Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Now that is a Hard Core Conscientious Objector, "I won't shoot but I'll tend to those that are shot while others shoot at me". My Uncles Mother Ship for his Landing Craft was sunk and he wasted no time getting the Marines off his Landing Craft on every trip after realizing that the Japanese had no interest in Empty Landing Craft. Just those ones full of Marines.
Thanks for letting us know SP5 Mark Kuzinski that "Desmond Doss was the only American soldier in World War II to fight on the front lines without a weapon." I am very thankful that the devout Seventh Day Adventist "ignored bursts of shells and artillery fire and tended to his injured comrades, lowering wounded soldiers carefully with ropes to the base of the escarpment."
Kudos to Desmond Doss.
Kudos to Desmond Doss.
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