Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 173
SFC John D.
Edited 1 y ago
I'll believe a respectable organization like RAND before I believe the portrayal by the far-left Daily Beast, even if there is a slight possibility that there might be some truth to it.

I willingly grant the premise the documentary writer makes that far-right extremists will try to recruit from the military, but I completely reject the notion that the military is full of far-right extremists or that they have a 'significant foothold' in it.

A recent RAND study ( showed that there was no evidence to support the notion that the veteran community, as a whole, manifests higher rates of support for violent extremist groups or extremist beliefs than the American public.

In fact, since White supremacists were mentioned, you were five and a half times more likely to find far-left extremist support (Anfita) than you were for White supremacists (5.5% vs 1%), both which is far less than the rest of the population (7% of nonveterans support White supremacy and 10% of nonveterans support Antifa).

As the study says, "Vets on average seem to be very resilient to those efforts. And so I think that some of the characteristics that draw you to serve your country will help protect against forces that would undermine your country"

So yes, while I expect the left to lap up some documentary stating the bias beliefs (at least for Goldsmith) of those he interviewed, I'll stick with something more reputable.

But, But, But ... UMC did a study and found that almost 1 in 7 of the people from Jan 6th were veterans! Ok, Chicago police arrest stats show that 70% of the BLM rioters that were arrested for looting, arson, and violence between 29 and 31 May were black. Raise the alarm! Of course that is as non-sensical as someone picking the veteran stat out of the mix and saying it proves that veterans are predisposed towards extremism.
SSgt Jeanne Wallace
SSgt Jeanne Wallace
11 d
LTC Jorge Cordero - my dad was a Korea vet my uncles were WW2 and my grand father was WW1....people who were "anti fascist" in their generations did NOT take over govt buildings, break into stores to steal shopping carts full of product, did NOT try to burn police stations, with the cops inside, and court houses, and did NOT barricade themselves on public streets and declare themselves a sovereign country ...... back then when people protested things they weren't ashamed to show their faces either.
LTC Jorge Cordero
LTC Jorge Cordero
10 d
SSgt Jeanne Wallace - Exactly, on Jan 6th the new breed of fascist tried to take over the capitol building.
SPC Paul Eiden
SPC Paul Eiden
9 d
SSgt Jeanne Wallace - Right on...
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
9 d
LTC Jorge Cordero - Serving in the U.S. Armed Forces against fascist dictatorships like Germany and Italy is NOT at all the same as being involved with ANTIFA. ANTIFA is a domestic terror group that is much more Nihilist than they are "Anti-Fascist". ANTIFA burns down government and commercial buildings and fights the police. ANTIFA doesn't like obeying the law. That is NOT what the armed forces do. You cannot accurately equate the U.S. Armed Forces with the terror-criminal group ANTIFA.
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SGT Jim Arnold
MSG Lonnie Averkamp short answer is no. there are screw ups on both sides of the political spectrum and a few in between but to call a whole group radical is ridiculous
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
7 mo
SPC Henry Strong - It's a very old song: "The youth of today..." Even ancient Rome people complained about it. (Plenty of refs for that). And, the "rats" have ALWAYS been "in office", The "job" attracts them! "Power corrupts" is being shown, now to be mostly wrong: Power ATTRACTS those already corrupt & power hungry.
Yes, clean up our own messes; but it is bound to fail with the immense divide, hate, blame, lack of taking responsibility for your own side here, too.
SPC Henry Strong
SPC Henry Strong
7 mo
I agree but we need to start some where. I have seen how other countries look at us from there side and how I as an American see us now. This just blows my mind away.
I will not travel out side the US anymore because I am ashamed of what our government is doing to all of us and even to our friends and allies around the world.
I am tired of all the lies they say and all the false reporting going on.
We really need to start getting our lives in order because life is short and we do not have much time left.
SPC Henry Strong
SPC Henry Strong
7 mo
Spc Mark Marquette: I am not saying that it was the last few presidents that are at fault nor am I pointing any fingers at anyone in our government. All I am saying is that we currently need to have term limits in place to rid the government of the old blood and put new fresh blood in to get us a fresh start. I am a strong Republican who only votes republican and I am proud to say this my family has been voting republican for several years. I don't like seeing that all of our hard work of our fellow service brothers and sisters who gave the ultimate price for our safety and security of this great nation go un appreciated and disrespected by some old cronies in the government. This is what I making refferance to.
SSgt Mary Dungan
SSgt Mary Dungan
3 mo
If anyone is radical. it is the right. they have systematically started dismantling this country ever since the Tea Party, but much more with MAGA cult members. Not saying everyone on the left is perfect, but there not trying to destroy democracy or tying to pit left against right. i remember back to when we could actually agree to disagree. That day is long past thanks to MAGA and Trump.
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SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
That's the sort of thing you see when one reads trash. Pay no attention to it. MHO
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
7 mo
SPC Kent Laughlin - Hi Kent. Who we are and what we say, our opinions, are always going to "hurt" someone even when we are very diplomatic in the way we present ourselves and in the diplomatic way we word our opinions. This is just the way the world is and how humans interact with one another. Please express yourself, remembering that one person's critical or negative opinion of us can be ignored but we need to take note when several persons' critical or negative opinions of us are being expressed. If we don't express our opinions, at the end of life we will tend to say that we wished we'd been more assertive and more open and vulnerable with our opinions.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
7 mo
SSG Bill McCoy it sure is.
PO1 Robert Ryan
PO1 Robert Ryan
7 mo
Drill Sergeant SSG Phillip MAI Fort Jackson South Carolina March 1967 " Opinions are like butt holes everyone has one and they all stink". So I keep my opinions to myself.
SFC Preston Schleinkofer
SFC Preston Schleinkofer
1 mo
SPC Kent Laughlin - Do Not Sensor Yourself to save someone else's feelings. State your case or don't comment, but don't justify your non-comments. In our world you either speak up for yourself and your views or you end up having someone else's views forced on you, like this b.s. at colleges right now. Speak your mind, that's what being grown up is all about.
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Do you believe that "Radicalized Military Vets" are a true threat to the Nation?
LTC John Griscom
I know that most of the veterans still take their oath very seriously.
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
11 mo
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall - That is the main issue. Your definition of a "domestic enemy" could very easily be different than my definition. Extremist on both sides of the spectrum have used that as justification for their actions.
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall
11 mo
I’m afraid this is an issue we will not be able to avoid in the coming times.
LtCol Bruce Janis
LtCol Bruce Janis
9 mo
SFC John D. - I truly ish I could down vote you several times. Just what is your definition of a domestic enemy? ANTIFA? The woke movement? Probably not. I look at what my kids and grandkids will have as a country and intensely dislike it. Hope you are studying up on Mandarin!
SSG Willie Means
SSG Willie Means
9 mo
LtCol Bruce Janis - i recall a particular System from my Artillery Days we trained with for such as nations with millions time millions of people. I also recall beginning to think the System was not real until they caught the Chinese man trying to return to his country with specifications describing the System and it's purpose. I hate it like shit that those young idiots watching The Apprentice were the ones who powered that man into the White House! From Artillery to Public Affairs I ran into those who brought their racism and prejudice into the Military with them! Five years ago I saw numbers listing the Veterans' Population around 24 million. I saw an article recently listing a population of between 10 and 15 million. Scratched my head and wondered where they got their information. When I got to Germany in '77 my Battery was full of Vietnam Veterans who talked of areas where the damn rubber trees were planted being nonfire zones and other kind of shit. Spill Our People blood and allow those russian influenced fighters to run to them because they knew they were safe zones. Both sides of the aisle have some really messed up people who have no business being in Congress. If I say none of those people need to hold office unless they have Military Time, many of you will say we will have a Police State. I don't think so, if we had a heavy leaning and Pro Congress for the Military I seriously doubt we would be having that situation with the tuberville man!
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SFC Marc W.
Edited 1 y ago
He is an entertainment critic, generally speaking his opinion is completely useless.
I haven't seen the movie, but the article does nothing to actually support all the claims in it with any kind of fact, statistic, or data; he simply quotes politicians.
For a long time there was talk of how gangs were sending people into the military to get training to become more useful on the streets.
There will always be fringe groups and there will always be veterans who feel betrayed by the government that join them. It isn't really limited to any race or religion. But when they focus it down this way, they make it seem as if 50% of vets end up in these groups and that they number in the millions in size.
How many vets were involved in the riots throughout America's major cities during 2020? Why aren't we exploring that since they want to go so heavily into the capitol intrusion?
I wouldn't put this as an article anywhere near realistic, but simply garbage click bait; which I bit, because it was here.
SFC Marc W.
SFC Marc W.
9 mo
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall I use duckduck go on the regular, have for some years.

SPC Mark Marquette You are just a troll and unworthy of any real conversation. Point in case: you refer to the freedom caucus as "insane, morons, actually!". I'm not actually sure why you are here because you are doing exactly what you accuse so many others of doing; spreading your opinion as fact. The real point remains that you do so at such a volume that you think drowning others in your opinion will make it real. You gaslight people and call it 'reality'. The fact that you are not verified and claim retired status makes me believe you are little more than a basement troll who might have actually stepped foot in a recruiter's office; oddly reminiscent of Hillary's comment during the campaign season. Good day :: insert pronoun here ::
SFC Marc W.
SFC Marc W.
9 mo
Correction: SPC Jeff Daley, PhD I have been using duckduck go for some years and still need to search for full results. Just far less than say google or other big engines. I appreciate you spreading the word though.
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall
8 mo
SFC Marc W. really? It’s now name calling? Suppose you like the new politically correct base names. Dude just pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
SFC Marc W.
SFC Marc W.
8 mo
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall I'm not sure where the confusion is that got you wound up towards me, so let me clarify:

First and foremost, you were incorrectly tagged in that response, notice how I mentioned duckduck go, and immediately followed up that comment below it with "Correction" then put the correct name in there?
Secondly, I tagged marquette in the fully separate paragraph to address him specifically.
Lastly, if you were going to respond to anything I said, it should have been about duckduck go as the second paragraph was not for you.

I did not attack you, so I won't take your questions or suggestion personally. There are trolls on this site that deserve that love more than me. As a side note, renaming the bases is idiotic and shows a complete lack of understanding of history by those looking to destroy statutes, hallmarks, and renaming anything.
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LTC Trent Klug
Nope. Remember just two years ago, a stand down for the military was ordered. After leaders got done sniffing around, only about 100 personnel were discharged for their extremist views. Not even a blip on the radar .
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
7 mo
MAJ (Join to see) - I DO apologize! I took your "'left-wing' entrapment psyop" and all subsequent actions, deaths, etc., to be, on the whole, somewhat outside the social norms. Some would say to the extent of extremeism, given the death toll.
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
7 mo
SPC Mark Marquette - My Lai (my AO), about a year before I got there; to LZ Bronco, there when the story broke.. i talked to guys there.
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
7 mo
SPC Mark Marquette - OK, AGAIN, I can't find how to edit or delete a comment. NO, I am NOT saying This book is about My Lai/Song My. That is IN ADDITION to that tragedy, that travesty of warfare, of honour, of American values.
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SFC Chief Executive Officer (Ceo)
Edited 11 mo ago
I used to teach anti/counter-terrorism and I would point out that a guerilla war is currently being waged in America that most people that are not familiar with guerilla war are oblivious to. This is the unclassified version of the Unconventional Warfare Pyramid. There are only minor differences and a couple of additions in the classified version. Read it and study it from the bottom up, then ask yourself, WHO is actually following this? It is not the right, conservatives or veterans. Veterans took an oath to Defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. IMO, most veterans will hold and support their oath to the Constitution. The situation we currently have is interestingly unique. Usually, it is a faction, undermining a government. In America, we currently have parts of the government, undermining the Constitution, which is the founding documents and foundation of that government. In addition, we have parts of Law Enforcement and the DOJ, clearly (and provable) violating the Constitution and giving favoritism to specific bodies, organizations, persons and groups while clearly making examples of others that do not follow their agenda. If this continues, you will have a breakdown of the entire judicial system, and anarchy will ensue. The judicial system, and the promise of equal justice , according to the Constitution, has been what held this country together for 247 years. When the judicial system breaks down and favors one part of the population, it creates massive animosity from the other parts of the population and the country as a whole WILL devolve.
In addition, the U.S. currently has a government that has abdicated it's primary responsibility according to the Constitution, which is to "Provide for the Common Defense", ie the protection of America's borders." Talk to any Border Patrol agent and they will tell you they don't have control of America's Borders and we are being overrun.
I could go on and on, but you should get the drift. We are heading for a breakdown of society but it isn't going to come from "Radicalized Military Veterans".
SPC John Tacetta
SPC John Tacetta
9 mo
Looks like the current Republicans may be into this one.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
8 mo
Nice graph.
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
7 mo
I'm a little late to the party, SFC (Join to see), but like SGT Mary G. are on target. Thank you for your post.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
3 mo
SFC (Join to see) - Something unique, is that Combat Armsmen THINK in a "What-If" mentality, and often at a Base Level. When I was in the woods with a Team, I came up with the phrase "Reality is a Warm Campfire, a Loaded Weapon, and Dry Socks" (meaning that everything on CNN, and Wall Street, and even at home with the wife was irrelevant out there). That being said, I also try to remember the rule "Don't Invest With Your Heart", meaning to not use love over sense in investing - - and that is investing Time or Money or Emotion. Example, I was a Private Pilot and loved Aviation. But one of the best ways to lose a fortune is to invest in most startup aircraft companies. I like firearms, but the deck is stacked against firearms companies. So I absolutely agree with your premise, but there may come factors to accelerate it or completely throw it off - - like a bullet striking a blade of grass at 50 yards can cause a complete miss at 200 yards.
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CSM Thomas Ray
“It’s difficult to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s impossible to win an argument with an idiot.”
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
9 mo
You deserve a salute for that
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SPC James Neidig
I Think A lot Of The Military Veterans Who Are Currently Joining The Anti-Government Groups Are Not Happy With The Current Administration And The Direction They Are Taking It.
Because No True American Patriot Would Accept A Socialist Style Government , Most Believe That Hard Work And Dedication Are The Path To Success, Not Government Handouts.
SPC James Neidig
SPC James Neidig
8 mo
[~1631234:CSM Thomas Ray
The Southern Border IS Wide Open.
My Wife’s Cousin Was Living In Suburban EL Paso And Told Us Of Many Occasions Of Illegals Crossing Their Property, One Time Some Cut The Lock Off Their Shed And Were Hiding In There. They Had Multiple Break-ins Of Their Vehicles And Two Attempted Break-ins Of Their House.
They Finally Got Fed Up And Sold Their House And Moved Further Away From The Border.
They Said The State And Local Police Would Respond And Arrest The Illegals That Were Committing Crimes, But Border Patrol Were Hardly Ever Seen In Their Neighborhood.
SFC Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
5 mo
SPC James Neidig - FYI - Socialism is not equal to Communism...we had socialist programs for more than 100 years...
SFC Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
5 mo
SPC James Neidig - No, it is not...that is something that Faux news keeps repeating until you guys actually believe it...
SPC James Neidig
SPC James Neidig
5 mo
SFC (Join to see)
Social Programs Are Not The Same As A Socialist Government.
Check History For Socialist Governments In The Past 100 Years, They Have All Failed, Because They Restrict Capitalism, Target Certain Races, Religions And People Who Don’t Agree With Their Ideology, Ask The Jews , Blacks And People With Disabilities Who Lived In Western Europe From 1933-1945 During The Reign Of Nazi Occupation, The Actual Name Of The Nazi Party Was National Aryan Socialist Party .
Communism And Socialism Both Restrict Rights And Privileges Of Certain Groups Of People That Don’t Agree With Their Political Ideology,
There Is One Social Program In This Country I Think Should Be Shut Down! Or A Time Limit Implemented.
WELFARE ! There Are Carrier Welfare Recipients WHO Have Been In The Program For 20+ Years.
Paying A Woman To Have Children Is Not A Good Way To Get Them To Work For A Better Way Of Life , A Lot Of The Children Of Welfare Mothers Continue That Way Of Life Or End Up Committing Crimes To Get Money To Support Drug Addiction.
That Is A Program I Know Personally About My Wife And I Were On Welfare Back In The Late 80s For A Short Time, The Worker Told Us The More Children We Had The More Money And Food-stamps We Would Get.
I Got A Job Working For Military Sealift Command And Never Asked For Another Handout Or FREE Money From The Government, I Have Worked For Everything I Have Now, I Didn’t Even Accept The Stimulus Money They Were Giving Out.
If I Didn’t Earn It I Don’t Want It .
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
Anyone who is radicalized is a threat to something. Are they a threat to democracy, whether they are for or against? Are they a threat to society? Bottom line is that no one should take up arms against our government, we fight within the country through peaceful demonstrations and our vote.

Radicalized anyone is fine as long as they protest peacefully and allow the system to work. What we have seen in the past couple of years has been wrong on all fronts, not one group or party has clean hands. The riots and pillaging in the streets, as well as the March jntobthe nations capital (in addition to others) are prime examples of radicalization gone wrong.

We have always had armed individuals who exercise there rights to bare them, it is the stated purpose that makes right from wrong.

We should follow the law, and enforce the law, whether that be in our inner cities, or at our borders. Enough is enough.
CSM Darieus ZaGara
CSM Darieus ZaGara
12 mo
SFC (Join to see) that is what is great about this country, we can disagree and not try to hurt each other. Have a great weekend.
SPC Vonnie Jones
SPC Vonnie Jones
11 mo
I agree well said.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
9 mo
So many folks do not want to do the work of using the system, effectively as intended. We should be advising those who we elected of our concerns and know enough about what we are concerned about to be making specific suggestions - like specific legislation under consideration. We need to at least be responsible enough to try, instead of first peacefully protesting. That is supposed to be our "last resort" after we have done our jobs of advising those in office of our concern - when results are not forthcoming.
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
8 mo
I agree. Exhaust all avenues of the system.....butI cannot agree with Never take up arms against the government. 1946 and the McMinn County War comes to mind. Some might point to Ruby Ridge (Weaver should have gone to court...but a "clerical error" made it so he didnt know.) So, no, I leave taking up arms on the table....the whole point of the Bill of Rights? No?
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