. I view the moral system of Christianity as being more important than just having faith. I believe in God no doubt but I don't obey rule just to obey. I obey the rules because it is a valuable tool to live a fore fulling life. I think many fail this. You will break the rules. You can't stop that. But you have to see the value of the rule to realize why not to break it. It is like texting in driving. Some don't do it because it is the law. I don't do it because I don't want to die in a car accident.
LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
Great response Mr. Rosa.
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Sadly, there are times that people want to blame their failing on something else. The double edged sword that I see from a lot of people that claim to be religious is that some try to lay responsibility for things at the feet of something spiritual. It is said that god gave us free will. Saying something went well because god willed it or failed because of failing of the flesh acting on its own is a cop out. He was weak. Both as a person and in his faith.he just refused to admit it.
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SFC Jason Porter
You can claim any religion, but it does not mean you practice said religion.
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CPT Aaron Kletzing
Take responsibility for your actions.
CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
CPT (Join to see)
9 y
It is simple as that. To many want to claim to be all of that and then spin it when something goes wrong. I just hate the lack of accountability that one holds for themselves.
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SSG Warren Swan
Please. YOU did it. The keyboard didn't "posses" you, Ashley Madison's site didn't badger you, and there was no one at your door telling you that you had to do this at gunpoint. YOU made a conscious decision, backed with your hands and credit card and made an account. Own up to it and move on. If need be, repent to your wife and God. But in the end, YOU did it. Be. A. Man.
CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
CPT (Join to see)
9 y
What kills me is if you were curious you would have just seen the website. Or googled it. I googled it a long time to find it what it was. My wife didn't know so I told her. I have never had an account nor would I have ever got one. What kills me is that he is just saying he was curious about it. Curious about the site would have ended at a Wikipedia search. If you were curious to have an affair then you would have paid the price to join. So he wasn't just curious about the site but he was curious about having an affair.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
CPT (Join to see) - Sir, he was beyond curious. Dude had TWO different accounts. How is that "curiosity"? At that point with the first one, he knew what he was doing and what he was joining. It's a pay site, so again how was he "curious". He and his family placed themselves "above" the rest, and when things come to light, he's the "most hypocritical" person out there? Where's Huckabee now with his defending these "SuperChristians"? I know I'm ranting, but I hate when folks get a stage and tell others how they're living in sin or whatever and their life is better due to whatever religion is fashionable, just to find out they're just like the rest of us....they got to hide it better than the rest of us for longer.
CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
CPT (Join to see)
9 y
SSG Warren Swan - I agree. I see this as the greatest fault if their faith.
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CW5 Regimental Chief Warrant Officer
He evidently doesn't get it. Neither does his wife or she would leave his sorry butt in the dust.
CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
CPT (Join to see)
9 y
It gets better. Today there was a story about him threatening others at a conference for questioning the way he came out. So he was not invited to come back to the conference. What a winner.
MSG Floyd Williams
MSG Floyd Williams
9 y
The devil can give a person what he wants, then expose and humiliate him at the same time just to show Jesus we aren't worthy.
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LCDR Deputy Department Head
Unfortunately this is someone using (or rather attempting to use) this religion as an excuse. If he were actually a good Christian he would be remorseful and perhaps ask forgiveness instead of blaming his actions on a convenient lie.
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SGT Forrest Stewart
It is a sin. He's the one that committed that sin. He's the only one to possibility be blamed for that sin. He needs to take responsibility for his actions and stop trying to shift blame to anyone or anything else...
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CW4 Guy Butler
Reminds me of "The Devil made me do it" t-shirts...
CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
CPT (Join to see)
9 y
The classic excuse
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