Posted on Feb 1, 2017
All eyes on Trump amid "serious spike" in Ukraine war
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 4
and what did BHO do for the last 9 months while he was running around an His Final apology tour...
LTC (Join to see)
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - how do you reduce appointed as the rest of Ukraine became Russian. Stealing the crime area its ships for sale and LS ports and defense industry is crippling to the Ukraine and helpful to Russia. And we made a promise to the Ukraine and so did Russia to take care of them when they give up their nukes. We changed our mind on that and the Russians lied to them on that
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1SG(P) (Join to see) - Obama I was Naive. But that is in contrast to Trumps psychosis and his loyalty to his boss in the Kremlin.
SPC Erich Guenther
Conflict was really started by the notorious tag team of Victoria Neuland (State Department) and HRC. Victoria still has her job.
They are just testing the new administration. No real advances in territory yet. If Russians start to roll West again the Far Right will howl and the Trump Administration will do something. Honestly though I feel a brokered settlement could be arrived at here. Even before the War the Ukranians really didn't want the Crimea and if a vote was held that was trully free the Crimeans would have opted out and I think Russia screwed up royally there. On the Eastern Ukrainian occupation, mostly Russians live there and I think if Ukraine kept the territory they would have been open to some kind of limited self rule status akin to Quebec, nothing like what the Russians are demanding. So I don't know if that would be as easy as the Crimea to resolve. It was incredibly dumb of Obama to slap sanctions on with no face saving way out of the situation, eventually that is going to lead to war as the Russians are not going to buckle on this issue that is right next to their National Capital. Distant country maybe but they are not going to buckle on the need to have a negotiated settlement, only way out of this. I just feel for the American Soldiers now in Poland freezing their arse off that in my view probably would not need to be there if we settle this issue via political agreement.
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