Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
My God if we had had all these guys claiming to be Vietnam Vetsreally in the field with us,we could have done human wave attacks on the NVA and VC and pushed the little suckers all the way back to China!
SGT Philip Roncari
SGT Keith Bodine _You always seem to speak the truth Brother,well said my friend.
SSgt Terry P.
SGT Philip Roncari - Yeah,if they had stood up then instead of avoiding the draft or protesting the war,we probably would not have lost so many lives for nothing.
Cpl Dennis F.
SSgt Terry P. - I disagree, a coward is a coward...and I wouldn't have wanted them in the field with me.
SGT (Join to see) Most of the dipshits that are running this country now were protestors and draft dodgers that claim some type of military affiliation after all the real shit is past and it is PC to be military.Seems to be especially prestigious to some to have been a Vietnam Vet. But they were no-shows when the shit hit the fan.
SGT (Join to see)
SSgt Terry P., Even some of those went to Vietnam, and still protested against us and the war. One that comes to mind is John Kerry. I don't know if he earned all those PH and SS and BS Medals, but it doesn't matter. He's a low life traitor to the Vietnam vets that went, served honorably, and died or were wounded, either physically or mentally.
PFC Ryan Forsberg
I don't understand why actual military service is not common in presidents anymore? They used to be hard core heros.
I was a college student in 1978 after serving 5 years and 9 months on active duty. I enrolled in a political science class at my college and on the first day of class the professor announced that he did like the government, the military, or veterans. He proved this statement by dropping veterans after 5 unexcused absences from class but not the civilian students. The veterans finally sought relief by asking the dean of students for help and then protesting. we finally got the professor dismissed from his position. I still dislike dodgers and poser regardless of their positions.
SSgt Terry P.
LTC Leonard M. Manning, Sr I,too,dislike dodgers and posers and sometimes like them less because of their positions.Many got their positions because of dodging and posing.
SGT (Join to see)
LTC Leonard M. Manning, Sr It takes some big ones to tell a class full of veterans that you don't like them, or the Military. I wouldn't have been able to sit there and listen to that. That really makes my blood boil, but I'm radical so what do I know?
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