Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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Responses: 536
MAJ Engineer Officer
I grieve and pray for those we abandoned. But my opinion of and feelings toward the U.S. decisionmakers in this event will not be expressed in a professional forum. Make of that what you will.
LTC Stephen F.
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SSG Tim Jessen
This is going to be a time where we have to stick together a lot more. The politicians need to be more concerned about the constitution and what it means instead running their own agenda. The government is going down hill. And it’s those that have been in those positions for 20 plus years that need to be replaced.
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PO1 Ricky Allen
When you think about the time spent from family, friends.
When you think about the lives lost.
When you think about everything politically connected to this, yes, you can and will be angry, so I’m not going to say the anger isn’t justified. I was a Journalist on an Aircraft Carrier during that time. I can recall the 1MC calls on how the fighter jets were hitting their marks and the encouragement of mission. I can recall the times I called my wife and watched my son grow up on a VHS tape (when that was a thing…) I can recall helping my shipmates battle depression, crumbled marriages and career drama.

Yet, there was still a mission to complete on top of all of this. So when I saw what was happening you realize we didn’t build solid foundation but a sandcastle — It looked good but completely erased at a moments notice of a strong wave.

But I’m a Believer in Jesus Christ, and sometimes things have to happen for things to happen. First thing never looks good, but God is Alpha and Omega. We have thousands that have come to the country and need to be helped mentally, physically, and spiritually. These are foundations we should have built in their homeland. This is our second chance to build in their hearts. That’s how I take it, that’s how I’m thinking, and you don’t have to agree. We’re all sharing here.

Regret eats at the heart and weakens the spine. We need strong Veterans and Servicemembers. We need people who will work this land called life, and pull the weeds, plant the seeds, and harvest when ready. Give thanks when appropriate, and have hope always.

And if you read this to the end, you’re part of what changes. Good luck.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
My brother-in-Christ PO1 Ricky Allen I think that worry eats at the heart and weakens the spine. Regret is akin to repenting in that when the Holy Spirit prompts us and reminds us of how we displeased the LORD it lead us to repent. Of course only HE can enable us to truly repent.
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SSG Roger Ayscue
Our Nation, being led by a Liberal, Senile, politician that will never put America First, has snatched Defeat from the Jaws of Victory and he and his cabinet and advisers deserve to be tried for treason.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Thank you my friend SSG Roger Ayscue for weighing in.
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SFC William Linnell
That is one heck of a question SSG. One that does touch the strings of those who physically trained and did missions with the Afghan National Army, National Police and Afghan Border Police.

I actually went over with a team of Advisers for the 201st Kandak, ABP along the Pak/Afghan border. The situation that happened could be blamed on our politicians and the Pakistan Government, who are suppose to be our allies/friends. As we reported on this back in 07' having the PakMil train, house and equip groups against the New Afghan government and its allies. We have caught PakMil in civilian clothes driving in Afghanistan with loads of weapons, ammo, grenades, RPGs. We even reported on a PakMil training site which was confirmed by some people.

So all the ground that the Tali took in such a quick fashion, mostly contributed without a shot being fired. We knew that the Afghan forces could not would not stand against anyone if we were there for them to "prove" themselves. That's the only time they actually showed initiative. Once it hit time for lunch that was it. They became lounge lizards. So it is of no surprise to a good deal of those who served/trained directly with them.

Also a huge blame goes to the Afghan government itself with Karzi. For fear of a coupe' they kept the three branches at odds with each other. With the main focus for everything going to the National Army, then the National Police and lastly for the scraps was the Border Police. Their whole government was corrupt. Could never track down or get a clear view of their pay. With the Pay officer taking his cut, then the Kandak Commanders down to Company Commanders. They would keep men on the books even though they upped and disappeared.

So with the news coming out of men not being paid for months, I understand how a lot of them just changed clothes and went home. Family is more important to them. Where were the US advisers that was suppose to be helping the new president in advising him with the Nations money? Looks like their President took off with a lot of it. The so called "political advisers" screwed the pooch here. They failed the US taxpayer, US forces and allies and worse they failed the Afghan People.

Upon hearing how our "experts" didn't see this coming? They all should be fired. They failed at their jobs and ignored decades worth of valuable intel of just how quickly the Afghan country would fall. it was all right there written in black n white and for what ever reason, whether they were too high on themselves, too smug, or just plain stupid passing up false analysis to make themselves look good, they seriously screwed that one up.

Upon the notice of President Trump saying that the US was going to start pulling it's troops out, the "geniuses" should've have had a plan in play to start the second round of screening of the Afghans that served the US and other allies. Since they were heavily screened before they could work for us and come onto any camp or FOB. So a second part to get them cleared should've been the last step before getting them on the planes. Another epic failure.

Now, with Bagram being the main hub of ALL that was Allied Forces, should never have been vacated. It was much more fortified than Kabul air field and could house those thousands of Afghans and American civilians with ease. They wouldn't have had the cluster they did at Kabul. But the "geniuses" in charge took a double whammy on that one.

Now we hit on the most heated topic. How in the name of Christmas baby Jesus did ALL those SENSITIVE ITEMS get left behind?? We all know that those sensitive items are individually signed for. It's a life or death situation for the individual to lose them. SO who was the authority that said specifically to leave them behind?? Plus to leave all those vehicles and helicopters serviceable? Those should've all been treated with a thermite grenade. Along with some much other equipment.

Now the Biden Admin is bargaining with the Tali like their a legit government?? It's only going to lead to an avalanche of other would be terror groups to be pushing for the same. They already done it with the Muslim Brotherhood. Everything that has happened and will continue to happen is ALL on Biden and his Administration. They can't use Trump as an escape goat, all his fault excuse. Own it and take responsibility for your actions. It's what is meant to be in the leadership position. Complete incompetence.

Was that too much?? I guess I could've made it short by saying, A complete and total command failure. I hate every action that was taken and so very embarrassed and ashamed of the President and his Cabinet.
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SGM Mikel Dawson
A real FUBAR
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Thank you my friend SGM Mikel Dawson for weighing in.
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SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
Sometimes the politics in the government makes your efforts meaningless. The only thing left meaningful is making sure your buddies come back home safe with you. Right now 200 American civilians were left behind.
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SPC Cherie Sanabia
I am heartsick, frustrated, and feeling betrayed by this administration. No, it would probably never have been an easy withdrawal, but we don't leave our brothers, sisters, military dogs and allies behind. We don't secure a civilian airport when we have a military one that is bigger and better defended. We don't leave $85B in weaponry behind to fully arm our enemies. This should make every American mad and those responsible should be held accountable! Period.
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SFC Josh Billingsley
I'm glad we are finally bringing this to an end, but I do wish more careful thought and planning had been put into this withdrawl. I am really disappointed with how this has been handled and I'm praying we can still get everyone out who needs to.
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SSG Bill McCoy
I feel for today's service memebers and have to think they feel the same as we Nam Veterans when the NVA moved into and overran Saigon in '75. Like in Nam, we've again deserted far too many of those who put their lives on the line by supporting us. Everyone thinks the Taliban are a bunch of stoneage heathens. While they are that, they also have many highty technical savvy members and since we've given them the names of those we'd LIKE to have safe passage, it's almost a guarantee that intel will be used to capture, torture and murder those who worked with us.
Bottom line - shameful that we didn't learn from our past - specifically from Vietnam.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Thank you my friend SSG Bill McCoy for responding and sharing your eloquent thoughts.
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