Posted on Oct 10, 2023
Too Late as Israel Learns the Value of Armed Citizens
Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 7
Like you, I thought the Israelis had a generally armed population but apparently not. These people were totally unable to defend themselves. I think things are going to change. Let this be a warning to all here in the US of what happens with an unarmed population SGT (Join to see)
I don't necessarily agree with that logic.
Having a gun and carrying a gun are two separate things.
Carrying a gun and being proficient with it are two separate things.
Being proficient with a gun and being able - and willing - to put it in use in a stressful situation, with minimal collateral damage are two different things.
A well executed military attack against an unsuspecting and unprepared target will almost always be successful, even if the target is armed. Sure, you will take more casualties if they are armed. But the idea that there would not be a bunch of hostages if only they had been armed is not realistic.
Just my $0.02.
Having a gun and carrying a gun are two separate things.
Carrying a gun and being proficient with it are two separate things.
Being proficient with a gun and being able - and willing - to put it in use in a stressful situation, with minimal collateral damage are two different things.
A well executed military attack against an unsuspecting and unprepared target will almost always be successful, even if the target is armed. Sure, you will take more casualties if they are armed. But the idea that there would not be a bunch of hostages if only they had been armed is not realistic.
Just my $0.02.
SFC Casey O'Mally
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin That is definitely notable. But, like all trained skills, weapons proficiency is "use it or lose it." And if most of those folks don't have a weapon to practice with, well....
Sure, they'll do better than someone who has never handled a rifle before. But proficiency not maintained is proficiency lost.
It also plays into not just weapons proficiency but tactical proficiency. The likelihood of doing passable squad tactics with 9 random adults in Israel is far higher than with 9 random adults in the U.S. the likelihood of those 9 adults being WILLING to engage is also higher in Israel, due to past military service (and less diverse cultural ideology).
All of those are DEFINITELY factors in how well armed Israelis can defend themselves, and should not be discounted.
But even the US military - the finest military in the world - has been successfully ambushed many different times.
Not saying you do not bring up a very good and valid point, sir. It definitely shifts the casualty ratio more to Israel's benefit in a hypothetical attack. But IMHO it does not shift it far enough to overcome good planning and execution combined with the element of surprise.
Sure, they'll do better than someone who has never handled a rifle before. But proficiency not maintained is proficiency lost.
It also plays into not just weapons proficiency but tactical proficiency. The likelihood of doing passable squad tactics with 9 random adults in Israel is far higher than with 9 random adults in the U.S. the likelihood of those 9 adults being WILLING to engage is also higher in Israel, due to past military service (and less diverse cultural ideology).
All of those are DEFINITELY factors in how well armed Israelis can defend themselves, and should not be discounted.
But even the US military - the finest military in the world - has been successfully ambushed many different times.
Not saying you do not bring up a very good and valid point, sir. It definitely shifts the casualty ratio more to Israel's benefit in a hypothetical attack. But IMHO it does not shift it far enough to overcome good planning and execution combined with the element of surprise.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - Yeah and a lot of soldiers are "trained" to shoot M4s, etc, but doesn't mean they're good at it.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Point taken, but note the premise of the original post. Had these people been armed and with my added point of the basic knowledge of firearms likely taught during their conscription, many of these tragic events could have been prevented. Note, there are reports of parents literally putting themselves in-between armed Hamas terrorists and their children. With essentially nothing to prevent Hamas from killing them. IMHO, had they been armed, fewer would have been murdered and/or taken hostage. Hamas may have even had to rethink even the attempts in the first place.
As a legal gun owner who promotes responsibility in gun ownership, I own firearms in order to not only participate in the exercise of the 2nd amendment, but to also keep any would be enemy (foreign, domestic, home invader, etc) guessing as to whether they will have to deal with me and my weapon before considering an attack on me, my home, and/or my family. I train on a regular basis, because that has been ingrained into me. I've had an actual home invader before, so I know the feeling of instinctually going for my weapon, fortunately to end up seeing the home invader run away before I shot him. Had I lived in Israel or any other strict gun control nation, who knows what that person might have done.
Hopefully, we can both agree that every one of Hamas and those who directly enabled them should be put down.
As a legal gun owner who promotes responsibility in gun ownership, I own firearms in order to not only participate in the exercise of the 2nd amendment, but to also keep any would be enemy (foreign, domestic, home invader, etc) guessing as to whether they will have to deal with me and my weapon before considering an attack on me, my home, and/or my family. I train on a regular basis, because that has been ingrained into me. I've had an actual home invader before, so I know the feeling of instinctually going for my weapon, fortunately to end up seeing the home invader run away before I shot him. Had I lived in Israel or any other strict gun control nation, who knows what that person might have done.
Hopefully, we can both agree that every one of Hamas and those who directly enabled them should be put down.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
So by extension you’re essentially saying our military is useless? I don’t think anyone is saying every gun owner, American or not, is an expert or even sufficiently proficient with a gun. The premise of the post is guns ARE a deterrent and they do make an enemy think twice about whether they are willing to take on the challenge of dealing with an armed would-be victim.
Even a proficiently trained person has to deal with the realization of killing another person, an act which can also cause hesitation and the perception of incompetence with guns. But this isn’t the point. The point is, would an arm Israeli population have deterred many of the direct Hamas attacks, murders, and kidnappings. I say yes, it would have. Would some of them died defending themselves and their families? Possibly, but at least they’d have a better chance at defending themselves and their families. I’d rather go down going for or shooting my gun, than to watch helplessly, as terrorists gather me and my family to use us for their evil purposes.
Even a proficiently trained person has to deal with the realization of killing another person, an act which can also cause hesitation and the perception of incompetence with guns. But this isn’t the point. The point is, would an arm Israeli population have deterred many of the direct Hamas attacks, murders, and kidnappings. I say yes, it would have. Would some of them died defending themselves and their families? Possibly, but at least they’d have a better chance at defending themselves and their families. I’d rather go down going for or shooting my gun, than to watch helplessly, as terrorists gather me and my family to use us for their evil purposes.
All Israeli citizens to have military training and are part of the Israeli "reserve" and in times of crisis are able to be called up (or volunteer to return to service) to fill out the ranks. All IDF soldiers (like US Marines) are all considered Infantry first.
The IDF's rifles are kept with their units but during times of increased security active IDF soldiers often carry their rifle everywhere they go. Once the crisis is considered resolved the rifles and ammo are turned into the unit. IDF soldiers on leave/vacation are required to carry at least one magazine with them at all times, but often they carry four or more.
When an IDF soldier is discharged from active duty they have to turn in their rifles. IDF soldiers are never discharged during a crisis.
Often Israeli citizens that are out of service will attend updated IDF training in their field of expertise, which often includes range with the main battle rifles of the IDF.
SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D CPL Douglas Chrysler SFC Casey O'Mally Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin Maj Ronald (Ron) Scarpa Lt Col Charlie Brown SPC Kevin Ford LTC Trent Klug SPC Glen Zarembski CMDCM John F. "Doc" Bradshaw
The IDF's rifles are kept with their units but during times of increased security active IDF soldiers often carry their rifle everywhere they go. Once the crisis is considered resolved the rifles and ammo are turned into the unit. IDF soldiers on leave/vacation are required to carry at least one magazine with them at all times, but often they carry four or more.
When an IDF soldier is discharged from active duty they have to turn in their rifles. IDF soldiers are never discharged during a crisis.
Often Israeli citizens that are out of service will attend updated IDF training in their field of expertise, which often includes range with the main battle rifles of the IDF.
SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D CPL Douglas Chrysler SFC Casey O'Mally Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin Maj Ronald (Ron) Scarpa Lt Col Charlie Brown SPC Kevin Ford LTC Trent Klug SPC Glen Zarembski CMDCM John F. "Doc" Bradshaw
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