Posted on Nov 15, 2016
What to Do About Trump? The Same Thing My Grandfather Did in 1930s Vienna
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 5
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Wow that is a very interesting perspective. I agree with the principles that the author puts forward. Judge a person on what they have shown themselves to be, not what they claim to be. If the two are the same beautiful, if not the old axiom actions speak louder than words needs to be applied. Going with that, the Breitbart person Trump appointed to his transition has by his actions shown himself to be a passive racist at best, outright racist at worst. This means that Donald Trump has already brought divisive people into his administration. So his actions are speaking. I will withhold judgement until the inauguration when he has to start setting policy. I can only hope that he acts on the words spoken after the election as opposed to the hate spewed during the election.
Very well put, and spot on. No matter how much "good" he could possibly do in office, emphasis on possibly. He's already divided this country racially more than any sane person could ever claim Obama did. He'd shown he was a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, megalomaniac, bully before he won the election. His comments, many of which he back peddled on or tried to explain away, even more after the Republican party got a muzzle on him, bore his true colors for the world to see. That's why he's asshole buddies with Putin and Russia is celebrating his victory. Small minded dictators stand together. The message this sends to minorities: Blacks, Hispanics, Middle Eastern peoples (it doesn't matter if you are Muslim, just if you look like one), Women and small girls, is that men can say and do anything they please without reproach. If the president can be all those things then so can I. Voting him in was voting us back to the '50's and '60's. I don't like Hillary, but Trump isn't and never was the answer. He purposefully incited hate motivated violence at his rallies. Directly said it, "punch him in the face" that's one example. The hate crimes post election are directly linked to his very clear message. He pandered to the ignorant, the racists, the misogynists that think women are objects and should be barefoot and pregnant. He was so openly blatant about it there is no explaining it away. There is no turning a blind eye. Unless deep down you are like him in some way. Has there ever been an election in history where there has been protest marches? I can't think of one in the past 100 years. Looking at the people protesting they are not all minorities, the majority of them are white. The fact he won by majority in rural areas doesn't escape my attention. I was born and raised in Florida and have now lived in Kentucky for four years. They still use the word "colored" here and haven't gotten over the fact the South lost. I now have been in Lexington two years were they are more with the times. The counties Lexington and Louisville are in were the only counties in the entire state that voted blue. They are also the only two major cities. I grew up in the country, I know the mindset. When I was stationed at Ft Leonard Wood, MO I went with a group of friends, one who happened to be black, to another buddies birthday party where he grew up. This little valley was less than 30 minutes away but it might as well have been a different continent. My black friend felt a bit uneasy there. Then this girl, about seven or eight years old came over to him and started rubbing his arm. His look at me said "wtf"? He looked at her and she looked up at him and said, "doesn't it come off"? She was not kidding, she had never heard of, much less seen a black person. To be honest it looked like no one had married outside the valley since the civil war. He decided to take the moral high ground and told her why it didn't come off and that there were a lot of people out in the world just like him. From a child it's innocence. From an adult that knows better?...Neither candidate was fit to be president. America has chosen the least fit. We all have to deal with the ramifications but that does not mean we will sit down quietly and take it. I am glad I am retired. They would have to discharge me because I would not serve under someone so foul. He doesn't think of the military as serving America he thinks of it the way he thinks of everything, serving him. I cannot fathom why any woman of ANY race or religion would have voted him in. I'm sure many their husband told them too. I am not a bleeding heart liberal as I'm sure many are thinking. I'm am a disabled vet and a Democrat, but I'm a realist first. Had Trump been a Democrat I would have voted Republican. He embodies everything America is not. The reason he's Republican: 1- he's rich, 2- he's got the "good ole boy" mentality. He's in no way conservative, except to make sure he holds onto every dime he makes at others costs. He definitely doesn't have the moral and religious family values the Republican party support. He is not a good role model unless it's to a Neo-Natzi, fascist group, like minded people or people that are delusional that rationalized and fooled themselves into thinking he was right for the job. He is definitely NO role model to non-white Americans or women. I will never understand the amount of rationalization that had to happen to get him voted in. This was a lose-lose election. Neither Hillary or Trump should have been chosen for candidates. In the end Hillary was still the lesser of the two evils.
I'm not happy with Donald Trump's extreme neo-Nazi advisor I hope he gets the rest of the stuff on this case so much that he quits or remove him.
LTC (Join to see)
PO2 William Allen Crowder - okay maybe that are nasty but he hates people are Jewish in his kids school and he's made anti-jewish comments OK he is not a Nazi but he definitely is not a Main Street maybe the shock jock like Howard Stern on radio I don't know but it is troubling not a medal of honor winner and he's not Mother Teresa.
LTC (Join to see)
Actually it was me shaking my head. What benefit can this gentleman bring to his cabinet? I would hate to see this guy go with Donald Trump to Israel and meet president Netanyahu. I would like to see this guy at the Simon wiesenthal Foundation. I would like to see best man at Auschwitz concentration camp. I would like to see how this guy would react at Oskar Schindler's burial site in Israel. If Jews are Kryptonite to him then why is he going to be on the cabinet?
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